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《新教会教义纲要》 第10节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)

  BE10.《协和信条》中关于原罪的内容: (a)由于亚当的堕落,所有人——在本性上从亚当世代相传下来——生在罪中,给那些未重生之人带来被罚入地狱的诅咒和永死。基督的功德是唯一的途径让他们藉此得以重生;因而是他们藉此被复原的唯一补救措施(p9,10,52,53,55,317,641,644及附录部分的p138,139)。 (b)原罪是本性上的如此深入的败坏,以致人的身体或灵魂或他的精神之中再无半点灵性上的健全(p574)。 (c)原罪是一切实际罪恶的源头(p317,577,639,640,642,附录p139)。 (d)原罪是上帝形像的全然缺乏或丧失(p640)。 (e)应当区分我们的本性(诸如上帝所造的)与原罪(存于我们本性之中的)(p645)。 (f)此外,原罪被称为魔鬼的工作、灵性之毒、一切恶的根源、意外、特质,而我们的本性被称为上帝的工作和创造物、人的个性、本质、实质;二者之间的分别犹如病人和疾病。

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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 10

10. From the Formula Concordiae, concerning Original Sin.

(a) Since the fall of Adam, all men, being descended from him according to nature, are born in sin, which brings damnation and eternal death on those who are not reborn. The merit of Christ is the only means whereby they are reborn; consequently, the only remedy whereby they are restored. Pages 9-10, 52-53, 55, 317, 641, 644 also Appendix, pages 138-139.

(b) Original sin is such a deep corruption of nature that there is no spiritual soundness in man's body or soul, or in his energies. Page 574.

(c) It is the source of all actual sins. Pages 317, 577, 639, 640, 642. Appendix, page 139.

(d) It is the total absence or deprivation of the image of God. Page 640.

(e) We ought to distinguish between our nature such as God created it, and original sin which dwells in our nature. Page 645.

(f) Moreover, original sin is there called the work of the devil, spiritual poison, the root of all evils, an accident 1and a quality; whereas our nature is there called the work and creature of God, the personality of man, a substance and an essence and the difference between them is the same as the difference between a man infected with a disease and the disease itself.


1. Latin "accidens" i.e., an accident in the philosophical sense of a non-essential property not in the sense of a mishap.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 10

10. From the Formula Concordiae, concerning original sin.

(a) That since the fall of Adam, all men naturally descended from him are born with sin, which condemns, and brings eternal death upon those who are not born again, and that the merit of Christ is the only means whereby they are regenerated, consequently the only remedy whereby they are healed (pp. 9, 10, 52, 53, 55, 317, 641, 644, and Appendix, pp. 138, 139).

(b) That original sin is such a total corruption of nature, that there is no spiritual soundness in the powers of man either as to his soul or body (p. 574).

(c) That it is the source of all actual sins (pp. 317, 577, 639, 640, 942; Appendix, p. 139).

(d) That it is a total absence or privation of the image of God (p. 640).

(e) That we ought to distinguish between our nature, such as God created it, and original sin which dwells in our nature (p. 645).

(f) Moreover, original sin is there called the work of the devil, spiritual poison, the root of all evils, an accident and a quality; whereas our nature is there called the work and creature of God, the personality of man, a substance, and an essence; and that the difference between them is the same as the difference between a man infected with a disease and the disease itself.

Summaria Expositio 10 (original Latin 1769)


(a) Quod post lapsum Adami omnes homines secundum naturam propagati nascantur ab illo cum peccato, quod damnat, et mortem aeternam affert illis qui non renascuntur, et quod Meritum Christi sit unicum medium per quod renascuntur, ita unicum remedium quo sanantur, pag. 9, 10, 52, 53, 55, 317, 641, 644. et Appendix p. 138, 139.

(b) Quod peccatum originis sit tam profundae 2naturae corruptio, ut nihil spiritualiter sanum sit in corpore et anima hominis, inque viribus ejus, p. 574.

(c) Quod sit scaturigo omnium actualium peccatorum, p. 317, 577, 639, 640, 642, 3Append. p. 139.

(d) Quod sit totalis carentia seu privatio imaginis Dei, p. 640.

(e) Quod discrimen tenendum sit inter naturam nostram qualis a Deo creata est, et inter peccatum originis quod in natura habitat, p. 645.

(f) Praeterea Peccatum originis vocatur ibi diaboli opus, spirituale venenum, radix omnium malorum, accidens et qualitas; ac Natura ibi vocatur Dei opus et creatura, hominis persona, substantia et essentia, ac quod sit distinctio sicut inter hominem morbo infectum et inter ipsum morbum.


1. 10 pro 20

2. profundae: lego profunda, ut F.C. p. 574.

3. 642 pro 942.

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