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《揭秘启示录》 第885节

(一滴水译本 2019)










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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 885

885. That crying is mentioned in the Word in reference to grief over and fear of falsities from hell, and so of being devastated by them, is apparent from the following passages:

...the former distresses shall be forgotten, and... hidden from My eyes... Then the sound of weeping shall not be heard in her, nor the sound of crying. (Isaiah 65:16, 19)

This, too, is said in reference to Jerusalem, as in the present instance in the book of Revelation.

They are dark upon the land, and the cry of Jerusalem has gone up. (Jeremiah 14:2ff.)

The reference here is to sorrow over falsities that are devastating the church.

(Jehovah) looked for judgment, but behold, scabies; for righteousness, but behold, a cry. (Isaiah 5:7)

The sound of the cry of the shepherds... For Jehovah is laying waste their pasture. (Jeremiah 25:36)

The sound of a cry from the Fish Gate..., (because) their goods shall become booty, and their houses a desolation. (Zephaniah 1:10, 13)

And so on elsewhere, as in Isaiah 14:31; 15:4-6, 8; 24:11; 30:19, Jeremiah 46:12, 17.

It should be known, however, that crying in the Word is mentioned in reference to every affection of the heart that bursts out. It is consequently the sound of lamentation, of imploring, of supplicating out of grief, of calling to witness, of indignation, of confession, even of exultation.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 885

885. That 'crying' (clamor) in the Word is said of grief and fear of untruths out of hell, and consequently of devastation thereby, is plain from these passages:

The former troubles shall be forgotten, and they shall be hidden from Mine eyes; then the voice of weeping shall not be heard in her, nor the voice of crying. Isaiah 65:16, 19.

These words are also concerning 'Jerusalem,' as here in the Apocalypse.

They have been blackened into the land, and the crying of Jerusalem goes up. Jeremiah 14:2 seq.; where it also treats of sorrow over the untruths that devastate the Church.

Jehovah looked for judgment, but behold a scab, for justice, but behold a cry. Isaiah 5:7.

A voice of the crying of shepherds, because Jehovah is laying waste their pasture. Jeremiah 25:36.

A voice of crying from the fish-game, because their wealth is become a booty and their house a desolation, Zephaniah 1:10, 13; besides elsewhere, as Isaiah 14:31; 15:4-6, 8; 24:11; 30:19; Jeremiah 46:12, 17. But it should be known that 'crying' in the Word is said of every affection breaking forth from the heart, and therefore it is a voice of lamentation, of imploring, of supplication arising from distress, of entreaty, of indignation, of confession, even of exultation.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 885

885. That "crying" in the Word is said of grief and fear of falsities from hell, and thence of devastation by them, appears from the following passages:

The former troubles are forgotten, and they shall be hidden from Mine eyes; then the voice of weeping shall not be heard in her, nor the voice of crying, (Isaiah 65:16, 19);

speaking of Jerusalem in like manner as here in Revelation:

They are blackened in the land, and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up, (Jeremiah 14:2 seq.).

Lamentation over the falsities which devastate the church is treated of:

Jehovah looked for judgment, but behold a scab; for justice, but behold a cry, (Isaiah 5:7).

The voice of the cry of the shepherds, for Jehovah layeth waste their pasture, (Jeremiah 25:36).

The voice of a cry from the fish gate, because their wealth is become a booty, and their houses a desolation, (Zephaniah 1:10, 13).

Besides other places (as Isaiah 14:31; 15:4-6, 8; 24:11; 30:19; Jeremiah 46:12, 14). But it is to be known that "a cry" in the Word is said in reference to every affection that breaks forth from the heart, wherefore it is a voice of lamentation, of imploring, of supplication from grief, of entreaty, of indignation, of confession, yea of exultation.

Apocalypsis Revelata 885 (original Latin 1766)

885. Quod "clamor" in Verbo dicatur de dolore et timore pro falsis ex Inferno, et inde pro devastatione per illa, patet ex his:

"Oblivioni tradentur angustiae priores, et occultabuntur ab oculis Meis; tunc non audietur in illa vox fletus aut vox Clamoris," (Esaias 65:16, 19);

haec quoque de Hierosolyma, ut hic in Apocalypsi.

"Atrati sunt in terram, et Clamor Hierosolymae ascendit," (14:2, seq:);

ubi agitur de luctu super falsis, quae devastant Ecclesiam. "Exspectavit Jehovah judicium, sed ecce scabies; justitiam, sed ecce Clamor," (Esaias 5:7);

"Vox Clamoris pastorum, quia vastans Jehovah pascuum eorum," (Jeremias 25:36);

"Vox Clamoris a porta piscium, quia opes eorum in depraedationem, ac domus eorum in desolationem," (Zephanias 1:10, 13).

(Praeter alibi, ut Esaias 14:31; 15:4-6, 8; 24:11; 30:19; Jeremias 46:12, 14). 1

At sciendum est quod "clamor" in Verbo dicatur de omni affectione cordis erumpente; quare est vox lamentationis, implorationis, supplicationis ex indolentia, contestationis, indignationis, confessionis, imo exultationis.


1. 12, 14 pro "2, 4"

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