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《新教会教义纲要》 第103节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)


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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 103

103. BRIEF ANALYSIS The reason why the faith of the New Church cannot possibly be together with the faith of the former, that is, the present Church, is because they do not agree in one third, no, nor even in one tenth part. The faith of the former Church is described in the Revelation, chapter xii, by the dragon, but the faith of the New Church by the woman clothed with the sun, having upon her head a crown of twelve stars, whom the dragon persecuted, and at whom he cast water as a flood that he might swallow her up; as may be seen above, nos. 87-90. These two cannot be together in one city, still less in one house, consequently not in one mind, at the same time. Should they be together, it could not be otherwise than that the woman would be continually exposed to the rage and insanity of the dragon, and in fear lest he should devour her son. For it is said in the Revelation, chapter 12, that the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered, to devour her child, and that the woman, after she had brought forth the man-child, fled into the wilderness; Revelation 12:1, 4, 6, 14-17. The faith of the former Church is that of night, for human reason perceives nothing respecting it wherefore, it is also said that the understanding should be kept in obedience to it. Nay, it is not even known whether it is within man or outside of him, since nothing of man's will and reason enters into it; no, nor charity, good works, repentance, the Law of the Decalogue, with many other things, which actually exist in man's mind. That this is so may be seen above, nos. 79-80, 96-98. But the faith of the New Church enters into a marriage covenant with all those essentials just mentioned, and unites itself with them; and because, for this reason, it is in the heat of heaven it is also in the light thereof, and is an enlightened faith. Now a darkened faith and an enlightened faith can no more be together than an owl and a dove can be in one nest; for in such a case the owl may lay her eggs, and the dove hers, and, after sitting, the young of both would be hatched, and then the owl would tear in pieces the young of the dove, and give them to her own young for food; for the owl is a bird of prey. A further reason why the faith of the former Church and the faith of the New Church cannot possibly be together is that they are heterogeneous. For the faith of the former Church is derived from the idea of three Gods, as may be seen in nos. 30-38; whereas the faith of the New Church is from the idea of one God. From this fact there is disagreement between them, so that, should they be together, there must inevitably arise such a collision and conflict that everything of the Church would perish; that is, man would either fall into a delirium or into a state of insensibility where spiritual things are concerned, until at length he would scarcely know what the Church is, or whether there is any Church at all. From what has been said it follows that those who have confirmed themselves in the faith of the old Church cannot embrace the faith of the New Church without danger to their spiritual life, unless they have first rejected and thus rooted out one by one all the points of their former faith, together with its young or eggs, that is, its dogmas, the nature of which have already been shown in the foregoing pages, particularly paragraphs 64-69.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 103


The reason why the faith of the New Church cannot by any means be together with the faith of the former or present church, is, because they do not agree together in one third, no, nor even in one tenth part. The faith of the former church is described in Revelation (chap. 12) by "the dragon," but the faith of the New Church by "the woman encompassed with the sun, having upon her head a crown of twelve stars, whom the dragon pursued, and at whom he cast water as a flood, that he might swallow her up," see above (n. 87-90). These two cannot be together in one city, much less in one house, consequently they cannot be together in one mind; and if they should be together, the unavoidable consequence must be, that the woman would be continually exposed to the anger and insanity of the dragon, and in fear lest he should devour her son; for it is said in Revelation, that:

The dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered, in order to devour her offspring, and the woman, after she had brought forth, fled into the wilderness (Revelation 12:1,4, 6, 14-17).

