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《揭秘启示录》 第884节

(一滴水译本 2019)




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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 884

884. 21:4 "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more toil, for the former things have passed away." This symbolically means that the Lord will take away from them all grief of mind, all fear of damnation, all fear of evils and falsities from hell, and of temptations or trials on account of them, and they will remember them no more, because the dragon that inflicted them has been cast out.

God's wiping away every tear from their eyes means, symbolically, that the Lord will take away from them all grief of mind, for shedding tears is caused by grief of mind. The death that will be no more symbolizes damnation, as in nos. 325, 765, 853, 873 - here, the fear of it. The sorrow that will be no more symbolizes a fear of evils from hell, for sorrow has various symbolic meanings, being everywhere a sorrow over whatever is portrayed as its cause. Here it is a fear of evils from hell, because it is preceded by a fear of damnation and followed by a fear of falsities from hell, and of temptations or trials on account of them. Crying symbolizes a fear of falsities from hell, as will be seen in the next number. The toil that will be no more symbolizes temptations or trials (no. 640). Its being no more because the former things have passed away means, symbolically, that the temptations or trials will not be remembered, because the dragon that inflicted them has been cast out; for these are the former things that have passed away.

[2] But this needs to be illustrated. Every person after death comes first into the world of spirits, which is midway between heaven and hell, and there he is prepared, a good person for heaven, and an evil one for hell. Regarding this world, see nos. 784, 791, 843, 850, 866, 869 above. And because associations are formed there as in the natural world, it had to be the case, before the Last Judgment, that people who outwardly were civic-minded and moral but inwardly evil met up with and conversed with people who likewise were outwardly civic-minded and moral but inwardly good. And because inherent in evil people is a desire to lead astray, therefore the good people with whom they associated were harassed by them in various ways. But those who grieved because of their torments and began to experience fears of being damned, of evils and falsities flowing in from hell, and of undergoing severe temptation or trial - these the Lord removed from association with the evil and conveyed them into a land below the one they were on, where they formed new associations, and there were protected. Moreover, this continued until all the evil had been separated from the good, which was brought about by the Last Judgment; and then those who were protected in the lower land or earth were raised by the Lord into heaven.

[3] The torments were inflicted primarily by the people meant by the dragon and its beasts. That is why the dragon and its two beasts were cast into the lake of fire and brimstone. Then, because all harassment ceased, and so also any grief over and fear of damnation and hell, those who had been tormented were told that God would wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there would be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, neither would there be any more toil, for the former things had passed away, which symbolically means that the Lord would take away from them all grief of mind, all fear of damnation, all fear of evils and falsities from hell, and of severe temptation or trial on account of them, and they would remember them no more, because the dragon that inflicted them had been cast out.

That the dragon had been cast out along with its two beasts and cast into the lake of fire and brimstone may be seen in 19:20 verses and 20:10 above. Moreover, that the dragon inflicted torments is apparent from many passages. For it fought with Michael and tried to devour the child that the woman bore, and after pursuing the woman, it went off to make war with the rest of her offspring (12:4 verses, 5, 7-9, 13-17; 16:13-16, and elsewhere).

Many people who were inwardly good were protected by the Lord to keep them from being tormented by the dragon and its beasts. This is apparent from 6:9-11 verses. That they were tormented is apparent from 7:13-17 verses, and that they were afterward taken up into heaven from 20:4-5 and elsewhere.

The same people are also meant by prisoners and those bound in a pit, and by those set free by the Lord (Isaiah 24:22; 61:1; Luke 4:18-19; Zechariah 9:11; Psalms 79:11).

This is symbolized as well in the Word where we are told that graves were opened, 1and where we are told of souls awaiting a last judgment and resurrection then. 2


1. Ezekiel 37:12, 13.

2. Revelation 20:4-6

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 884

884. [verse 4] 'And God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither sorrow, nor crying, nor labour shall be any more, for the former things have passed away' signifies that the Lord will take from them all grief of mind, fear of damnation, of evils and untruths out of hell, and of the temptations resulting from them, and they shall not remember them, because the dragon who afflicted them has been cast out. By 'God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes' is signified that the Lord will take from them all grief of mind, for shedding tears is the result of grief of mind. By the 'death' that shall be no more is signified damnation (as 325, 765, 853, 873), here fear of it. By the 'sorrow' that shall be no more is signified fear of evils from hell, for 'sorrow' signifies various things, being in every instance on account of some thing that is treated of. Here it is the fear of evils out of hell, because what goes before [treats of the fear] of damnation, and it follows on [to treat of the fear] of untruths out of hell, and of the temptations resulting from them. By 'crying' is signified fear of untruths out of hell, treated of in the following paragraph. By the 'labour' that shall be no more are signified temptations (640). By 'shall not be any more, for the former things have passed away' is signified that they shall not remember them, because the dragon who had inflicted them has been cast out, for these are 'the former things' which 'have passed away.

