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《揭秘启示录》 第582节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 582

582. 13:5 And it was given a mouth speaking great and blasphemous things. This symbolically means that the doctrine teaches evils and falsities.

A mouth speaking symbolizes doctrine, preaching and discourse (no. 452). To speak great and blasphemous things means, symbolically, to teach evils and falsities. For greatness is predicated of goodness, and in an opposite sense, of evil (nos. 656, 663, 896, 898), and blasphemies symbolize the Word's truths falsified, thus falsities. What blasphemies symbolize here specifically may be seen in no. 571 above.

The doctrine teaches evils because it dissociates works of the law, thus things one ought to do, from salvation, and anyone who does this becomes caught up in spiritual evils, which are sins.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 582

582. [verse 5] 'And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies' signifies that it is teaching evils and untruths. By 'a mouth speaking' is signified doctrine, preaching and discussion (452); by 'speaking great things and blasphemies' is signified to teach evils and untruths; for 'great' is predicated of good, and in the opposite sense of evil (656, 663, 896, 898), and by 'blasphemies' are signified truths of the Word falsified, thus untruths. What is here specifically signified by 'blasphemies' may be seen above (571). The reason why it teaches evils is because it removes the works of the law, thus the doing of them, from salvation, and by who does this is in spiritual evils, which are sins.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 582

582. Verse 5. And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, signifies that it teaches evils and falsities. By "a mouth speaking" is signified doctrine, preaching, and discourse, (452); by "speaking great things and blasphemies," is signified to teach evils and falsities; for "great" is predicated of good, and in the opposite sense of evil, (656, 663, 896, 898), and by "blasphemies" are signified the truths of the Word falsified thus falsities; what is here signified by "blasphemies" in particular, may be seen above, (571). The reason why it teaches evils is because it removes the works of the law, thus the things which ought to be done, from salvation, and he who does this, is in spiritual evils, which are sins.

Apocalypsis Revelata 582 (original Latin 1766)

582. (Vers. 5.) "Et datum ei os loquens magna et blasphemias," significat quod doceat mala et falsa. - Per "os loquens" significatur doctrina, praedicatio et sermo (452); 1per "loqui magna et blasphemias" significatur docere mala et falsa; "magnum" enim praedicatur de bono, et in opposito sensu de malo (656, 663, 866, 898), et per "blasphemias" significantur vera Verbi falsificata, ita falsa; quid hic per "blasphemias" in specie significatur, videatur supra (571); quod doceat mala, est quia removet Opera Legis, ita facienda, a salvatione; et qui hoc facit, in malis spiritualibus est, quae sunt peccata.


1. 452 pro "453"

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