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《揭秘启示录》 第869节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 869

869. 20:13 Then the sea gave up the dead who were in it. This symbolizes external and natural people in the church called together for judgment.

The sea symbolizes the external component of the church, which is natural. Thus those whom the sea gave up symbolize external and natural people in the church. That the sea symbolizes the external component of the church, which is natural, may be seen in nos. 238, 398 at the end, 402-404, 470, 565[r], 659, 661 above. The dead mean people who had died from earthly lands, as in nos. 866, 868 above.

The dead that the sea gave up mean external people in the church, because the only people judged were those who engaged in some worship. For all those who scorned the sanctities of the church and denied the reality of God, the Word, and life after death, were judged immediately after death and conjoined with people in hell, to which they were subsequently cast down. But external and natural people who had professed with the mouth the reality of God and of heaven and hell, and had acknowledged the Word to some extent - these were the ones called together for judgment.

Many of those "from the sea" were saved, for we do not read that they were all cast into the lake of fire, as Death and Hell were. Rather we are told that any of them not found written in the Book of Life were cast into the lake of fire (verse 15). Those among them who were saved are also meant by the rest of the dead who did not live again until the thousand years were completed (verse 5).

It can now be seen from this that the sea's giving up the dead who were in it symbolizes external and natural people in the church called together for judgment.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 869

869. [verse 13] 'And the sea gave up those who were dead in it' signifies the external and natural men of the Church called together to judgment. By 'the sea' is signified the external of the Church, which is natural; consequently by those whom the sea gave up are signified the external and natural men of the Church. That 'the sea' signifies the external of the Church, which is natural, may be seen above (238, 398, 402-404, 470, 565, 659, 661). By 'the dead' are understood those who had died from on earth, as above (866, 868). The reason why by 'the dead' whom 'the sea gave up' are understood the men of the external Church is because no others were judged but those who had been in some worship, for all those who spurned the holy things of the Church and denied the Lord, the Word and the life after death were judged immediately after death and conjoined with those who were in hell, whither they were subsequently cast down. But those who had been external and natural men, and professed by mouth that there is a God, that there are a heaven and a hell, and in a certain way acknowledged the Word, they are the ones who were called together to judgment. From these, who were out of 'the sea,' many were saved, for we do not read that all of them 'were cast into the lake of fire,' as 'death and hell' were, but that 'if any one of them was not found written in the book of life' he was cast therein (verse 15). Those of them who were saved are also understood by 'the rest of the dead' who 'did not live again until the thousand years were finished' (verse 5). From these considerations it can now be established that by 'the sea gave up those who were dead in it' are signified the external and natural men of the Church called together to judgment.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 869

869. Verse 13. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, signifies the external and natural men of the church called together to judgment. By "the sea" is signified the external of the church, which is natural, therefore by those whom "the sea gave up" are signified the external and natural men of the church. That "the sea" signifies the external of the church, which is natural, may be seen above, (238-239, 402-405, 470, 565, 567, 659, 661). By "the dead" are meant they who had died out of the earth, as above, (866, 868). The reason why by "the dead whom the sea gave up" are meant the external men of the church, is because no others were judged but those who were in some worship, for all who have spurned the holy things of the church, and have denied God, the Word, and the life after death, were judged immediately after death, and conjoined with those who were in hell, whither they were afterwards cast down. But they who had been external and natural men, and professed with the mouths that there is a God, that there are a heaven and a hell, and in a certain way had acknowledged the Word, these are they who were called together to judgment. Out of these who were from "the sea," many were saved, for we do not read that all these "were cast into the lake of fire," as "death and hell" were, but that "if anyone of them was not found written in the book of life, he was cast therein" (Verse 15). Such of these as were saved, are also meant by "the rest of the dead which lived not again until the thousand years were finished" (Verse 5). From what has been said it may now appear, that by "the sea gave up the dead that were in it," are signified the external and natural men of the church called together to judgment.

Apocalypsis Revelata 869 (original Latin 1766)

869. (Vers. 13.) "Et dedit Mare eos qui in illo mortuos," significat homines Ecclesiae externos et naturales convocatos ad judicium. - Per "mare" significatur externum Ecclesiae, quod est naturale; inde per illos quos "mare dedit" significantur homines Ecclesiae externi et naturales; quod "mare" significet externum Ecclesiae, quod est naturale, videatur supra (238, 239, 402, 405, 470, 565, 567, 659, 661); 1per "mortuos" intelliguntur qui e terris mortui erant, ut supra (866, 868). Quod per "mortuos quos dedit mare," intelligantur homines Ecclesiae externi, est quia non alii judicati sunt quam qui in aliquo cultu fuerunt; omnes enim illi qui spreverunt sancta Ecclesiae, et negaverunt Deum, Verbum et Vitam post mortem, judicati sunt statim post mortem, et conjuncti illis qui in Inferno erant, quo dein dejecti sunt; at illi qui externi et naturales homines fuerunt, et ore tulerunt quod Deus sit, quod Caelum et Infernum sint, et quodam modo agnoverunt Verbum, illi sunt qui convocati erant ad judicium. Ex his qui ex "mari" erant, plures salvati sunt; nam non legitur quod omnes illi "conjecti sint in stagnum ignis, sicut "Mors et Infernus;" sed quod "si quis ex illis non inventus est in Libro vitae scriptus, conjectus sit," (vers. 15). 2Illi qui ex his salvati sunt, etiam intelliguntur per "reliquos mortuorum qui non revixerunt donec consummarentur mille anni," (vers. 5). Ex his nunc constare potest, quod per "dedit mare eos qui in illo mortuos" significentur homines Ecclesiae externi et naturales convocati ad judicium.


1. 402-405 pro "403, 404, 420;" et 565, 567 pro "566"

2. 15 pro "16"

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