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《揭秘启示录》 第743节

(一滴水译本 2019)













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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 743

743. 17:14 "These will do battle with the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings." This symbolizes the Lord's battle with Roman Catholics in France over an acknowledgment of His Divine humanity, because the Lord in that humanity is God of heaven and earth and also the Word.

Their battle with the Lord and of the Lord with them does not mean the kind of battle waged by evil people or with evil people, but the kind waged by and with people who do not yet possess truths concerning the Lord. The Lamb means the Lord in respect to His Divine humanity and also in respect to the Word (nos. 269, 291, 595); and to overcome them means, symbolically, to convince them by means of the Word. "For He is Lord of lords and King of kings" means, symbolically, "for He is God of heaven and earth." It is because of His lordship over all the goods of heaven and the church that He is called Lord of lords, and because of His kingship over all the truths of heaven and the church that He is called King of kings (no. 664).

It is apparent from this that "these will do battle with the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings," symbolizes the Lord's battle with Roman Catholics in France over an acknowledgment of His Divine humanity, because the Lord in His humanity is God of heaven and earth.

[2] That the Lord is God of heaven and earth is something He Himself in plain words teaches, for He says:

All things that the Father has are Mine. (John 16:15)

The Father... has given all things into (the Son's) hand. (John 3:35, cf. 13:3)

(Father,) You have given (Me) authority over all flesh... All Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine... (John 17:2, 10)

All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. (Matthew 28:18)

I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me... He who (knows and) sees Me, (knows and) sees the Father... (For) I am in the Father, and the Father in Me... (John 14:6-11).

The Father and I are one. (John 10:30)

He also says that everyone who believes in the Lord has eternal life, and that whoever does not believe in Him does not see life (John 3:15, 17-18, 36; 6:47; 11:26, and elsewhere).

Who does not know that the Lord was conceived of God as His Father (Luke 1:34-35)? And who does not know therefore that God the Father, who is Jehovah, assumed a humanity in the world, and consequently that the humanity is the humanity of God the Father, thus that God the Father and the Lord are one, as soul and body are one?

Can anyone accordingly turn to a person's soul, and from there descend to his body? Must one not turn to his humanity, and then turn to his soul?

[3] It is by these considerations and others found in the Word that the Lamb will overcome Roman Catholics in France. Therefore, because they have ceased to worship the Pope, let them worship Him from whom the Pope says that he has all authority over the church and heaven. The Pope is a man, and the Lord is God, and God alone is to be turned to, called upon and revered, or in other words, worshiped.

The Lord alone is the Holy One who is to be called upon (Revelation 15:4).

I know that people will think, "How could Jehovah the Father, the creator of the universe, descend and assume a humanity?" But let them think at the same time, "How could a Son from eternity, who is equal to the Father, and is also the creator of the universe, do this?" Is the case not the same?

People speak of a Father and Son from eternity, but there is no Son from eternity. It is the Divine humanity that is called the Son sent into the world (Luke 1:34-35).

But more on this subject may be seen in no. 962 below.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 743

743. [verse 13] 'These shall fight with the Lamb, but the Lamb shall overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings' signifies the Lord's fight with them about the acknowledgment of His Human, because the Lord in That is the God of heaven and earth, and also is the Word. By their fight with the Lord, and the Lord's with them, is not understood the sort of fight there is from the evil and with the evil, but such as there is from and with those who are not yet in truths concerning the Lord. By 'the Lamb' is understood the Lord as to the Divine Human and also as to the Word (269, 291, 595); and by 'to overcome them 'is signified to convince by means of the Word. 'For He is Lord of lords and King of kings' signifies because He is the God of heaven and earth. On account of His dominion over all the goods of heaven and the Church He Himself is called 'Lord of lords,' and on account of His government over all the truths of heaven and the Church He is called 'King of kings' (664). From these considerations it is plain that by 'they shall fight with the Lamb and the Lamb shall overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings' is signified the Lord's fight with them about the acknowledgment of the Lord's Divine Human, because the Lord in His own Divine Human is the God of heaven and earth.

[2] That the Lord is the God of heaven and earth He Himself teaches in plain words, for He says:

All things whatsoever the Father has are Mine [John 16:15. He who sees Me sees Him Who sent Me]. John 12:45.

The Father has given all things into the Son's hand. John 3:35-36; 13:3.

Father, Thou hast given Me authority over all flesh; all Mine are Thine, and Thine are Mine. John 17:2-3, 10.

