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《揭秘启示录》 第859节

(一滴水译本 2019)




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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 859

859. That Gog and Magog symbolize people who engage in external worship without any internal worship can be seen from chapter 38 in Ezekiel, where Gog is the subject from beginning to end, and from chapter 39 there, verses 1-16. But that these are symbolized by Gog and Magog is not clearly apparent there except through knowing the spiritual sense, which, because it has been revealed to me, will be disclosed. First, the contents of those two chapters:

The contents of chapter 38 in Ezekiel are as follows: The subject is people who attend to the Word's literal sense only, and whose worship is therefore an external worship without any internal worship, meant by Gog (verses 1, 2). That each and every component of that worship will perish (verses 3-7). That such worship will overwhelm the church and destroy it, so that it will be caught up in outward shows without any inward realities (verses 8-16). That the state of the church will change therefore (verse 17-19). That the truths and goods of religion will consequently perish and be replaced by false ones (verses 20-23).

[2] The contents of chapter 39 in the same prophetic book are as follows: Regarding people who attend to the Word's literal sense only and whose worship is an external one, that they will come into the church meant by Gog and perish (verses 1-6). That this will be the case when the Lord makes His advent and establishes His church (verses 7-8). That this church will then dispel all the people's evils and falsities (verses 9-10). It will entirely destroy them (verses 11-16). That the New Church to be established by the Lord will be instructed in truths and goods of every kind, and infused with goods of every kind (verses 17-21). That because of its evils and falsities, the previous church will be destroyed (verses 23-24). That the Lord will then gather together His church from all nations (verses 25-29).

[3] We must say something, however, about people who engage in external worship without any internal, spiritual worship. They are the kind of people who go often to church on the sabbath and on holy days, who sing hymns then and pray, who listen to sermons and attend then to the preacher's eloquence, but pay little or no attention to the substance, and who are moved somewhat by prayers uttered with feeling, such as that they are sinners, without reflecting on themselves or on their life; who also partake annually of the sacrament of the Holy Supper; who pour out prayers morning and evening, and pray also before midday and evening meals; and who also converse at times about God, heaven and eternal life, and know how to cite as well then some passages from the Word and to pretend to be Christians, even though they are not. For after they have done all these things, they think nothing of adulterous affairs and obscenities, of vengeance and hatred, of covert theft and robbery, of lying and blasphemy, and of lusting for and intending evils of every kind.

People of this character do not believe in any God, still less in the Lord. If asked what the good and truth of religion are, they do not know and think it of no great moment for them to know. In a word, they live for themselves and the world, thus for their inherent disposition and body, and not for God and the neighbor, thus not for their spirit and soul. It is apparent from this that their worship is an external worship without any internal worship. They also readily accept the heresy of faith alone, especially when they are told that a person cannot do good of himself, and that they are not under the yoke of the law. That is the reason we are told that the dragon will go out to lead astray the nations, Gog and Magog.

In the original Hebrew, too, Gog and Magog mean a roof and deck, which is something external.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 859

859. That by 'Gog and Magog' are signified those who are in external worship and not in any internal worship can be established in Ezekiel 38, where from beginning to end it treats of 'Gog'; also from chapter 39 there (verses 1-16). But that those are signified by 'Gog and Magog' is not clearly evident there except by means of the spiritual sense. Because this has been disclosed to me it shall be opened; first what the things that are contained in those chapters signify. In chapter 38 in Ezekiel, they are these:

It treats of those who are in the sense of the letter of the Word only, and consequently in a worship that is external without an internal, who are 'Gog' (verses 1-2).

That all things of that worship, collectively and separately, are going to perish (verses 3-7).

That that worship will take possession of the Church, will vastate it, and thus it will be in external things without internal (verses 8-16).

That the state of the Church is consequently changed (verses 17-19).

That consequently the truths and goods of religion are going to perish, and untruths are going to succeed (verses 20-23).

[2] In chapter 39 in Ezekiel, they are these:

Concerning those who are in the sense of the letter of the Word only, and in external worship; that they, who are 'Gog,' are going to come into the Church, but that they are going to perish (verses 1-6).

That this will take place when the Lord comes and sets up the Church (verses 7-8).

