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《揭秘启示录》 第634节

(一滴水译本 2019)




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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 634

634. "If anyone worships the beast and its image, and receives its mark on his forehead or on his hand." This symbolizes people who acknowledge and accept the doctrine of justification and salvation by faith alone, affirm it, and live in accordance with it.

To worship the beast means, symbolically, to acknowledge that faith (no. 580). To worship its image means, symbolically, to acknowledge and accept that doctrine (no. 603). To receive its mark on the forehead or hand means, symbolically, to accept the doctrine with love and faith and to affirm it in oneself (nos. 605, 606); and because people who confirm themselves in that doctrine with love and faith also live in accordance with it, this too is meant.

[2] There are three steps in the acceptance of that doctrine, which are meant by the words here. The first step is to acknowledge that doctrine. The second step is to affirm it in oneself. And the third step is to live in accordance with it. To acknowledge it involves thought. To affirm it in oneself involves understanding. And to live in accordance with it involves the will.

There are people who have taken the first step who nevertheless have not progressed to the second or third. There are people who have taken the first and second steps who have nevertheless not progressed to the third. But people who have taken the third step, which is to live in accordance with that doctrine - these are the people of whom the following declarations are made in verses 10 and 11.

To live in accordance with that doctrine is to make evil of no account, thinking that evil does not condemn because works of the law do not save, but only faith. It is also to make goodness of no account, thinking to oneself that no one can do good of himself without its being merit-seeking. People who avoid evils, therefore, only on account of civil and moral laws, and not on account of Divine laws, are people who do good only for the sake of themselves and of the world, thus out of a love of self and not for the Lord's sake, and so not out of a love of the neighbor.

[3] These are the people of whom the following declarations are made in verses 10 and 11, because nothing condemns that enters only into the thought and understanding. But what enters into the will does condemn, since it enters the life and becomes permanent; for nothing can enter the will unless it becomes a matter of love, and love is a person's life.

These are also people who do not examine themselves, recognize their sins, and repent, and for that reason are damned. For at heart they say, "What need is there for examining, recognizing and acknowledging sins and for repentance, when faith alone encompasses them all?"

I have seen many such people in the spiritual world who avoided evils and practiced goods solely because of civil and moral law and not at the same time spiritual law, and they were cast into hell.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 634

634. 'If anyone adores the beast and his image, and accepts a mark upon his forehead and hand' signifies [that] he who acknowledges and receives the doctrine concerning justification and salvation by faith alone confirms it and lives in accordance with it. By 'to adore the beast' is signified to acknowledge that faith (580). By 'to adore his image' is signified to acknowledge and receive that doctrine (603). By 'to accept a mark upon forehead and hand' is signified to receive it in love and faith and to confirm oneself in it (605-606); and because those who confirm themselves in that love and faith also live in accordance with it, this also is understood.

[2] There are three stages of the reception of that doctrine which are described by these words. The first stage is to acknowledge that doctrine, the second stage is to confirm it with oneself, and the third stage is to live in accordance with it. To acknowledge it is done from thought, to confirm it with oneself is done from understanding, and to live in accordance with it is done from will. There are those who are in the first stage and yet not in the second and third, and there are those who are in the first and second and yet not in the third; but those who are in the third, which is the stage of living in accordance therewith, are the ones of whom the things following in verses 10-11 are said. To live in accordance with that [faith] is to make evil of no account, thinking that evil does not condemn because the works of the law do not save, but only faith. It is also to make good of no account, thinking to oneself that no one can do good from himself except what is merit-seeking. Thus they are those who only avoid evils for the sake of civil and moral laws, and not for the sake of Divine laws. They are those who do good only for the sake of self and the world, consequently out of self-love, and not for the Lord's sake, consequently not out of love of the neighbour.

[3] The reason that the things now following (verses 10-11) were said of them is because all that enters only into the thought and into the understanding does not condemn, but that which enters into the will does condemn, for this enters into the will and is permanent. For nothing can enter the will unless it is also of the love, and the love is the life of the man. These also are they who do not examine themselves, recognise their own sins and repent; and on account of this they are condemned. For they say at heart, What need is there for an examination, for the recognition and acknowledgment of sins, and for repentance, when faith alone involves them all? In the spiritual world I have seen many such, who have avoided evils and done goods by reason of civil and moral law only and not of spiritual law at the same time, and they have been cast into hell.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 634

634. If anyone hath adored the beast, and his image, and hath received his mark upon his forehead, or upon his hand, signifies he who acknowledges and receives the doctrine of justification and salvation by faith alone, confirms himself in it, and lives according to it. "To adore the beast" signifies to acknowledge that faith, (580). "To adore his image" signifies to acknowledge and receive that doctrine, (603). "To receive his mark upon the forehead and upon the hand," signifies to receive it in love and faith, and to confirm himself in it, (605-606); and since they who confirm themselves in that love and faith, also live according to it, this likewise is meant.