All authority in heaven and earth is given unto Me. Matthew 28:18.

I am the Way, the Truth (veritas) and the Life: no one comes to the Father but by Me. He who recognises and sees Me, is recognising and seeing the Father, for I am in the Father and the Father is in Me. John 14:6-11.

The Father and I are one. John 10:30.

That everyone who believes in the Lord has eternal life, and he who does not believe in Him does not see life. John 3:15, 17-18, 36; 6:47; 11:26; and elsewhere.

Also, who does not know that the Lord was conceived from God the Father (Luke 1:34-35); and who is unable to know from this that God the Father, Who is Jehovah, begot the Human in the world, and consequently that the Human is God the Father's Human, and thus that God the Father and He are one as the soul and body are one? Accordingly, is anyone able to approach a man's soul and descend thence to his body? Is not his human to be approached, and then his soul?

[3] By these and many other things that are in the Word the Lamb will overcome them. Therefore, because they have given up worshipping the Pope, let them worship Him from Whom the Pope says that he has all authority over the Church and heaven. The Pope is a man, and the Lord is God, and God only is to be approached, invoked, and adored, that is, worshipped. The Lord only is the Holy One Who is to be invoked (Revelation 15:4). I know that they are going to be thinking, How can Jehovah the Father, Who is the Creator of the universe, descend and assume a Human? But let them think also, How can a Son from eternity, Who is equal to the Father, and also Creator of the universe, do it? Is it not the same thing? It is said, the Father and the Son from eternity, but there is not any Son from eternity. There is the Divine Human, Which is called 'the Son sent into the world' (Luke 1:34-35). But concerning these things [more] may be seen below (962). 1


1. The Original Edition has 990, clearly an error. It seems most probable that 962[4] was intended, but other editions have suggested 961.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 743

743. Verse 14. These shall fight with the Lamb, but the Lamb shall overcome them; for He is the Lord of lords and King of kings, signifies the Lord's combat with them concerning the acknowledgment of His Divine Human, because in it the Lord is the God of heaven and earth, and also the Word. By their "combat" with the Lord and the Lord's with them is not meant a combat such as that from the evil and with the evil, but as from those and with those who are not yet in truths concerning the Lord. By "the Lamb" is meant the Lord as to the Divine Human and also as to the Word, (269, 291, 595); and by "overcoming them" is signified to convince through the Word. "For He is Lord of lords and King of kings" signifies because He is God of heaven and earth. From His dominion over all the goods of heaven and the church He is called "Lord of lords," and from His kingdom over all the truths of heaven and the church He is called King of kings, (664). It is manifest from this, that by "these shall fight with the Lamb and the Lamb shall overcome them because He is Lord of lords and King of kings," is signified the Lord's combat with them concerning the acknowledgment of the Lord's Divine Human, because the Lord in His Divine Human is the God of heaven and earth.

[2] That the Lord is the God of heaven and earth, He teaches in plain words; for He says:

All things whatsoever the Father hath are Mine, (John 16:15).

The Father hath given all things into the hand of the Son, (John 3:35-36; 13:3).

Father, Thou hast given Me power over all flesh; all Mine are Thine and Thine are Mine, (John 17:2-3, 10).

All authority is given unto Me in heaven and in earth, (Matthew 28:18).

I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one cometh to the Father but by Me; He that knoweth and seeth Me, knoweth and seeth the Father; because I am in the Father, and the Father in Me, (John 14:6-11).

The Father and I are one, (John 10:30).

That everyone that believeth in the Lord, should have eternal life and he that believeth not in Him, shall not see life, (John 3:15, 17-18, 36; 6:47; 11:26 and elsewhere).

Who does not know that the Lord was conceived from God the Father, (Luke 1:34-35); and who may not know from this, that God the Father, who is Jehovah, assumed the Human in the world? and hence that the Human is the Human of God the Father? and thus that God the Father and He are one, as the soul and the body are one? Can anyone, indeed, approach the soul of man and descend thence to his body? Is not his human to be approached, and then his soul approached?