That this Church will then disperse their evils and untruths (verses 9-10).

That it will destroy them altogether (verses 11-16).

That the New Church about to be set up by the Lord will be trained (informare) in truths and goods of every kind, and imbued with goods of every kind (verses 17-21).

Also that the former Church on account of evils and untruths will be destroyed (verses 23-24).

That then a Church will be gathered together by the Lord from all nations (verses 25-29).

[3] But something shall be said about those who are in external worship without internal spiritual worship. They are those who, going habitually to churches on sabbaths and festivals, then sing psalms and pray, listen to sermons and then pay attention to the eloquence but little if at all to the subject, and are somewhat moved by prayers uttered with affection to the effect that they are sinners, but do not reflect at all upon themselves and their life. They also attend the sacrament of the [Holy] Supper every year. They utter prayers morning and evening and also pray at mid-day and evening meals, and sometimes also have discussions about God, heaven, and eternal life, and then also they know how to quote some passages Out of the Word and to pretend to be Christians, although they are not; for after they have done all these things (haec et illa), they make nothing of adulteries and obscenities, revenge and hatred, clandestine thefts and despoilings, lies and blasphemies, and lusts and intentions of evils of every kind. Those who are such do not believe in any God, let alone in the Lord. If they are asked what is the good and the truth of religion, they know nothing and think that it is of no importance to know. In a word, they live for themselves and the world, thus for their inclination (genius) and body and not for God and the neighbour, thus not for the spirit and soul. From these considerations it is plain that their worship is an external worship without an internal. These also are inclined to receive the heresy of faith alone, especially when they hear that a man cannot do good from himself and that they are not under the yoke of the law. This is why it is said that the dragon 'shall go forth to lead astray the nations, Gog and Magog.' By 'Gog and Magog' also in the Hebrew language is signified roof and floor, which is the external.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 859

859. That by "Gog and Magog" are signified they who are in external worship and not in any internal worship, may appear in Ezekiel 38, where it treats of Gog from beginning to end; and from chapter 39 there (verses 1-16); but that these are signified by "Gog and Magog" does not clearly appear there, except from the spiritual sense; which because it has been disclosed to me, shall be opened; first what those signify which are contained in those two chapters. In the thirty-eighth chapter of Ezekiel are these things: "It treats of those who are in the sense of the letter of the Word alone, and thence in external worship without internal, which Is "Gog" (verses 1-2); that each and all things of that worship will perish (verses 3-7); that that worship will take possession of the church, vastate it, and thus it will be in externals without internals (verses 8-16); that the state of the church will thereby be changed (verses 17-19); that thence the truths and goods of religion will perish, and falsities succeed (verses 20-23). "

[2] In the thirty-ninth chapter of the same prophet are these things: "Of those who are in the sense of the letter of the Word alone and in external worship, that they will come into the church, which is "Gog," but that they will perish (verses 1-6); that this will come to pass when the Lord comes and establishes the church (verses 7-8); that this church will then disperse all their evils and falsities (verses 9-10); that it will altogether destroy them (verses 11-16); that the New Church to be established by the Lord will be informed in truths and goods of every kind, and be imbued with goods of every kind (verses 17-21); and that the former church will be destroyed on account of evils and falsities (verses 23-24); that then the church will be collected by the Lord from all nations (verses 25-29). "

[3] But something shall be said of those who are in external worship without internal spiritual worship. These are they who frequent temples on sabbaths and festivals, and then sing psalms and pray, hearken to preachings, and then attend to the eloquence, and little or nothing to the substance, and are somewhat moved by prayers uttered with affection, as that they are sinners, but never reflect upon themselves and their life; who also go to the Sacrament of the Supper yearly; pour out prayers morning and evening, and also pray at dinners and suppers and sometimes discourse about God, heaven, and eternal life, and then also they know how to repeat some passages from the Word, and simulate Christians, although they are not; for after they have done these things, they make nothing of adulteries, and obscenities, revenges and hatreds, clandestine thefts and depredations, lies and blasphemies, and lusts and intentions of evils of every kind. They who are such do not believe in any God, much less in the Lord; if they are asked what the good and truth of religion is, they know nothing, and think it of no importance to know; in a word, they live to themselves and the world, thus to their inclinations and bodies, and not to God and the neighbor, thus not to the spirit and soul; from which it is plain that their worship is external without internal worship; these also readily receive the heresy of faith alone, especially when they hear that man cannot do good of himself, and that they are not under the yoke of the law; this is the reason why it is said "the dragon will go forth to seduce the nations, Gog and Magog." By "Gog and Magog" also, in the Hebrew language, is signified a roof and a floor, thus what is external.

