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《揭秘启示录》 第652节

(一滴水译本 2019)





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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 652

652. 14:20 And the winepress was trampled outside the city. This symbolically means that the examination was made in accordance with Divine truths in the Word, to discover the character of the works that flowed from their church's doctrine regarding faith.

The trampling of the winepress means symbolically that the examination was made to discover the character of the works. To trample a winepress means, symbolically, to examine, and the clusters of grapes that were trampled symbolize works, as in no. 649 above, here the works that flowed from their church's doctrine regarding faith, namely evil works. The city here means the great city mentioned in chapter 11:8, above, "the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt." That it means the doctrine of faith divorced from charity - the doctrine of the church of the Protestant Reformed - may be seen in nos. 501, 502 above. And because every examination of a church's doctrine is made in accordance with the Divine truth in the Word, and because this is not found in the doctrine of the Protestant Reformed, but apart from it, this too is symbolically meant by the trampling's having taken place outside the city.

It can be seen from this that the trampling of the winepress outside the city means symbolically that the examination was made in accordance with Divine truths in the Word, to discover the character of the people's works that flowed from their church's doctrine regarding faith.

In the following passages, to trample or tread a winepress means, symbolically, not only to examine for evil works, but also to hold them up to view and to remove them and cast them into hell:

I speak in righteousness, mighty to save. Why is your apparel red, and your garments like those of one who treads in the winepress? I have trodden the winepress alone... (Isaiah 63:1-3)

The Lord has trodden underfoot all my mighty men...; the Lord has trampled the winepress of the... daughter of Judah. (Lamentations 1:15)

(He who sat on the white horse) shepherds (the nations) with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fury and wrath of... God. (Revelation 19:15)

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 652

652. [verse 20] 'And the winepress was trodden outside the city' signifies that the examination was made from (ex) the Divine Truths of the Word [to discover] what the works flowing forth from the Church's doctrine of faith were like. By 'the winepress was trodden' is signified that the examination was made [to discover] what the works were like. By 'to tread the winepress' is signified to examine, and by the 'clusters' that are trodden are signified works, as above (649), here the works flowing forth from the Church's doctrine of faith, which are evil works. By 'the city' here is understood the great city treated of above (chapter, 11:8), which 'is called the great city, spiritually Sodom and Egypt.' That by it is understood the doctrine of faith separated from charity, which is the doctrine of the Church of the Reformed, may be seen above (501, 502). And because every examination of the doctrine of the Church is made by means of the Divine Truth of the Word, and this is not in the doctrine but outside of it, this also is signified by the treading having been done 'outside the city.' From these considerations it can be established that by 'the winepress was trodden outside the city' is signified that the examination was made from the Divine Truths of the Word [to discover] what the works flowing forth from the Church's doctrine of faith were like. By 'to tread the wine-press is signified not only to examine evil works, but also to hold out against them with others, also to remove and cast them into hell, in the following passages:

I speak in justice, great for saving. Wherefore art thou red as to thy garment, and thy garments as of one who treads in the winepress? I have trodden the winepress alone. Isaiah 63:1-3.

The Lord has overthrown all my mighty men, the Lord has trodden the winepress to the daughter of Judah, Lamentations 1:15.

The One sitting upon the white horse leads the nations to pasture with an iron rod, and the same One treads the winepress of the wine of the fury and wrath of God. Revelation 19:15.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 652

652. Verse 20. And the winepress was trodden without the city, signifies that exploration was made from the Divine truths of the Word, into the quality of the works flowing forth from the doctrine of faith of the church. By "the winepress was trodden" is signified that the quality of their works was explored. "To tread the winepress" signifies to explore, and "the clusters" which are trodden signify works, as above, (649), here works flowing forth from the doctrine of faith of the church, which are evil works; by "the city" is here meant the great city, of which above (chapter 11:8), which is called "the great city, spiritually Sodom and Egypt;" that it means the doctrine of faith separated from charity, which is the doctrine of the church of the Reformed, see above, (501, 502). And as all exploration of the doctrine of the church is made by the Divine truth of the Word, and this is not in that doctrine, but out of it, that also is signified by the winepress being trodden "without the city." From these things it may appear, that by "the winepress was trodden without the city," is signified that exploration was made, from the Divine truths of the Word, into the quality of the works flowing forth from the doctrine of faith of the church. "To tread the winepress" not only signifies to explore evil works, but likewise to bear with them in others, also to remove and cast them into hell, in the following places:

I speak in justice, great to save. Wherefore art Thou red as to Thy garment, and Thy garments like Him that treadeth in the winepress? I have trodden the winepress alone, (Isaiah 63:1-3).

The Lord hath thrown down all my mighty men, the Lord hath trodden the winepress of the daughter of Judah, (Lamentations 1:15.

He that sitteth on the white horse shall tend the nations with a rod of iron, and He treadeth the winepress of the wine of the fury and the anger of God, (Revelation 19:15).

Apocalypsis Revelata 652 (original Latin 1766)

652. (Vers. 20) "Et calcatum est torcular extra urbem," significat quod exploratio facta sit ex Divinis veris Verbi, qualia essent opera profluentia ex doctrina fidei Ecclesiae.--Per "calcatum est torcular" significatur quod exploratio facta sit qualia essent opera; per "calcare torcular" significatur explorare, et per "botros," qui calcantur, significantur opera, ut supra (649), hic opera profluentia ex doctrina fidei Ecclesiae, quae sunt opera mala: per "urbem" hic intelligitur urbs magna, de qua supra, (xi. vers. 8), quae vocatur "urbs magna, spiritualiter Sodoma et Aegyptus;" quod per illam intelligatur doctrina Fidei separatae a Charitate, quae est doctrina Ecclesiae Reformatorum, videatur supra (501, 502); et quia omnis exploratio doctrinae Ecclesiae fit per Divinum Verum Verbi, et hoc non est in doctrina illa, sed extra illam, etiam id per quod calcatio facta sit "extra urbem" significatur. Ex his constare potest, quod per "calcatum torcular extra urbem" significetur quod exploratio facta sit ex Divinis veris Verbi, qualia essent opera profluentia ex doctrina fidei Ecclesiae. Per "calcare torcular" non solum significatur mala opera explorare, sed etiam illa apud alios sustinere, tum removere et conjicere in Infernum, in sequentibus locis:

"Ego loquor in justitia, magnus ad salvandum: quare rubicundus quoad vestem Tuam, et vestes Tuae sicut Calcantis in Torculari; Torcular calcavit Solus," (Esaias 63:1-3);

"Dominus prostravit omnes robustos meos, Torcular calcavit Dominus filiae Jehudae," (Threni 1:15);

Sedens super Equo albo" pascit gentes virga ferrea," idemque "Calcat torcular vini furoris et irae Dei," (Apocalypsis 19:15).

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