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《揭秘启示录》 第85节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 85

85. "'Or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place, if you do not repent.'" This symbolically means that otherwise it is certain that enlightenment will not be granted for them to continue to see truths.

"Quickly" or "shortly" means, symbolically, surely or of a certainty (nos. 4, 947), and a lampstand means the church in respect to its enlightenment (nos. 43, 66). Removing it from its place, therefore, symbolically means to take away enlightenment so that people do not see truths in their own light, and at last do not see them at all.

This follows from what we said in no. 82 above, namely that if doctrinal truths are regarded primarily or in first place, they may indeed be known, but they cannot be seen interiorly or loved with a spiritual affection, and therefore they gradually perish. For to see truths by their own light is to see them with a person's inner mind, which we call the spiritual mind, a mind that is opened by charity, and when it has been opened, light flows in from the Lord with an affection for understanding truths from heaven. This is what produces enlightenment.

A person who has this enlightenment recognizes truths as soon as he reads or hears them, but not one whose spiritual mind has not been opened, namely one who is not engaged in goods of charity, however much he may possess doctrinal truths.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 85

85. 'Or else I will come to thee quickly, and remove thy lampstand out of its place, except thou repent' signifies that otherwise they are sure not to be given enlightenment for seeing truths any more. By 'quickly' is signified certainty (4, 947), and by 'lampstand' the Church as to enlightenment (43, 66). Consequently by 'remove it out of its place' is signified to remove enlightenment so that they may not see truths in their own light, and at length that they may see them no more. This follows from the things that have been said above (82), namely that if the truths of doctrine are in view primarily or in the first place, they can indeed be known, but not seen interiorly nor loved by virtue of a spiritual affection, and therefore they fade gradually away; for to see truths out of their own light is to see them out of a man's interior mind, and this mind is called spiritual, and is opened by means of charity, and when it has been opened a light and an affection of understanding truths inflows out of heaven from the Lord. This results in an enlightenment. A man who is in this enlightenment acknowledges truths as soon as he reads or hears them; but not so the man whose spiritual mind has not been opened, who is one not in the goods of charity, irrespective of his being in the truths of doctrine.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 85

85. Or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy lampstand out of its place, except thou repent, signifies that otherwise of a certainty enlightenment will not be given them to see truths any longer. By "quickly" is signified certain, (4, 947); and by "lampstand," the church as to enlightenment, (43, 66); hence, by "removing it out of its place," is signified to remove enlightenment, that they may not see truths in their light, and at length, that they may not see them any more. This follows from what was said above, (82), namely, that if truths of doctrine are regarded primarily, or in the first place, they may indeed be known, but not seen interiorly, and loved from spiritual affection, therefore they successively perish; for to see truths from their own light, is to see them from man's interior mind, which is called the spiritual mind, and this mind is opened by charity; and when it is opened, light and the affection of understanding truths flow in out of heaven from the Lord. Thence is enlightenment. The man who is in this enlightenment, acknowledges truths as soon as he reads or hears them; but not he whose spiritual mind is not opened, who is one that is not in the goods of charity, however he may be in the truths of doctrine.

Apocalypsis Revelata 85 (original Latin 1766)

85. "Sin minus, veniam tibi cito, et movebo candelabrum tuum a loco Suo, ii non resipueris," significat quod alioquin certum sit non dari illustrationem ut videant vera amplius - Per "cito" significatur certum (4, 947); et per "candelabrum" Ecclesia quoad illustrationem (43, 66); inde per "movere e loco suo," significatur removere illustrationem, ut non videant vera in sua luce, et tandem ut non videant illa amplius. Hoc sequitur ex illis quae supra (82) dicta sunt, nempe quod si vera doctrinae primario seu primo loco spectantur, quidem sciri possint, sed non interius videri, et ex affectione spirituali amari, quare successive pereunt; nam videre vera ex luce sua, est ex interiore hominis mente, quae Mens spiritualis vocatur; et haec mens aperitur per charitatem; et cum aperta est, influit lux et affectio intelligendi vera e Caelo a Domino; inde est Illustratio: homo qui in hac illustratione est, agnoscit vera ut primum legit aut audit illa, non autem ille cujus mens spiritualis non aperta est, qui est qui non in bonis charitatis est, utcunque in veris doctrinae.

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