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《揭秘启示录》 第836节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 836

836. 19:21 And the rest were slain with the sword of Him who sat on the horse, which went forth from His mouth. This symbolically means that all those of various heretical sects among the Protestant Reformed who had not lived according to the Lord's commandments in the Word that they knew, having been judged in accordance with the Word, perished.

The rest mean all those of various heretical sects among the Protestant Reformed who had not lived according to the Lord's commandments in the Word that they knew, namely the commandments of the Decalogue, thus who did not refrain from evils as being sins. For people who do not for that reason refrain from these are caught up in evils of every kind, inasmuch as they have these inherent in them from birth and so from early childhood to the end of life; and these evils increase daily if they are not removed by active repentance.

These are the people of whom we are told that they were slain with the sword of Him who sat on the horse. To be slain means symbolically, here are as often before, to be slain spiritually, which is to perish in respect to one's soul. The sword of Him who sat on the horse, which went forth from His mouth, symbolizes the Word's truths combating the falsities accompanying evil. For various kinds of swords symbolize truth fighting against falsity, and falsity fighting against truth (no. 52). However, a sword on the thigh means a combat from love; a sword in the hand, or dagger, means a combat with power; and a sword from the mouth means a combat from doctrine. Consequently the sword that went forth from the mouth of the Lord means a combat from the Word against falsities (nos. 108, 117, 827), as it is the Word that goes forth from the mouth of the Lord.

The reference here is to combat with the Protestant Reformed and not with Roman Catholics, because the Protestant Reformed read the Word and acknowledge the truths in it to be Divine truths. Not so Roman Catholics. They acknowledge the Word indeed, but still do not read it, and each regards the pronouncements of the Pope as having priority, and the Word as far from being on par with them. Combat from the Word is therefore impossible in their case. They also put themselves above it and not under it. But even so they are judged in accordance with the Word, and in accordance with papal pronouncements insofar as these accord with the Word.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 836

836. [verse 21] 'And the rest were slain by the sword of the One sitting upon the horse, proceeding out of His mouth' signifies that all [who are] of the various heresies among the Reformed who have not lived in accordance with the Lord's precepts in the Word that they were aware of, being judged out of the Word, perish. By 'the rest' are understood all [who are] of the various heresies among the Reformed, who have not lived in accordance with the Lord's precepts in the Word that they were aware of, which are the precepts of the Decalogue, thus who do not flee from evils as sins. For those who do not flee from them are in evils of every kind, for they are lodged with them from birth and consequently from infancy even to the end of life, and they increase daily if not removed by actual repentance. It is said of these that 'they were slain by the sword of the One sitting upon the horse.' By 'to be slain' is signified here, as often before, to be slain spiritually, which is to perish as to the soul. By 'the sword of the One sitting upon the horse, proceeding out of His mouth' are signified truths of the Word fighting against untruths of evil; for by 'sword' (gladius), 'short sword' (machoera) and 'long sword' (romphaea) is signified truth fighting against untruth and untruth fighting against truth (52). But a 'sword' is upon the thigh, resulting in a combat from love; a 'short sword' is in the hand, resulting in a combat from power; a 'long sword' is of the mouth, resulting in a combat from doctrine; and therefore 'the long sword proceeding out of the Lord's mouth' is combat out of the Word against untruth (108, 117, 827), for the Word proceeded out of the Lord's mouth. The reason why it treats here of combat with the Reformed and not with the Babylonians, is because the Reformed read the Word and acknowledge the truths there as Divine truths. It is otherwise with the Babylonians. They indeed acknowledge the Word, but still they do not read it, and everyone regards the Pope's pronouncements as more excellent and of greater value (priori loco, et procul pro aequali); and therefore with them there cannot be any combat out of the Word. Also they put themselves above it and not under it. Nevertheless they are judged out of the Word and out of the Pope's pronouncements so far as these are in agreement with the Word.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 836

