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《揭秘启示录》 第653节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 653

653. And blood came out of the winepress, up to the horses' bridles. This symbolizes the violence done to the Word by the people's dreadful falsifications of truth, and the consequent understanding of it so closed up that it was scarcely possible for anyone any longer to be taught by it, and so to be led by the Lord through Divine truths.

Blood symbolizes violence done to the Word (no. 327) and the falsification and profanation of the Divine truth in the Word (no. 379). For blood from a winepress means the juice or wine produced from trampled clusters of grapes, and wine and new wine have the same symbolic meaning (no. 316). Horses' bridles symbolize the Word's truths by which the intellect is led, inasmuch as a horse symbolizes an understanding of the Word (no. 298). Thus a bridle symbolizes the truth by which that understanding or intellect is led. Up to the horses' bridles means even into the mouth into which the bridle's bit is inserted, and since a horse uses its mouth to drink and nourish itself, it also symbolically means that such violence was done to the Word by people's dreadful falsifications of truth that it was scarcely possible for anyone any longer to be taught by it, and so to be led by the Lord through Divine truths.

A bridle also symbolizes that by which the intellect is led in Isaiah 30:27-28; 37:29, and the blood of grapes symbolizes the Divine truth in the Word in Genesis 49:11 and Deuteronomy 32:14, though in an opposite sense in the latter case.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 653

653. 'And the blood went out of the winepress even to the horses' bridles' signifies the violence inflicted on the Word by means of dreadful falsifications of truth, and the understanding so closed up thereby that a man can scarcely any longer be taught, and thus be led by means of Divine truths by the Lord. By 'blood 'is signified violence inflicted on the Word (327), and the Divine Truth of the Word falsified and profaned (379); for by 'blood out of the winepress' is understood must and wine out of the trodden clusters, and by 'must and wine' similar things are signified (316). By 'the horses' bridles' are signified the truths of the Word by means of which the understanding is led, for 'a horse' signifies the understanding of the Word (298), and in consequence by 'a bridle' is signified the truth by means of which the understanding is led. 'Even to the horses' bridles' is equivalent to even within the mouth in which the bridle has been inserted, and a horse is watered and fed through the mouth, and therefore it is also signified that such violence has been inflicted on the Word by means of dreadful falsifications that a man can scarcely any more be taught, and thus led by means of Divine truths by the Lord. By 'a bridle' is also signified that by means of which the understanding is led (Isaiah 30:27-28; 37:29); and by 'the blood of grapes' is signified the Divine Truth of the Word (Genesis 49:11; Deuteronomy 32:14); but here in the opposite sense.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 653

653. And blood went out of the winepress even unto the bridles of the horses, signifies violence done to the Word by direful falsifications of truth, and thence the understanding so closed that man is scarcely capable any longer of being taught, and thus led by Divine truths from the Lord. By "blood" is signified violence done to the Word, (327), and the Divine truth of the Word falsified and profaned, (379[1-7]); for by "the blood out of the winepress" is meant the must and wine from the clusters that were trodden, and the must and wine have a similar signification, (316).

By "the bridles of the horses" are signified the truths of the Word, by which the understanding is led; for "a horse" signifies the understanding of the Word, (298); hence "a bridle" signifies truth by which the understanding is led. "Even unto the bridles of the horses" means even into the mouth, into which the bridle is inserted, and by the mouth the horse drinks and feeds; therefore it also signifies that such violence is done to the Word by dire falsifications, that man is scarcely capable of being taught any longer, and thus of being led by Divine truths from the Lord. By "a bridle" is also signified that by which the understanding is led, (Isaiah 30:27-28; 37:29). And by "the blood of the grapes" is signified the Divine truth of the Word, (Genesis 49:11; Deuteronomy 32:14); but here in the opposite sense.

Apocalypsis Revelata 653 (original Latin 1766)

653. "Et exivit Sanguis e torculari usque ad frena equorum" significat violentiam illatam Verbo per diras falsificationes veri, et inde intellectum ita obturatum ut homo vix doceri possit amplius, et sic duci per Divina vera a Domino.--Per "sanguinem" significatur violentia illata Verbo (327), ac Divinum Verum Verbi falsificatum et prophanatum (379); nam per "sanguinem e torculari" intelligitur mustum et vinum ex botris calcatis, ac per mustum et vinum similia significantur (316); per "frena equorum" significantur vera Verbi, per quae intellectus ducitur; "equus" enim significat intellectum Verbi (298), inde per "frenum" significatur verum per quod intellectus ducitur; "usque ad frena equorum" est usque intra os, cui frenum insertum est, et equus per os potatur et nutritur; quare etiam significatur quod talis violentia illata sit Verbo per diras falsificationes ut homo vix doceri possit amplius, et sic duci per Divina vera a Domino. Per "frenum" etiam significatur id per quod intellectus ducitur, (Esaias 30:27-28; 37:29); et per "sanguinem uvarum" significatur Divinum Verum Verbi, (Genesis 49:11; Deuteronomius 32:14); hic autem in opposito sensu.

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