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《揭秘启示录》 第593节

(一滴水译本 2019)



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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 593

593. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. This symbolically means that through the temptations or trials occasioned by these falsities a person of the Lord's New Church is examined to discover his character in respect to his life and faith.

Patience here symbolizes endurance in temptations or trials, and an examination then of a person's character in respect to his living in accordance with the Lord's commandments and to his faith in the Lord. Hence the statement, "Here is the patience and faith." Saints symbolize people who belong to the Lord's New Church, specifically people who are governed by the Divine truths in it (no. 586).

Patience is predicated of the temptations or trials by which a person's character is examined also in other places in the book of Revelation, as in Revelation 1:9; 2:2-3, 19; 3:10. That it is a person's life in accordance with the Lord's commandments and his faith in the Lord that is examined, is apparent from the following verses in that book:

...they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image... Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. (Revelation 14:11-12)

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 593

593. 'Here is the patience and faith of the saints' signifies that the man of the Lord's New Church by means of temptations from those [untruths] is examined as to the quality of his life and faith. By 'the patience' here is signified patience in temptations, and the examination then of a man's quality as to life in accordance with the Lord's precepts, and as to faith in the Lord. It is therefore said, 'here is the patience and faith.' By 'the saints' are signified those who belong to the Lord's New Church, specifically those who are in Divine Truths there (586). 'Patience' is predicated of the temptations by means of which a man's quality is examined, also elsewhere in the Apocalypse, as chapters 1:9; 2:2-3, 19; 3:10. That it is as to life in accordance with the Lord's precepts, and as to faith in Him, is plain from these words there:

They have no rest day and night who adore the beast and his image, here is the patience of the saints, here are those keeping the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Revelation 14:11-12.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 593

593. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints, signifies that the man of the Lord's New Church, by temptations from them, is explored as to the quality of his life and faith. By "patience" is here signified patience in temptations, and then exploration of man's quality as to life according to the Lord's commandments, and as to faith in the Lord; therefore it is said, "here is the patience and the faith;" by "saints" are signified they who are of the Lord's New Church, specifically they who are in Divine truths therein, (586). Patience is predicated of temptations, whereby man is explored as to what he really is; also elsewhere in Revelation, (as in chapters 1:9; 2:3, 19; 3:10). That it is as to life according to the Lord's commandments, and as to faith in Him, is evident from these words:

They have no rest day nor night who adore the beast and his image, here is the patience of the saints; here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus, (Revelation 14:11-12).

Apocalypsis Revelata 593 (original Latin 1766)

593. "Hic est patientia et fides sanctorum" significat quod homo Novae Ecclesiae Domini per tentationes ab illis exploratio qualis est quoad vitam et quoad fidem. - Per "patientiam" hic significatur patientia in tentationibus, et tunc exploratio qualis homo est quoad vitam secundum praecepta Domini, et quoad fidem in Dominum: ideo dicitur, "hic patientia et fides:" per "sanctos" significantur qui ab Ecclesia Nova Domini sunt, in specie qui in Divinis Veris ibi (586). Patientia praedicatur de tentationibus, per quas homo exploratur qualis est, etiam alibi in Apocalypsi (Ut 1:9; 2:2-3, 19; 3:10);

quod sit quoad vitam secundum praecepta Domini, et quoad fidem in Ipsum, patet ab his ibi:

"Non habent quietem diu et noctu, qui adorant Bestiam et imaginem ejus; hic est Patientia sanctorum, hic servantes mandata Dei, et fidem Jesu," (Apocalypsis 14:2, 12).

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