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《揭秘启示录》 第823节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 823

823. And on His head were many jewels 1. This symbolizes the Divine truths in the Word from the Lord.

On the head means, symbolically, from the Lord, for the head symbolizes wisdom springing from love, and a person is governed from the head by wisdom springing from love. John saw jewels on the head, because the Word's Divine truths, symbolized by jewels, come from the Lord. That jewels symbolize the Word's Divine truths may be seen in nos. 231, 540; that the head in reference to the Lord symbolizes the Divine wisdom accompanying Divine love, in no. 47; and what else the head symbolizes, in nos. 538, 568.

The Word's Divine truths correspond in the spiritual world to jewels, and owing to the correspondence, so appear there, and are seen in heaven on the heads of people who regard the Word as holy. Jewels accordingly symbolize the Word's Divine truths in its literal sense. That is because the literal sense is made translucent by its spiritual and celestial senses, as jewels are by light.


1. The word translated as "jewels" here means diadems or crowns in the original Greek and Latin, but the writer's definitions of the term elsewhere make plain that he regularly and consistently interpreted it to mean jewels or gems.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 823

823. 'And upon His head many diadems' signifies the Divine Truths of the Word from Himself. 'Upon his head' signifies from the Lord, for by the 'head' is signified wisdom derived from love and a man is ruled out of the head by means of wisdom derived from love. The 'diadems' were seen 'upon the head' because the Divine Truths of the Word, which are signified by 'diadems,' are from Himself. That 'diadems' signify the Divine Truths of the Word may be seen (231, 540); that 'the head,' where [it treats] of the Lord, signifies the Divine Wisdom of Divine Love (47); what more 'the head' [signifies] (538, 568). In the spiritual world the Divine Truths of the Word correspond to diadems, and as the result of the correspondence they appear there. And in heaven they appear upon the heads of those who hold the Word holy. Consequently' diadems' signify the Divine truths of the Word in the sense of its letter, for the reason that the sense of the letter is transparent from the spiritual and celestial sense thereof just as a diadem is from the light.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 823

823. And upon His head were many diadems signifies the Divine truths of the Word from Him. "Upon the head" signifies from the Lord; for by the head wisdom from love is signified; and man is ruled from the head by wisdom from love. "Diadems upon the head" were seen because the Divine truths of the Word, which are signified by "diadems," are from Him. That "diadems" signify the Divine truths of the Word, may be seen, (231, 540). That "the head" when speaking of the Lord, signifies the Divine wisdom of the Divine love, (47); what more is signified by the head, (538, 565). In the spiritual world the Divine truths of the Word correspond to diadems, and they appear there from correspondence, and in heaven upon the head of those who hold the Word as holy. Hence it is that "diadems" signify the Divine truths of the Word in the sense of its letter. The reason is, because the sense of the letter is translucent from its spiritual and celestial sense, as a diadem is from light.

Apocalypsis Revelata 823 (original Latin 1766)

823. "Et Super capita Ipsius diademata multa," significat Divina vera Verbi ab Ipso. - "Super capite" significat 1a Domino; per "caput" enim significatur sapientia ex amore, et ex capite regitur homo per sapientiam ex amore. Visa sunt "diademata super capite," quia Divina Vera Verbi, quae significantur per "diademata," ab Ipso sunt; quod "diademata" significent Divina Vera Verbi, videatur 231, 540; quod "caput," ubi de Domino, significet Divinam Sapientiam Divini Amoris, 47; quid porro "caput," 538, 568. 2Divina Vera Verbi in mundo spirituali correspondent diadematibus, et ex correspondentia apparent ibi, et in Caelo super capite illorum qui sanctum habent Verbum. Inde est quod "diademata" significent Divina vera Verbi in Sensu literae ejus; causa est, quia Sensus literae translucet a Sensu spirituali et caelesti ejus, sicut diadema a luce.


1. significat pro "significatur"

2. 568 pro "565"

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