836. Verse 21. And the rest were slain by the sword of Him that sat upon the horse, that proceeded out of His mouth, signifies that all from the various heresies among the Reformed, who have not lived according to the Lord's commandments in the Word which they knew, being judged from the Word, perish. By "the rest" are meant all from the various heresies among the Reformed, who have not lived according to the Lord's commandments in the Word which they knew, which are the commandments of the Decalogue, who thus do not shun evils as sins; for they who do not thus shun them are in evils of every kind; for the evils remain fixed in them from birth, and thence from infancy even to the end of life; and they increase daily, if they are not removed by actual repentance. Of these it is said that "they were slain with the sword of Him that sat upon the horse." By "being slain" is signified here, as often before, to be slain spiritually, which is to perish as to the soul. By "the sword of Him that sat upon the horse, that proceeded out of His mouth," the truths of the Word fighting against the falsities of evil are signified. For by "sword," "long sword," and "saber" is signified truth fighting against falsity and falsity fighting against truth, (52). But the "sword" [gladius] is upon the thigh, hence it is combat from love; "saber" [machoera] is in the hand, hence it is combat with power; and the "long sword" [romphoea] is of the mouth, hence it is combat from doctrine; for which reason "the long sword proceeding out of the mouth of the Lord," is combat from the Word against falsities, (108, 117, 827); for the Word proceeded out of the mouth of the Lord. The reason that the combat with the Reformed, and not with the Babylonians, is here treated of, is because the Reformed read the Word, and acknowledge the truths therein as Divine truths. It is otherwise with the Babylonians; these indeed acknowledge the Word, but still they do not read it; and everyone regards the decrees of the pope as in the first place, and far above it; wherefore with them there cannot be combat from the Word. They also put themselves above it, and not under it. But still these are judged from the Word, and from the decrees of the pope so far as these agree with the Word.

Apocalypsis Revelata 836 (original Latin 1766)

836. (Vers. 21.) "Et reliqui occisi sunt ex romphaea Sedentis super Equo procedente ex ore Ipsius," significat quod omnes ex varia haeresi inter Reformatos, qui non vixerunt secundum praecepta Domini in Verbo quae noverant, ex Verbo judicati pereant. - Per "reliquos" intelliguntur omnes ex varia haeresi inter Reformatos, qui non vixerunt secundum praecepta Domini in Verbo quae noverant, quae sunt praecepta Decalogi, ita qui non fugiunt mala ut peccata; nam qui haec non ita fugiunt, in omnis generis malis sunt, insident enim illis a nativitate et inde ab infantia usque ad finem vitae, et quotidie increscunt, si non per paenitentiam actualem removentur. De his dicitur quod "occisi sint romphaea Sedentis super Equo:" per "occidi" significatur hic ut saepe prius, spiritualiter occidi, quod est perire quoad animam; per "romphaeam Sedentis super Equo, procedentem ex ore Ipsius" significantur vera Verbi pugnantia contra falsa mali; per "gladium" enim, "machaeram" et "romphaeam" significatur verum pugnans contra falsum et falsum pugnans contra verum (52); sed "gladius" est "super femore," inde est pugna ex amore, "machaera" est "in manu," inde est pugna ex potentia; ac "romphaea" est "oris," inde est pugna ex doctrina; quare "romphaea procedens ex ore Domini" est pugna contra falsa ex Verbo (108, 117, 827), Verbum enim ex ore Domini processit. Quod agatur hic de pugna cum Reformatis, et non cum Babyloniis, est quia Reformati legunt Verbum, et vera ibi agnoscunt pro Divinis veris. Aliter Babylonii: hi quidem agnoscunt Verbum, sed usque non id legunt, et quisque spectat dictamina Papae priori loco, et procul pro aequali; quare cum illis non dari potest aliqua pugna ex Verbo; ponunt etiam se supra id, et non sub illo: at usque hi judicantur ex Verbo, et ex dictatis Papae quantum haec concordant cum Verbo.

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