The faith of the former church is a faith of the night, for human reason has no perception of it; wherefore it is also said, that the understanding must be kept in obedience thereto; yea, it is not known whether it be within man or without him, because nothing of man's will and reason enters into it, no, nor charity, good works, repentance, the Law of the Decalogue, with many other things which really exist in the mind of man. That this is the case, may be seen above (n. 79-80, 96-98). But the faith of the New Church enters into a conjugial covenant with all these, and conjoins itself to them; and because it is thus in the heat of heaven, it is also in the light thereof, and is a faith of light. Now a faith of night and a faith of light cannot be together any more than an owl and a dove in one nest. For in such case the owl would lay her eggs, and the dove hers, and after sitting, the young of both would be hatched, and then the owl would tear in pieces the young of the dove, and would give them to her own young for food; for the owl is a bird of prey. There is a further reason why the faith of the former church and the faith of the New Church cannot possibly be together, and that is, because they are heterogeneous; for the faith of the former church springs from an idea of three gods, see n. 30-38, but the faith of the New Church from the idea of one God; and as there hence arises a heterogeneity between them, there must inevitably, if they are together, be such a collision and conflict, that everything of the church would perish; that is, man would either fall into a delirium or into a swoon, as to spiritual things, until at length he would scarcely know what the church is, or whether there be any church. From what has been said, it follows, that they who have confirmed themselves in the faith of the old church, cannot, without endangering their spiritual life, embrace the faith of the New Church, until they first have disproved its particulars, and thus have extirpated the former faith, together with its offspring or eggs, that is, its dogmas; the nature of which has been already shown in the foregoing pages, particularly at n. 64-69.

Summaria Expositio 103 (original Latin 1769)


Quod Fides Novae Ecclesiae nequaquam possit una esse cum fide prioris, hoc est, hodiernae Ecclesiae, est causa, quia non in uno tertio, et ne quidem in uno decimo conveniunt: Fides prioris Ecclesiae describitur in Apocalypsi 12 Cap., per Draconem, ac Fides Novae Ecclesiae per Mulierem circumdatam sole, et super cujus capite corona duodecim stellarum erat, quam Draco persequutus est, et in quam conjecit aquam sicut flumen, ut illam absorberet, videatur supra n. 87-90; hi duo non possunt in una Urbe esse, minus in una Domo, ita non in una Mente simul; et si una forent, non potest aliter, quam ut Mulier, Draconis irae ac insaniae continue exposita esset, ac in timore ne Filium suum devoraret; nam dicitur in Apocalypsi 12 Cap., quod Draco steterit coram Muliere paritura ut devoraret foetum ejus, et quod Mulier, postquam pepererat, aufugerit in desertum, Vers. 1, 4, 6, 14-17. Fides prioris Ecclesiae est fides noctis, nam ratio humana de illa nihil percipit, quare etiam dicitur, quod intellectus sub obedientia ejus captaretur; imo nec scitur num sit in homine, vel num extra illum, quoniam nihil voluntatis et rationis hominis in illam intrat, imo nec charitas, bona opera, paenitentia, lex decalogi, et plura, quae realiter in hominis mente existunt; quod ita sit, videatur supra n. 79, 80, 96, 97, 98; Fides autem Novae Ecclesiae cum omnibus illis init foedus conjugiale, et se conjungit, et quia sic est in calore caeli, est etiam in luce ejus, est fides lucis; ac fides noctis et fides lucis non possunt una esse aliter quam sicut Noctua et Columba in uno nido; sic etenim Noctua poneret sua ova, et Columba sua, et post incubatum excluderentur pulli, ac tunc Noctua pullos columbae discerperet, ac suis pullis daret in escam; est enim Noctua avis vorax. Quod Fides prioris Ecclesiae et Fides Novae non possint una esse, est etiam causa, quia sunt heterogeneae; nam Fides prioris Ecclesiae nascitur ex idea trium Deorum, videatur supra n. 30-38, at Fides novae Ecclesiae ex idea Unius Dei; et quia inter illas inde est heterogeneitas, non potest aliter, quam si una essent, fieret collisio et conflictio talis, ut periret omne Ecclesiae, hoc est, quam ut homo in Rebus spiritualibus caderet vel in delirium vel in deliquium, usque ut vix sciret quid Ecclesia, aut num Ecclesia sit. Ex his consequitur, quod illi, qui Fidem veteris Ecclesiae apud se confirmaverunt, non possint nisi cum periculo vitae suae spiritualis amplecti fidem Novae Ecclesiae, nisi prius singulatim improbaverint, et sic exstirpaverint fidem priorem cum suis foetibus aut ovis, hoc est, dogmatibus; quae qualia sunt, in praecedentibus ostensum est, imprimis n. 64-69.

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