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《揭秘启示录》 第835节

(一滴水译本 2019)





  在旷野必有水发出,在旷野的平原必有河涌流,干地必变为湖泊。(以赛亚书 35:67

  我要使旷野变为水湖,使干地变为水泉。(以赛亚书 41:18;诗篇107:3335





  我必将名号和所余剩的人从巴比伦剪除,使她为麻鳽所得,又变为水湖。(以赛亚书 14:2223




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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 835

835. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. This symbolically means that all of them were cast as they were into the hell where their loves of falsity and accompanying lusts for evil are found.

Being alive means, symbolically, as they were. These two, namely the beast and the false prophet, symbolize all those people who have professed faith alone and are inwardly evil, both the laity and the clergy, as said just above in no. 834. The lake of fire burning with brimstone symbolizes the hell where those people are found who are impelled by loves of that falsity and at the same time lusts for evil. A lake symbolizes an abundance of falsities, as will be seen below. Fire symbolizes love, here these people's love of falsity. Fire symbolizes love in both senses, good and evil, as may be seen in nos. 468, 494, 599, and here it symbolizes a love of falsity, because it is described as a lake of fire. Brimstone symbolizes a lust for evil and its accompanying falsities (no. 452).

Something similar is said about the dragon and these two in the next chapter, in these words:

The devil (that is, the dragon) that deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. (Revelation 20:10)

[2] It should be known that the hell where people like this are appears at a distance as a lake of fire with a green flame like that of brimstone or sulfur. But those who are there do not see this. They are shut up in their workhouses where they vehemently argue with each other. Sometimes knives appear in their hands, which they brandish in a threatening manner to keep from yielding. It is their love of falsity together with their lusts for evil that occasions the appearance of such a lake. This appearance is produced because of its correspondence.

[3] That a lake symbolizes a place with an abundance of truth, and in an opposite sense, therefore, a place with an abundance of falsity, can be seen from the Word. A place with an abundance of truth from the following:

...waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert. The parched ground shall become a lake... (Isaiah 35:6-7)

I will make the wilderness into a lake of water, and the dry land into springs of water. (Isaiah 41:18, cf. Psalms 107:33, 35)

I will make the rivers into islands, and I will dry up the lakes. (Isaiah 42:15)

...the God of Jacob, who turned the rock into a lake of water, and the flint into a fountain of waters. (Psalms 114:7-8)

...all who make payment from the lakes of the soul. (Isaiah 19:10)

In an opposite sense from the following:

I will cut off from Babylon the name and remnant..., and I will make it into a possession of the bird of prey, and into lakes of water. (Isaiah 14:22-23)

Death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:14)

If anyone was not found written in the Book of Life, he was cast into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:15)

...their part in the lake of fire burning with brimstone, which is the second death. (Revelation 21:8)

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 835

835. 'These two were sent away alive into the lake of fire burning with sulphur' signifies that all those, just as they were, were cast into the hell where there are the loves of untruth and at the same time the lusts of evil.

By 'alive' is signified just as they were. By 'these two,' namely the beast and the false prophet, are signified all those who have made profession of faith alone and are interiorly evil, the laity as well as the clergy, as just above (834). By 'the lake of fire burning with sulphur' is signified the hell where those are who are in the loves of that untruth and at the same time in the lusts of evil. By 'the lake' are signified untruths in abundance, concerning which [something] follows. By 'fire' is signified love, here the love of their untruth. That 'fire' signifies love in both senses, good and evil, may be seen (468, 494, 599). Here it signifies the love of untruth because it is termed 'the lake of fire.' By 'sulphur' is signified the lusts of evil and consequently of untruth (452). A similar thing is said of 'the dragon' and of 'these two' in the following chapter in these words:

The devil (that is, the dragon) who led them astray was cast into the lake of fire and sulphur, where the beast and the false prophet are, and they shall be tormented day and night for ages of ages. Revelation 20:10.

[2] It is to be known that the hell where such are appears from afar like a fiery lake with a greenish flame as of sulphur. Those, however, who are therein do not see this. They are shut up there in their workhouses where they quarrel vehemently among themselves, and sometimes there appear in their hands knives with which they make threats rather than yield. It is their love of untruth together with the lusts of evil which causes the appearance of such a lake. That appearance is the result of correspondence.

[3] That by 'a lake' is signified where there is truths in abundance, and in the opposite sense where there is untruths in abundance, can be established out of the Word; where there is truths in abundance from these passages:

Out of the wilderness waters shall break forth, and rivers its the plain of the wilderness, and the dry places shall become a lake. Isaiah 35:6-7.

I will change the wilderness into a lake of waters, and the dry land into springs of waters. Isaiah 41:18; Psalms 107:33, 35.

I will change the rivers into islands, and I will dry up the lakes. Isaiah 42:15.

The God of Jacob Who turns the rock into a lake of waters, and the flint into a fountain of waters. Psalms 114:7-8.

All those making a profit out of the lakes of the soul. Isaiah 19:10.

In the opposite sense from these:

I will cut off from Babel the name and remnant, and I will make her into an inheritance of the bittern, and into lakes of waters. Isaiah 14:22-23.

Deaths and hell were cast into the lake of fire. Revelation 20:14.

Whoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Revelation 20:14.

