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《揭秘启示录》 第881节

(一滴水译本 2019)



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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 881

881. Prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. This symbolizes the New Church conjoined with the Lord through the Word.

We are told that John saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven, and now that he saw the city prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. This makes it apparent that Jerusalem means the church, which John saw first as a city and then as a virgin bride - seeing it as a city representatively, and as a virgin bride spiritually. Thus he had two images, one within the other or above the other, even as angels do when they see, hear or read in the Word about a city, perceiving it in the conception of their lower thought as a city, but in the conception of their higher thought as doctrine. And if they desire it and pray to the Lord, they see the latter as a maiden, having a beauty and apparel commensurate with the character of the church. I, too, have been given to see the church in this way.

[2] The bride's being prepared symbolizes her being attired for betrothal, and the church is made ready for betrothal and then for conjunction or marriage in no other way than by the Word; for the Word is the one and only means of conjunction or marriage, inasmuch as the Word originates from the Lord and is about the Lord, and thus embodies the Lord. It is also called a covenant therefore, and a covenant symbolizes spiritual conjunction. Moreover it was for this reason that the Word was given.

That the husband is the Lord is apparent from verses 9 and 10 in this chapter, in which the Jerusalem is called the bride, the Lamb's wife.

To be shown that the Lord is called a bridegroom and husband, and the church His bride and wife, and that their marriage is like the marriage between goodness and truth, and takes place through the Word, see no. 797 above.

It can be seen from this that Jerusalem's being prepared as a bride adorned for her husband symbolizes the New Church conjoined with the Lord through the Word.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 881

881. 'Prepared as a bride [adorned] for her husband' signifies that Church conjoined to the Lord by means of the Word. It is said that John 'saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven,' here that he saw that city 'prepared as a bride for her husband,' from which it is also plain that by 'Jerusalem' is understood the Church, and that he saw that first as a city and afterwards as a betrothed virgin; as a city representatively, but as a betrothed virgin spiritually. Thus [he saw that Church] in a twofold idea, one within or above the other, precisely as the angels do who, when they see or hear or read in the Word 'a city,' in an idea of lower thought perceive a city but in an idea of higher thought perceive the Church as to doctrine; and the latter, if they desire it and pray to the Lord, they see as a virgin its beauty and apparel in accordance with the quality of the Church. Thus also has it been granted me to see the Church.

[2] By 'prepared' is signified attired for betrothal; and the Church is equipped for betrothal and afterwards for conjunction or marriage no otherwise than by means of the Word, for this is the only medium of conjunction or marriage, because the Word is from the Lord and concerning the Lord, and thus is the Lord. And therefore also it is called 'the covenant,' and 'the covenant' signifies spiritual conjunction. Indeed the Word has been given for the sake of that end. That by the 'husband' is understood the Lord is plain from verses 9-10 of this chapter, where Jerusalem is called 'the bride the Lamb's wife.' That the Lord is termed 'Bridegroom' and 'Husband,' and the Church 'bride' and 'wife,' and that this marriage is like the marriage of good and truth and is effected by means of the Word, may be seen above (797). From these considerations it can be established that by 'Jerusalem prepared as a bride for her husband' is signified that Church conjoined with the Lord by means of the Word.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 881

881. Prepared as a Bride adorned 1for her Husband, signifies that church conjoined with the Lord through the Word. It is said that John "saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven;" here that he saw that city "prepared as a Bride adorned for her Husband" from which it is also evident that by "Jerusalem" is meant the church, and that he saw it first as a city, and afterwards as a virgin bride; as a city representatively, and as a virgin bride spiritually, thus in a twofold idea, one within or above the other; just as the angels do, who, when they see or hear or read in the Word of "a city" in the idea of the lower thought perceive a city, but in the idea of the higher thought perceive the church as to doctrine; and the latter, if they desire it and pray to the Lord, they see as a virgin in beauty and clothing according to the quality of the church. Thus also it has been granted me to see the church.

[2] By "prepared" is signified clothed for her betrothal, and the church is no otherwise attired for her betrothal, and afterwards for conjunction or marriage, than by the Word; for this is the only means of conjunction or marriage, because the Word is from the Lord and concerning the Lord, and thus the Lord; for which reason it is also called "a covenant," and "a covenant" signifies spiritual conjunction; the Word also was given for this end. That by "Husband" is meant the Lord is plain from verses 9, 10 of this chapter, where Jerusalem is called "the Bride the Lamb's wife." That the Lord is called "the Bridegroom" and "Husband," the church "the Bride" and "Wife," and that this marriage is like the marriage of good and truth, and is effected through the Word, may be seen above, (797). From these things it may appear, that by "Jerusalem prepared as a Bride for her Husband" is signified that church conjoined with the Lord through the Word.


1. The original Latin omits "adorned."

Apocalypsis Revelata 881 (original Latin 1766)

881. "Paratam sicut Sponsam (ornatam) Marito Suo," significat Ecclesiam illam per Verbum conjunctam Domino. - Dicitur quod Johannes "viderit urbem sanctam Hierosolymam Novam descendentem a Deo e Caelo," hic quod viderit illam urbem "paratam sicut Sponsam Marito suo; unde etiam patet, quod per "Hierosolymam" intelligatur Ecclesia, et quod viderit illam primum ut Urbem, et postea ut Virginem Sponsam; illam ut Urbem repraesentative, et illam ut Virginem Sponsam spiritualiter, ita in duplici idea, una intra seu supra alteram: prorsus sicut angeli, qui cum vident aut audiunt aut legunt in Verbo "urbem," in idea inferioris cogitationis percipiunt urbem, sed in idea superioris cogitationis percipiunt Ecclesiam quoad doctrinam; et hanc, si desiderant et orant ad Dominum, vident ut Virginem in pulchritudine et amictu secundum quale Ecclesiae: ita quoque mihi datum est Ecclesiam videre. Per "paratam" significatur amicta ad desponsationem, et Ecclesia non aliter accingitur ad desponsationem, et postea ad conjunctionem seu conjugium, quam per Verbum; hoc enim est unicum medium conjunctionis seu conjugii quia Verbum est a Domino et de Domino, et sic Dominus; quare etiam vocatur "Foedus," et "foedus" significat conjunctionem spiritualem: Verbum etiam datum est propter illum finem. Quod per "Maritum" intelligatur Dominus, patet a vers. 9 et 10 1hujus capitis, ubi Hierosolyma vocatur "Sponsa, Uxor Agni." Quod Dominus dicatur "Sponsus" et "Maritus," et Ecclesia "Sponsa" et "Uxor," et quod conjugium illud sit sicut conjugium boni et veri, et fiat per Verbum, videatur supra (797). Ex his constare potest, quod per "Hierosolyma parata sicut Sponsa Marito" significetur Ecclesia illa per Verbum conjuncta Domino.


1. 9 et 10 pro "10 et 11"

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