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《揭秘启示录》 第860节

(一滴水译本 2019)

  860.“他们的人数如海沙”表这种人为数众多。他们为数众多,好比“海沙”,因为“海”表示教会的外在(402403404470节),“沙”表示在海里没有用处,但构成海底之物。他们数量如此之大,故经上称他们的埋葬之谷为“哈们歌革谷”(multitude of Gog,直译“歌革的群众”),称他们所在的城名为“哈摩那”(multitude,即众民)(以西结书39:1516)。

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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 860

860. Whose number is as the sand of the sea. This symbolizes the multitude of such people.

The multitude of such people is likened to the sand of the sea, because the sea symbolizes the external component of the church (nos. 402-404, 470), and the sand is something which serves no use in the sea except to compose the bottom.

Because the number of such people is so great, therefore the valley of their burial is called "The Multitude of Gog," and the name of the city where they are, "The Multitude" (Ezekiel 39:15-16).

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 860

860. 'The number of whom is as the sand of the sea' signifies the multitude of such. The multitude of them is compared to 'the sand of the sea' because by 'the sea' is signified the external of the Church (402-404, 470) and by 'the sand' that which serves no other use in the sea than to make the bottom of it. Because the number of them is so immense it is therefore called:

The valley of their burial, the Multitude of God, and the name of the city where they are, the Multitude. Ezekiel 39:15 [, 16].

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 860

860. The number of whom, is as the sand of the sea, signifies the multitude of such. The multitude of them is compared to "the sand of the sea," because by "the sea" is signified the external of the church, (402, 403, 404, 470), and by "sand" that which is of no use in the sea but to make the bottom. Because the number of them is so great, therefore it is called:

The valley of their burial, the multitude of Gog, and the name of the city where they are, multitude, (Ezekiel 39:15-16).

Apocalypsis Revelata 860 (original Latin 1766)

860. "Quorum numerus sicut arena maris," significat multitudinem talium. - Comparatur multitudo illorum "arenae maris" quia per "mare" significatur externum Ecclesiae, (402, 403, 404, 470) 1, et per "arenam" id quod non inservit alicui usui in mari quam ut faciat fundum. Quia tam ingens illorum numerus est, ideo vocatur Vallis sepulturae illorum, Multitudo Gogi, et Nomen urbis ubi sunt, Multitudo, (Ezechiel 39:15, (16)).


1. 402, 403, 404, 470 pro "403, 404, 420, 470"

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