[2] But these things must be illustrated. Every man after death first comes into the world of spirits which is midway between heaven and hell, and is there prepared, a good man for heaven and an evil man for hell. Concerning this world [something] may be seen above (784, 791, 843, 850, 866, 869); and because the companionships (consortia) there are just as in the natural world, it could not be otherwise before the last judgment than that those who were civil and moral in external things but evil in internal things should mix and converse with those who likewise in external things were civil and moral but in internal things were good. And because there is continually inherent in the evil the lust of leading astray, therefore the good who were in companionship with them were infested in various ways. But those who were in sorrow through the infestations originating from them, and came into the fears of damnation, and of the evils and untruths out of hell and of grievous temptation, were taken away from their company and sent to a certain land below that, where there are also societies, and were guarded there; and this was done until all the evil were separated from the good. This separation was effected by the last judgment; and then those who had been guarded in the lower land were taken up by the Lord into heaven.

[3] These infestations were chiefly brought about by those who are understood by 'the dragon' and his 'beasts.' And then when the dragon and his two beasts were cast into the lake of fire and sulphur, because all the infestation and consequent sorrow and fear of damnation and of hell ceased, it is said to those who had been infested that God would 'wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither sorrow, nor crying, nor labour shall be any more, for the former things have passed away,' by which is signified that the Lord will take from them all grief of mind, fear of damnation and of the evils and untruths out of hell, and of the grievous temptation originating from them, and that they shall not remember them, because the dragon who had inflicted them has been cast out. That the dragon with his two beasts was cast Out and cast into the lake of fire and sulphur may be seen above (19:20; 20:10); and that the dragon infested is plain from many passages; for he fought with Michael and wanted to devour the offspring which the woman brought forth, and he persecuted the woman and went away to wage war with the remnant of her seed (12:4-5, 7-9, 13-18; 1also 16:13-16, and elsewhere). That many who were interiorly good were guarded by the Lord lest they should be infested by the dragon and his beasts is plain from chapter 6:9-11; and that they were infested (7:13-17), and that they were afterwards taken up into heaven (20:4-5, and elsewhere). The same are also understood by 'the captives' and 'those bound in the pit,' and liberated by the Lord (Isaiah 24:22; 61:1; Luke 4:18-19; Zechariah 9:11; Psalms 79:11). This is also signified in the Word where it is said that the graves were opened, also where it is said that souls shall wait for the last judgment and a resurrection then.


1. AV Chapter 13.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 884

884. Verse 4. And God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither mourning nor crying, neither shall labor be anymore, for the former things have passed away, signifies that the Lord will take from them all grief of mind, fear of damnation on account of evils and falsities from hell, and of temptations from them, and they shall not remember them, because the dragon, which had occasioned them, is cast out. "God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes" signifies that the Lord will take away from them all grief of mind, for shedding tears is from grief of mind; by "death" which shall not be anymore is signified damnation (as 325, 765, 853, 873), here the fear of it; by "mourning" which shall not be anymore is signified the fear of evils from hell, for "mourning" has various significations, having relation in all cases to the subject treated of, here the fear of evils from hell; because the fear of damnation is mentioned just before, and the fear of falsities from hell, and of temptations from them follows; by "crying" is signified the fear of falsities from hell, as will be seen in the next article; by the "labor" which shall be no more, are signified temptations, (640); by "it shall not be anymore because the former things are passed away" is signified that they shall not remember them because the dragon, who had occasioned them, is cast out, for these constitute the former things which had passed away.

[2] But these things shall be illustrated. Every man after death first comes into the world of spirits, which is midway between heaven and hell, and is there prepared, the good for heaven and the evil for hell, concerning which world see above, (784, 791, 843, 850, 866, 869). And because there are consociations there as in the natural world, it could not be otherwise before the Last Judgment, than that they who in externals were civil and moral, but in internals were evil, should be together, and should hold converse with those who likewise in externals were civil and moral, but in internals were good. And since there is inherent in the evil the continual lust of seducing, therefore the good, who were in consort with them, were infested in various ways. But they who were in grief by their infestations, and came into the fear of damnation, and of evils and falsities from hell, and of grievous temptation, were removed by the Lord from consort with them, and sent to a certain earth below that, where also there were societies, and were guarded there, and this until such time as all the evil were separated from the good, which was effected by the Last Judgment; and then they who had been guarded in the lower earth, were taken up by the Lord into heaven.

[3] These infestations were induced for the most part by those who are meant by "the dragon" and his "beasts." Therefore when the dragon and his two beasts were cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, then, because all infestation and thence grief and fear on account of damnation and of hell ceased, it is said to those who had been infested, that "God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither mourning, nor crying, nor labor, shall be anymore, for the former things are passed away" by which is signified that the Lord will take from them all grief of mind, fear of damnation, and of evils and falsities from hell, and of grievous temptation from them, nor would they remember them, because the dragon who had induced them was cast out. That the dragon and his two beasts were ejected, and cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, may be seen above, (Revelation 19:20; 20:10); and that the dragon infested, appears from many places; for he fought with Michael, and wished to devour the offspring which the woman brought forth, and persecuted the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, (Revelation 12:4-5, 7; 12:7-9, 13-17; 13:1, also 16:13, 16), and in other places. That many who were interiorly good, were thus guarded by the Lord lest they should be infested by the dragon and his beasts, appears from 6:9-11; and that they were infested, 7:13-17, and that they were afterwards taken up into heaven,20:4-5, and elsewhere. The same are also meant by "the captives" and by "them that are bound in the pit" and delivered by the Lord, (Isaiah 24:22; 61:1; Luke 4:18-19; Zechariah 9:11; Psalms 79:11). This is also signified in the Word, where it is said that the graves were opened; also where the souls are spoken of that expect the last judgment, and then the resurrection.