[3] By these and many other things which are in the Word, the Lamb will overcome them. Therefore because they have ceased to worship the Pope, let them worship Him from whom the Pope says that he has all authority over the church and heaven. The Pope is a man, and the Lord is God; and God alone is to be approached, invoked, and adored, that is, worshiped. The Lord alone is the Holy One who is to be invoked, (Revelation 15:4). I know that they will think, "How can Jehovah the Father, who is the Creator of the universe, descend and assume the Human?" But let them think also, How can the Son from eternity, who is equal to the Father, and is also the Creator of the universe, do it? Is it not the same thing? It is said, The Father and the Son from eternity but there is not any Son from eternity. There is the Divine Human, which is called "the Son sent into the world" (Luke 1:34-35; John 3:17). But on this subject see below, (961).

Apocalypsis Revelata 743 (original Latin 1766)

743. (Vers. 14.) "Hi cum Agno pugnabunt, sed Agnus vincet eos, quia Dominus dominorum est at Rex regum," significat pugnam Domini cum illis de agnitione Divini Humani Ipsius, quia Dominus in Illo est Deus Caeli et Terrae et quoque Verbum. -Per "pugnam" illorum cum Domino et Domini cum illis, non intelligitur pugna qualis est a malis et cum malis, sed qualis est ab illis et cum illis qui nondum in veris sunt de Domino; per "Agnum" intelligitur Dominus quoad Divinum Humanum et quoque quoad Verbum (269, 291, 595) et per "vincere illos" significatur convincere per Verbum; "quia est Dominus dominorum et Rex regum," significat quia est Deus Caeli et Terrae: ex Dominio Ipsius super omnia Bona Caeli et Ecclesiae vocatur Ipse "Dominus dominorum," et ex Regno Ipsius super omnia Vera Caeli et Ecclesiae vocatur Ipse "Rex regum (664); ex his patet, quod per "hi pugnabunt cum Agno, et Agnus vincet eos, quia est Dominus dominorum et Rex regum," significetur pugna Domini cum illis de agnitione Divini Humani Domini, quia Dominus in Divino Humano Suo est Deus Caeli et Terrae. Quod Dominus sit Deus Caeli et Terrae, Ipse manifestis verbis docet; nam dicit,

"Omnia quaecunque Pater habet, Mea sunt," (Johannes 16:15); 1

"Pater dedit omnia in manum Filii," (Johannes 3:35-36; 13:3);

Pater, dedisti Mihi potestatem omnis carnis: "omnia Mea Tua sunt, et Tua Mea," (Johannes 17:2-3, 10);

"Data est Mihi omnis potestas in Caelo et in Terra," (Matthaeus 28:18);

"Ego sum Via, Veritas et Vita; nemo venit ad Patrem nisi per Me:" qui cognoscit et videt me, cognoscit et videt Patrem; quia "Ego in Patre, et Pater in Me," (Johannes 14:6-11);

"Pater et Ego unum sumus," (Johannes 10:30);

Quod omnis qui credit in Dominum vitam aeternam habeat, et qui non credit in Ipsum non videat vitam, (Johannes 3:15, 17-18, 36; 6:47; 11:26; 2et alibi).

Quis non scit quod Dominus conceptus sit a Deo Patre, (Luca 1:34-35); et quis non inde scire potest, quod Deus Pater, Qui est Jehovah, susceperit Humanum in mundo, et inde quod Humanum sit Humanum Dei Patris, et sic quod Deus Pater et Ipse sint unum, sicut Anima et Corpus unum sunt: num itaque aliquis potest adire Animam hominis, et inde descendere ad Corpus ejus; annon Humanum ejus adeundum est, et tunc Anima ejus aditur. Per haec et per plura alia, quae in Verbo sunt, Agnus vincet illos; quare quia desierunt colere Papam, colant Ipsum a Quo Papa se dicit habere omnem potestatem super Ecclesiam et Caelum: Papa est homo, et Dominus est Deus; et Deus solus adeundus, invocandus et adorandus, hoc est, colendus est. Est Dominus solus Sanctus Qui invocandus, (Apocalypsis 15:4). Scio quod cogitaturi sint, Quomodo potest Jehovah Pater, Qui est Creator Universi, descendere et assumere Humanum; sed cogitent etiam, quomodo potest Filius ab aeterno, Qui est aequalis Patri, et quoque Creator Universi, id facere: estne eadem res. Dicitur Pater et Filius ab aeterno, sed non est aliquis Filius ab aeterno; est Divinum Humanum, quod vocatur "Filius missus in mundum," (Luca 1:34-35 (; Johannes 3:17)). Sed de his videatur infra (961). 3


1. 16:15 pro "12:45"

2. xi. pro "xxv."

3. 961 pro "990"

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