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《揭秘启示录》 第837节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 837

837. And all the birds were filled with their flesh. This symbolically means that by their lusts for evil, which they had made their own, they fed, as it were, the demons of hell.

Birds symbolize falsities emanating from hell, and because caught up in those falsities are demons of hell that are present with a person in his falsities that are products of his love, therefore these demons are here symbolized by birds. A person who is caught up in such falsities also becomes such a demon after death. That useless and harmful birds, especially unclean and rapacious ones that feed on carrion, symbolize falsities that are products of a person's love, may be seen in no. 757 above.

Flesh here symbolizes the evils attendant on the lusts that are inherent in a person (no. 748). To be filled with that flesh means, symbolically, to be as though fed by those lusts and to draw them in with delight. For the demons of hell that are caught up in the same lusts for evil eagerly inhale and fill their nostrils with them, and with the life attendant on them, because of the lusts emanating from these people's thoughts and respiration, so that the two also live and dwell together.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 837

837. 'And all the birds were satiated with their flesh' signifies that the infernal genii are nourished as it were upon the lusts of their evil, which are their own (propria). By 'the birds' are signified the untruths that are out of hell, and because in those untruths are the infernal genii who are together with men in the untruths that are of [each] man's love, therefore these are here signified by 'the birds.' A man also who is in those untruths becomes such an [infernal] genius after death. That by unserviceable and hurtful birds, especially the unclean and rapacious ones that derive nourishment from carrion, are signified falsities that are of the love, may be seen above (757). By 'flesh' here are signified the evils of the lusts that are a man own (propria) (748). By 'to be satiated with them' is signified to be as it were nourished by them and attracted to them with delight; for the infernal genii who are in similar lusts of evil greedily inhale and fill their nostrils, and thence their life, with the lusts exhaled from the thoughts and aspirations of such men for which reason they also live and dwell together.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 837

837. And all the birds were satiated with their flesh, signifies that from their lusts of evil, which are their proprium, the infernal genii are as it were nourished. By "the birds" are signified the falsities which are from hell; and because the infernal genii are in those falsities, who are together with men in the falsities which are of their love, therefore they are here signified by "the birds." A man also who is in those falsities, becomes one of such genii after death. That by useless and injurious "birds," especially the unclean and rapacious, which feed on carrion, are signified falsities which are of love, may be seen above, (757). By "flesh" are here signified the evils of the lusts which are of man's proprium, (748). By "being satiated with them" is signified to be as it were nourished by them, and to draw them in with delight; for the infernal genii, who are in similar lusts of evil, eagerly draw in and fill their nostrils, and thence their life, from the lusts exhaled from the thoughts and respiration of such; wherefore they also live and dwell together.

Apocalypsis Revelata 837 (original Latin 1766)

837. "Et omnes aves satiatae sunt ex carnibus eorum," significat quod genii infernales ex concupiscentiis mali eorum, quae sunt propria eorum, quasi alantur. - Per "aves" significantur falsa quae ex Inferno sunt; et quia in illis falsis sunt genii infernales, qui una cum hominibus sunt in ejus falsis quae ejus amoris sunt, ideo hi per "aves" hic significantur; homo etiam qui in illis falsis est, post mortem fit talis genius; quod per "aves" inutiles et damnosas, imprimis immundas et rapaces quae se ex cadaveribus nutriunt, significentur falsitates quae amoris sunt, videatur supra (757); per "carnes" hic significantur mala concupiscentiarum, quae hominis propria sunt (748); per "satiari illis" significatur quasi ali ab illis, et cum delectatione attrahere illas; nam genii infernales, quae in similibus concupiscentiis mali sunt, avide attrahunt et implent nares, et inde vitam, ex concupiscentiis exhalatis ex cogitationibus et respirationibus illorum; quare etiam simul degunt et cohabitant.

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