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《揭秘启示录》 第86节

(一滴水译本 2019)




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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 86

86. "'But this you have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.'" (2:6) This symbolically means that owing to their truths they know this and therefore do not wish works to be merit-seeking, as this is contrary to the Lord's merit and righteousness.

That the deeds of the Nicolaitans are merit-seeking works is something I have been granted to know by revelation.

We are told that the people of this church hate those works, because the church knows this owing to the truths of its doctrine, and therefore does not will them, which is why the verse says, "But this you have."

Nevertheless, people who put truths of faith in first place, and goods of charity second, all do works that are merit-seeking. But not people who put goods of charity in first place. The reason is that genuine charity does not wish to be rewarded, as it loves to do good. For it is prompted by goodness, and acts out of goodness, and from goodness looks to the Lord, knowing from its truths that all good comes from the Lord. It is therefore averse to seeking reward.

Now because people who regard truths of faith in first place cannot help but do works that are merit-seeking, and yet know from their truths that such works are to be hated, therefore the present statement comes after their being told that if they do not have charity in first place, they do works that they ought to be averse to.

We say that it is contrary to the Lord's merit and righteousness, because those who place merit in their works claim righteousness for themselves. For they say that righteousness is on their side because they have earned it, even though it is the height of unrighteousness, as the Lord alone has merited it and He alone does the good in them.

That the Lord alone is righteous is taught in Jeremiah:

Behold, the days are coming... when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch... And this is His name by which He will be called: JEHOVAH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. (Jeremiah 23:5-6, cf. 33:15-16)

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 86

86. [verse 6] 'But this thou hast, that thou hatest the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate' signifies that they know this as a result of their truths, and consequently do not wish works to be for the sake of recompense, because this is contrary to the Lord's merit and justice. That 'the works of the Nicolaitans' are works for the sake of recompense it has been given [me] to know as a result of revelation. It is because the Church knows this as a result of the truths of its doctrine, and consequently does not wish [such works], that it is said that they hate those works; and it is therefore said, 'this thou hast.' Nevertheless all those do works for the sake of recompense who put truths. of faith in the first place and goods of charity in the second; but not those who put goods of charity in the first place. This is because genuine charity does not want to be recompensed, for it loves to do good, for it is in it and acts as a result of it. Also as a result of good it has the Lord in view, and as a result of truths it has in view that every good is from Him, and therefore it has an aversion to recompense. Now, since those who have truths of faith in view in the first place cannot do works except for the sake of recompense, and yet know as a result of their truths that [such works] are to be hated, therefore this follows after it has been said that if they do not have charity in the first place they do works that ought to be held in aversion. It is said that it is contrary to the Lord's merit and justice, for those who place merit in works claim justice for themselves, for they say that justice is their portion because they have earned it, when yet this is the height of injustice, because the Only Lord has earned it, and He Only does the good pertaining to them. That the Only Lord is Justice is taught in Jeremiah:

Behold the days shall come when I will raise up a just branch to David, and this is His Name that they shall call Him, Jehovah our Justice. Jeremiah 23:5-6; 33:15-16.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 86

86. Verse 6. But this thou hast, that thou hatest the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate, signifies that they know this from their truths, and thence are not willing that works should be meritorious, because this is contrary to the merit and justice of the Lord. That "the works of the Nicolaitans" are meritorious works, it has been given to know from revelation. It is said, that they hate those works, because the church from the truths of its doctrine knows this, and thence does not will it; therefore it is said, "this thou hast." Yet all those make works meritorious who put the truths of faith in the first place, and the goods of charity in the second; but not those who put the goods of charity in the first place. The reason is, that genuine charity does not wish to merit, for it loves to do good, for it is in it and acts from it; and from good it looks to the Lord; and from truths it knows that all good is from Him; it therefore has an aversion to merit. Now because they who regard the truths of faith in the first place, cannot do any other works than such as are meritorious, and yet know, from their truths, that these are to be hated, therefore this follows after it was said, that if they do not hold charity in the first place, they do works which ought to be held in aversion. It is said that it is contrary to the merit and justice of the Lord; for they who place merit in works, ascribe justice to themselves, for they say justice is on their side because they have merited, when yet it is the greatest injustice, because the Lord alone has merit, and alone does good in them. That the Lord alone is justice is taught in Jeremiah:

Behold, the days shall come, when I will raise up a just branch unto David, and this is His name which they shall call Him, Jehovah our justice, (Jeremiah 23:5-6; 33:15-16).

Apocalypsis Revelata 86 (original Latin 1766)

86. (Vers. 6.) "Sed hoc habes, quod odisti opera Nicolaitarum, quae et Ego odi" significat quod ex veris suis sciant, et inde non velint, ut opera sint meritoria, quia hoc contra meritum et justitiam Domini. - Quod "opera Nicolaitarum" sint opera meritoria, ex revelatione datum est scire. Quod dicatur, quod odio habeant illa opera, est quia Ecclesia ex veris doctrinae suae hoc scit, et inde nec vult; quare dicitur, "hoc habes." At usque omnes illi faciunt opera meritoria qui primo loco ponunt vera fidei, et secundo bona charitatis; non autem illi qui primo loco ponunt bona charitatis; causa est, quia genuina charitas non vult mereri, amat enim bonum facere, in illo enim est, et ex illo facit, et ex bono spectat Dominum, et ex veris (cognoscit) quod omne bonum sit ab Ipso; quare aversatur meritum. Nunc quia illi qui primo loco spectant vera fidei, non alia opera possunt facere quam meritoria, et tamen ex suis veris sciunt, quod odio habenda sint, ideo hoc sequitur postquam dictum est quod si non charitatem primo loco habeant, faciant opera quae aversanda sunt. Dicitur quod sit contra meritum et justitiam Domini; illi enim qui meritum in operibus ponunt, vindicant sibi justitiam; nam dicunt quod justitia a parte illorum sit, quia meruerunt; cum tamen summa injustitia est, quia Solus Dominus meruit, et Solus facit bonum apud illos. Quod Solus Dominus sit Justitia, docetur apud Jeremiam:

"Ecce dies venient, cum suscitabo Davidi Germen justum, et hoc Nomen Ipsius, quod vocabunt Ipsum, Jehovah Justitia Nostra," (23:5-6; 33:15-16).

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