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《揭秘启示录》 第744节

(一滴水译本 2019)



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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 744

744. "And those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful." This symbolically means that people who turn to the Lord and worship Him alone are those who go to heaven, both those concerned with the external elements of the church and those concerned with its internal and inmost elements.

Those who are with Him symbolize people who turn to the Lord, for they are the people with Him. Those who are called, chosen, and faithful symbolize people who are concerned with the external, internal and inmost elements of the church, who, being in the Lord, go to heaven.

The called, indeed, mean all people, because all have been called, but the called who are with the Lord mean people who are in heaven with the Lord, as all those are called who are present at the wedding with the bridegroom. 1The chosen do not mean that some are chosen by predestination, but people who are with the Lord are so called. The faithful mean people who have faith in the Lord.

[2] These are people who are concerned with the external, internal, and inmost elements of the church, because the Lord's church is, like heaven, distinguished into three degrees. In the lowest degree are people concerned with its external elements; in the second degree are people concerned with its internal ones; and in the third degree are people concerned with its inmost ones. People with the Lord who are concerned with the external elements of the church are said to be called. Those who are concerned with its internal elements are said to be chosen. And those who are concerned with its inmost elements are said to be faithful. For that is how they are termed in the Word, in which Jacob is said to be called, and Israel chosen, since Jacob there means people concerned with the external elements of the church, and Israel people concerned with its internal ones.

Because it is preceded by the statement that they will do battle with the Lamb, but that the Lamb will overcome them, we are told here that "those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful," in order that people may know that those whom the Lord overcomes, that is to say, whom He convinces by means of the Word, are with Him in heaven - some in the lowest heaven, some in the second heaven, and some in the third heaven - each according to his reception.


1. Matthew 25:1-13

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 744

744. 'And they who are with Him are called, chosen and faithful' signifies that those who approach and worship the Lord Only are the ones who come into heaven, both those who are in the external things of the Church and those who are in the internal and inmost things thereof. 'They who are with Him' signify those who approach the Lord, for they are with Him. By the 'called, chosen and faithful' are signified those who are in the external, internal and inmost things of the Church, who come into heaven because they are in the Lord. By the 'called' all are indeed understood, because all have been called; but by the 'called who are with the Lord' are understood those who are in heaven with the Lord, as are all the 'called' who are at the nuptials with the Bridegroom. By the 'chosen' is not understood that some have been chosen as a result of predestination, but those who are with the Lord are so called. By the 'faithful' are understood those who have faith in the Lord.

[2] The reason they are those who are in the external, internal and inmost things of the Church is because the Lord's Church, like heaven, is distinguished into three degrees. In the ultimate degree are those who are in its external things, in the second degree are those who are in its internal things, and in the third degree are those who are in its inmost things. Those who are with the Lord in the external things of the Church are termed 'called,' those in its internal things are termed 'chosen,' and those in the inmost are termed 'faithful'; for so they are called in the Word, where Jacob is said to be 'called' and Israel 'chosen,' since by 'Jacob' there are understood those who are in the external things of the Church and by 'Israel' those who are in the internal things thereof. The reason that it is said here 'they who are with Him are called, chosen and faithful' is because it says before (praecedit) that they will fight with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them,' so that they may know that those whom the Lord overcomes, that is, convinces by means of the Word, are with Him in heaven, some in the ultimate heaven, some in the second, and some in the third, each in accordance with the reception.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 744

744. And they who are with Him, are called, chosen, and faithful, signifies that those who approach and worship the Lord alone, are they that come into heaven, as well they who are in the externals of the church, as they that are in its internals and inmosts. "They who are with Him" signifies those who approach the Lord, for these are with Him. By "the called, the chosen, and the faithful," are signified those who are in the externals, the internals, and the inmosts of the church; who, because they are in the Lord, come into heaven. By "the called" indeed all are meant, because all are called; but by "the called who are with the Lord" are meant they who are in heaven with the Lord, as all are called who are at the nuptials with the Bridegroom. By "the chosen" is not meant that some are elected from predestination, but they who are with the Lord are so called. By "the faithful" are meant those who have faith in the Lord.

[2] These are they who are in the externals, the internals, and the inmosts of the church, because the Lord's church is distinguished, like heaven, into three degrees. In the lowest degree are they who are in its externals, in the second degree are they who are in its internals, and in the third degree are they who are in its inmosts. They who are with the Lord in the externals of the church are said to be "called," they that are in its internals are "chosen," and they that are in its inmosts "faithful:" for they are so called in the Word; where Jacob is said to be "called," and Israel "chosen;" since by "Jacob" those are there meant who are in the externals of the church, and by "Israel" those who are in its internals. The reason that it is here said, "They that are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful," is because it is said before that "they will fight with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them;" so that they may know that they whom the Lord overcomes, that is, convinces by the Word, are with Him in heaven; some in the lowest heaven, some in the second, and some in the third, each one according to reception.

Apocalypsis Revelata 744 (original Latin 1766)

744. "Et qui cum Ipso, vocati, electi et fideles," significat quod qui Dominum Solum adeunt et colunt, sint qui in Caelum veniunt, tam qui in Ecclesiae externis sunt, quam qui in ejus internis et intimis sunt. -"Qui cum Ipso," significat qui Dominum adeunt, illi enim cum Ipso sunt: per "vocatos, electos et fideles," significantur qui in Ecclesiae externis, internis et intimis sunt; qui, quia in Domino sunt, in Caelum veniunt. Per "vocatos" quidem intelliguntur omnes, quia omnes vocati sunt; sed per "vocatos qui cum Domino" intelliguntur qui in Caelo cum Domino sunt, sicut vocantur omnes qui in nuptiis cum Sponso sunt: per "electos" non intelligitur quod aliqui sint electi ex praedestinatione, sed qui cum Domino sunt, vocantur ita: per "fideles" intelliguntur qui fidem in Dominum habent. Quod sint qui in Ecclesiae externis, internis et intimis sunt, est quia Ecclesia Domini distinguitur sicut Caelum in tres gradus. In ultimo gradu sunt qui in externis ejus sunt, in secundo gradu sunt qui in internis ejus sunt, et in tertio gradu sunt qui in intimis ejus sunt. Illi qui in externis Ecclesiae cum Domino sunt, dicuntur "vocati; qui in internis ejus, dicuntur "electi;" et qui in intimis, dicuntur "fideles;" ita enim vocantur in Verbo, ubi Jacob dicitur "vocatus," et Israel "electus," quoniam per "Jacobum" ibi intelliguntur qui in externis Ecclesiae sunt, et per "Israelem qui in internis ejus. Quod dicatur hic, "qui cum Ipso vocati, electi et fideles," est quia praecedit quod "pugnabunt cum Agno, et Agnus vincet eos;" ut sciant quod illi quos Dominus vincet, hoc est, per Verbum convincet, sint cum Ipso in Caelo, quidam in Caelo ultimo, quidam in secundo, et quidam in tertio, quisque secundum receptionem.

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