Apocalypsis Revelata 859 (original Latin 1766)

859. Quod per "Gogum et Magogum" significentur qui in cultu externo sunt et non in aliquo cultu interno, constare potest apud Ezechielem, ex capite 38, ubi de Gogo agitur a principio ad finem; et ex capite 39 (ibi vers. 1-16); sed quod illi per "Gogum et Magogum" significentur, non ibi patet clare, quam per Sensum spiritualem; qui quia mihi detectus est, aperietur: primum quid significant illa quae in binis illis capitibus continentur. In capite 38 apud Ezechielem, sunt haec:

Agitur de illis qui in solo Sensu literae Verbi sunt, et inde in Cultu qui est externus absque interno, qui "Gogus," (vers. 1, 2);

Quod omnia et singula illius cultus peritura sint (vers. 3-7);

Quod ille Cultus occupabit Ecclesiam, vastabit eam, et sic in externis absque internis erit (vers. 8-16);

Quod Ecclesiae status inde mutetur (vers. 17-19);

Quod inde vera et bona religionis peritura sint, et falsa successura (vers. 20-23).

In capite 39, apud eundem, sunt haec:

De illis qui in solo Sensu literae Verbi et in Cultu externo, quod venturi sint in Ecclesiam, qui "Gogus;" sed quod perituri (vers. 1-6);

Quod hoc fiet cum Dominus venit et instaurat Ecclesiam (vers. 7, 8);

Quod Ecclesia haec tunc omnia mala et falsa eorum disperget (vers. 9, 10);

Quod prorsus destruet (vers. 11-16);

Quod Nova Ecclesia a Domino instauranda in omnis generis veris et bonis informabitur, et omnis generis bonis imbuetur (vers. 17-21);

Et quod prior Ecclesia propter mala et falsa destruetur (vers. 23, 24);

Quod tunc a Domino colligetur Ecclesia ab omnibus gentibus (vers. 25-29).

Sed dicetur aliquid de illis qui in cultu externo absque cultu interno spirituali sunt. Sunt illi qui frequentant templa sabbathis et diebus festis, tunc psallunt et orant, auscultant praedicationes, et tunc attendunt ad eloquium, et parum si quicquam ad rem, et aliquantum moventur a precibus enuntiatis affectione, ut quod peccatores sint, et nihil reflectunt super se et sua vita; ut et quotannis obeunt Sacramentum Caenae; mane et vesperi fundunt preces, et quoque ad prandia et caenas orant, tum etiam sermocinantur quandoque de Deo, de Caelo et de Vita aeterna, et tunc quoque aliqua loca e Verbo sciunt depromere, et simulare Christianos, tametsi non sunt; nam postquam haec et illa fecerunt, nihili faciunt adulteria et obscaenitates, vindictas et odia, furta clandestina et depraedationes, mendacia et blasphemationes, et concupiscentias ac intentiones malorum omnis generis. Illi qui tales sunt, non credunt in aliquem Deum, minus in Dominum; si interrogantur quid bonum et verum religionis, nihil sciunt, et cogitant quod nec tanti sit ut sciant; verbo, vivunt sibi et mundo, ita genio et corpori, et non Deo et proximo, ita non spiritui et animae; ex quibus patet, quod cultus eorum sit externus absque cultu interno; hi etiam prone recipiunt haereticum de sola Fide, imprimis cum audiunt quod homo non possit facere bonum a se, et quod non sint sub jugo Legis; inde est, quod dicatur, quod "Draco exibit seducere gentes, Gogum et Magogum." Per "Gogum et Magogum" etiam in lingua Hebraea significatur tectum et tabulatum, quod est externum.

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