Apocalypsis Revelata 884 (original Latin 1766)

884. (Vers. 4.) "Et absterget Deus omnem lachrymam et oculis illorum, at mors non erit amplius; neque luctus, neque clamor, neque labor, non erit amplius; quia priora transiverunt," significat quod Dominus auferet illis omnem dolorem animi, timorem pro damnatione, pro malis et falsis ex Inferno, proque tentationibus ex illis, et non recordabuntur illorum, quia Draco, qui intulerat, ejectus est. - Per "absterget Deus omnem lachrymam ex oculis illorum" significatur quod Dominus illis auferet omnem dolorem animi, lachrymatio enim ex dolore animi est: per "mortem" quae non erit amplius, significatur damnatio (ut 325, 765, 853, 873); hic timor pro illa: per "luctum," qui nec erit amplius, significatur timor pro malis ab Inferno, "luctus" enim significat varia, ubivis propter aliquam rem de qua agitur; hic timorem pro malis ex Inferno, quia praecedit pro damnatione, et sequitur pro falsis ab Inferno, et de tentationibus ex illis: per "clamorem" significatur timor pro falsis ex Inferno, de quo in articulo sequente: per "laborem," qui nec erit, significantur tentationes (640); per "non erit amplius, quia priora transiverunt" significatur quod non recordabuntur illorum, quia Draco, qui intulerat, ejectus est; haec enim sunt priora quae transiverunt.

Sed haec illustranda sunt. Omnis homo post mortem primum venit in Mundum spirituum, qui est medius inter Caelum et Infernum, et ibi praeparatur, bonus ad Caelum et malus ad Infernum; de quo Mundo, videatur supra (784, 791, 843, 850, 866, 869). Et quia consortia ibi sunt sicut in mundo naturali, non potuit aliter ante Ultimum Judicium, quam ut illi qui in externis erant civiles et morales at in internis mali, simul essent et colloquerentur cum illis qui similiter in externis erant civiles et morales sed in internis boni. Et quia malis inest continua cupiditas seducendi, ideo boni qui cum illis in consortio erant variis modis infestati sunt. Verum illi qui per infestationes ex illis doluerunt, et venerunt in timores pro damnatione, proque malis et falsis ex Inferno, proque gravi tentatione, a Domino exempti consortio illorum sunt, et missi in Terram quandam infra illam, ubi etiam societates sunt, et ibi custoditi; et hoc usque dum omnes mali separati sunt a bonis, quod per Ultimum Judicium factum est; et tunc illi qui in Terra inferiore custoditi fuerunt, a Domino elevati sunt in Caelum. Infestationes illae imprimis factae sunt ab illis qui per "Draconem" et ejus "Bestias" intelliguntur; quare cum Draco et binae ejus Bestiae conjecti sunt in stagnum ignis et sulphuris, tunc, quia omnis infestatio ac inde dolor ac timor pro damnatione et pro Inferno cessaverunt, dicitur ad illos qui infestati fuerant, quod "Deus absterget omnem lachrymam ab oculis illorum, et mors non erit amplius, neque luctus, neque clamor, neque labor, non erit amplius, quia priora transiverunt;" per quae significatur quod Dominus auferet illis omnem dolorem animi, timorem pro damnatione, proque malis et falsis ex Inferno, proque gravi tentatione ex illis, et non recordabuntur illorum, quia Draco, qui intulerat, ejectus est. Quod Draco cum binis Bestiis ejectus sit, et conjectus in stagnum ignis et sulphuris, videatur supra, (19:20; 20:10); et quod Draco infestaverit, ex multis locis patet; pugnavit enim cum Michaele, et voluit devorare fetum quem mulier peperit, et persecutus mulierem, abivit ut faceret bellum cum reliquis seminis ejus, (12:4-5, 7-9, 13-18 (B.A. 4-5, 7-9, 13-17; 13:1); tum 16:13-16; et alibi). Quod plures qui interius boni fuerunt, custoditi sint a Domino ne infestarentur a Dracone et ejus Bestiis, patet a 6:9-11 et quod infestati fuerint, 7:13-17; et quod postea evecti sint in Caelum, 20:4-5; et alibi. Iidem etiam intelliguntur per "captivos" et "vinctos in fovea," et a Domino liberatos, (Esaias 24:22; 61:1; Luca 4:18-19; Sacharias 9:11; Psalm 79:11).

Hoc quoque significatur in Verbo, ubi dicitur quod Sepulchra aperta sint; tum ubi dicitur quod Animae exspectent Ultimum Judicium, et tunc Resurrectionem.

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