[2] There are three degrees of the reception of that doctrine, which are described by these words. The first degree is to acknowledge that doctrine; the second degree is to confirm it in oneself; and the third degree is to live according to it; to acknowledge it is effected in the thought, to confirm it in oneself is effected in the understanding, and to live according to it is effected in the will. There are those who are in the first degree, and yet are not in the second and third; and there are those who are in the first and second, and yet are not in the third; but they who are in the third degree, which is that of living according to it, are those concerning whom the following verses, (10-11), are spoken. To live according to it, is to make nothing of evil, by thinking that evil does not condemn, because the works of the law do not save, but faith only. Also to make nothing of good, by thinking within oneself that no one can do good from himself, except it be meritorious. Thus they are such as only shun evils on account of the civil and moral laws, and not on account of the Divine laws; these are they who do goods only for the sake of themselves and the world, consequently from self-love, and not for the Lord's sake, consequently not from love towards the neighbor.

[3] The reason why what now follows (in verses 10-11), is said of these, is because all that which enters only into the thought and into the understanding does not condemn, but that which enters into the will condemns; for this enters into the life, and remains. For nothing can enter into the will but what is also of the love, and the love is the life of man. These also are they who do not examine themselves, know their sins, and do the work of repentance, and therefore they are condemned; for they say in their hearts, "What need is there of examination, or of a knowledge and acknowledgment of sins, and of repentance, when all these are included in faith alone?" I have seen many such in the spiritual world, who have shunned evils and have done goods on account of civil and moral laws only, and not at the same time on account of spiritual laws, and they were cast into hell.

Apocalypsis Revelata 634 (original Latin 1766)

634. "Si quis Bestiam adoraverit et imaginem ejus, et acceperit characterem super fronte et super manu sua," significat qui agnoscit et recipit doctrinam de justificatione et salvatione per solam Fidem, confirmat illam, et vivit secundum illam.--Per "adorare Bestiam" significatur agnoscere fidem illam (580); per "adorare imaginem ejus" significatur agnoscere et recipere doctrinam illam (603); per "accipere characterem super fronte et super manu" significatur recipere illam amore et fide, et confirmare se in illa (605, 606); et quia illi qui se confirmant in illa amore et fide, etiam vivunt secundum illam, etiam hoc intelligitur. Sunt tres gradus receptionis illius doctrinae, qui per illa verba describuntur; primus gradus est agnoscere doctrinam illam, secundus gradus est confirmare illam apud se, et tertius gradus est vivere secundum illam; agnoscere illam fit cogitatione, confirmare illam apud se fit intellectu, et vivere secundum illam fit voluntate. Sunt qui in primo gradu sunt, et tamen non in secundo et tertio; et sunt qui in primo et secundo, et tamen non in tertio; at qui in tertio sunt, qui gradus est vivere secundum illam, illi sunt de quibus sequentia (in vers. 10, 11) 1dicuntur. Vivere secundum illam est nihili facere malum, cogitando quod malum non damnet, quia non Opera Legis salvant, sed sola Fides; tum nihili facere bonum, cogitando secum, quod nemo possit bonum facere a se, nisi sit meritorium; ita qui solum evitant mala propter leges civiles et morales, et non propter leges Divinas, illi sunt qui bona faciunt solum propter se et mundum, proinde ex amore sui, et non propter Dominum, proinde non ex amore proximi. Causa quod nunc sequentia (vers. 10, 11) 2de illis dicta sint, est quia omne quod intrat solum in cogitationem et in intellectum non damnat, sed quod intrat in voluntatem hoc damnat, hoc enim intrat vitam et permanet; nam nihil potest intrare voluntatem nisi etiam sit amoris, et amor est vita hominis. Hi etiam sunt qui non explorant se, cognoscunt sua peccata, et paenitentiam agunt, et propterea damnantur; dicunt enim corde, "Quid opus exploratione, cognitione et agnitione peccatorum et paenitentia, dum Fides sola involvit omnia illa." Vidi plures tales in mundo spirituali, qui evitarunt mala, et fecerunt bona solum ex lege civili et morali, et non simul spirituali, et conjecti sunt in Infernum.


1. 10, 11 pro "11, 12"

2. vers. 10, 11 pro "n. 11, 12"

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