Their part [is] in the lake of fire burning wills sulphur, which is the second death. Revelation 21:8.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 835

835. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone, signifies that all those, as they were, were cast into the hell where are the loves of falsity, and at the same time the lusts of evil. By "alive" is signified as they were. By "these two," namely, "the beast and the false prophet," are signified all those who professed faith alone, and were interiorly evil, both the laity and the clergy; as just above, (834). By "the lake of fire burning with brimstone" is signified the hell where they are who are in the loves of that falsity, and at the same time in the lusts of evil. By "a lake" is signified falsities in abundance, treated of in what follows. By "fire" is signified love, here their love of falsity. That "fire" signifies love both in the good and the evil sense, may be seen, (468, 494, 599); here the love of falsity, because it is said "a lake of fire." By "brimstone" is signified the lust of evil and thence of falsity, (452). The like is said of "the dragon" and of these two in the following chapter, in these words:

The devil (that is, the dragon), who seduced them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are; and they shall be tormented day and night for ages of ages, (Revelation 20:10).

[2] It is to be known that the hell where such are, appears at a distance like a fiery lake with a green flame as of brimstone. But they who are in it do not see this; they are shut up there in their workhouses, where they wrangle among themselves vehemently; and sometimes there appear knives in their hands, with which they threaten, if they do not yield. It is their love of falsity, together with the lusts of evil, that makes the appearance of such a lake. That appearance is from correspondence.

[3] That by "a lake" is signified where there is truth in abundance, and thence in the opposite sense where there is falsity in abundance, may be evident from the Word; where there is truth in abundance, from these passages:

From the wilderness shall waters break forth and rivers in the plain of the wilderness, and the dry place shall become a lake, (Isaiah 35:6-7).

I will make the wilderness a lake of waters, and the dry land springs of waters, (Isaiah 41:18; Psalms 107:33, 35).

I will make the rivers islands, and I will dry up the lakes, (Isaiah 42:15).

The God of Jacob who turneth the rock into a lake of waters, and the flint into a fountain of waters, (Psalms 114:7-8.

All that make hire from the lakes of the soul, (Isaiah 19:10).

In the opposite sense from these:

I will cut off from Babel the name and the residue, and I will make her an inheritance of the bittern, and lakes of waters, (Isaiah 14:22-23).

Death and hell were cast into the lake of fire, (Revelation 20:14).

Whoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire, (Revelation 20:15).

Their part in the lake of fire burning with brimstone, which is the second death, (Revelation 21:8).

Apocalypsis Revelata 835 (original Latin 1766)

835. "Vivi missi sunt hi duo in stagnum ignis ardens sulphure, significat quod omnes illi, sicut fuerunt, conjecti sint in Infernum, ubi amores falsi sunt et simul cupiditates mali. -Per "vivos" significatur sicut fuerunt; per "hos duos," nempe "Bestiam et Pseudoprophetam," significantur omnes illi qui professi sunt solam Fidem, ac interius mali sunt, tam laici quam clerici, ut mox supra (834); per "stagnum ignis ardens sulphure" significatur infernum, ubi sunt qui in amoribus istius falsi sunt, et simul in cupiditatibus mali; per "stagnum" significantur falsa in copia, de quo sequitur; per "ignem" significatur amor, hic amor falsi eorum; quod "ignis" significet amorem in utroque sensu, bono et malo, videatur (468, 494, 599), hic amor falsi, quia dicitur "stagnum ignis;" per "sulphur" significatur cupiditas mali et inde falsi (452). Simile dicitur de "Dracone" et de illis duobus in capite sequente, his verbis:

"Diabolus" (hoc est, Draco), "qui seduxit illos, conjectus est in stagnum ignis et sulphuris, ubi Bestia et Pseudopropheta, et cruciabuntur dies et noctes in saecula saeculorum," (Apocalypsis 20:10).

Sciendum est, quod infernum, ubi tales sunt, appareat e longinquo sicut stagnum igneum cum viridi flamma sicut sulphuris; sed illi qui inibi sunt hoc non vident, sunt ibi inclusi suis ergastulis, ubi inter se vehementer altercantur; quandoque in manibus illorum apparent cultri, quibus minantur, ne cedant; est amor falsi eorum una cum cupiditatibus mali qui facit apparentiam talis stagni; apparentia illa est ex correspondentia. Quod per "stagnum" significetur ubi verum in copia, et inde in opposito sensu ubi falsum in copia, constare potest ex Verbo; ubi verum in copia ex his:

"Erumpent e deserto aquae, et fluvii in planitie deserti, et erit aridus locus in Stagnum," (Esaias 35:6-7);

"Ponam desertum in Stagnum aquarum, et terram siccam in scaturigines aquarum," (Esaias 41:18; Psalm 107:33, 35);

"Ponam fluvios in insulas, et Stagna exsiccabo," (Esaias 42:15);

"Deus Jacobi, Qui convertit petram in Stagnum aquarum, et silicem in fontem aquarum," (Psalm 114:7-8);

"Omnes facientes mercedem ex Stagnis animae," (Esaias 19:10).

In opposito sensu ex his:

"Exscindam Babeli nomen et residuum, et ponam eam in haereditatem anatariae, et in Stagna aquarum," (Esaias 14:22-23);

"Mors et Infernus ejecti sunt in Stagnum ignis," (Apocalypsis 20:14);

"Si quis non inventus est in Libro vitae scriptus, ejectus est in Stagnum ignis," (Apocalypsis 20:15);

"Pars eorum in Stagno ignis ardente sulphure, quae est altera mors," (Apocalypsis 21:8).

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