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《婚姻之爱》 第104节









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Conjugial Love #104 (Chadwick (1996))

104. From the first paper his hand happened to grasp he read as follows.

'We, the five representatives in our chamber, have decided that conjugial love originated with the most ancient people of the golden age, and from the creation of Adam and his wife among them. This is the origin of marriage, and together with marriage of conjugial love. As regards the strength or potency of conjugial love, we see no other source for it than the climate or situation with reference to the sun, and as a result the heat experienced on earth. We have arrived at this opinion, not from any empty notions we have thought up, but from clear observations we have made; for instance, by studying the peoples living in the tropical zone, where the heat of the day is almost burning, and peoples living nearer to or further away from that zone. We also deduce this from the way the heat of the sun works together with vital heat in earth-bound animals and in the birds of the heavens, when they breed in springtime. Moreover, is conjugial love anything but heat, which with the additional help of the sun becomes strength or potency?' This was signed H, the initial of the [Spanish] kingdom from which they came.

Conjugial Love #104 (Rogers (1995))

104. From the first piece of paper that his hand happened to chance upon, the angel then read aloud the following statement:

"We five fellow countrymen in our compartment have decided that the origin of conjugial love comes from the most ancient peoples in the golden age, and among them, from the creation of Adam and his wife. The origin of marriage comes from this source, and with marriage, the origin of conjugial love.

"As for the vigor or potency of conjugial love, we trace the origin of this from no other source than the climate or solar zone, and thus from the heat of the sun upon the land. We came to this consideration not as the result of empty figments of reason, but from the plain indications of experience. We came to it, for instance, from our knowledge of peoples below the equatorial line or circle, where the day's heat blazes like fire, and from comparing peoples who live nearer that line and peoples who live further away from it. We also came to this consideration as well from seeing the cooperation of solar heat with the vital heat in animals of the earth and birds of the sky in springtime when they beget their young.

"Besides, what is conjugial love but heat, which, if strengthened by additional heat from the sun, becomes vigorous or potent."

This statement was signed below with the letters, Sp., the initial letters of the kingdom the writers were from.

Love in Marriage #104 (Gladish (1992))

104. From the first paper, which he picked at random, he read this:

"We five countrymen in our alcove have decided that the source of married love is the earliest people, in the Golden Age, and they got it from the creation of Adam and his wife. Marriages are from that source, and the source of married love is in marriages.

Concerning married love's energy or potency, we derive this from nothing but the climate, or where the sun is in the sky and therefore the heat of the land. We have not examined this by thinking up empty conjectures but from the clear evidence of experience - as from the nations at the Equator where the heat of the day fairly burns, and from nations near that line and from nations living far from it. And also from the cooperation of the sun's heat with the vital heat of animals on earth and birds of the sky in springtime when they mate. Besides, what is the love in marriage but heat? If supplementary heat from the sun is added to it, it becomes sexual energy or potency." This was signed with the letter H, the initial of the country they were from.

Conjugial Love #104 (Acton (1953))

104. From the FIRST paper which his hand took at random, he read as follows: "We five compatriots in our stall have concluded that conjugial love had its origin from the most ancient people in the Golden Age, and with them from the creation of Adam and his wife. Thence is the origin of marriages and with marriages the origin of conjugial love. As regards the virtue or potency of conjugial love, we derive this from no other source than the climate, that is, the position of the sun and the consequent heat upon the land. We have considered the subject, not from vain conjectures of reason but from the evident indications of experience; as, for instance, from the peoples who live under the equinoctial line or circle where the heat of day is ardent; also from peoples dwelling near that circle, and from peoples farther removed therefrom; and furthermore, from the co-operation of solar heat and vital heat, as seen in the animals of the earth and the birds of heaven in spring-time when they are prolific. Besides, what is conjugial love but heat? and if to this be added the supplementary heat of the sun, it becomes virtue or potency." To this was subscribed the letter H, the initial letter of the kingdom from which they were.

Conjugial Love #104 (Wunsch (1937))

104. From the first paper, which his hand seized at random, he read as follows: "We five compatriots, in our cubicle, have concluded that marital love had its origin with the most ancient people in the Golden Age, and indeed in the creation of Adam and his wife. Thence is the origin of marriages, and along with marriages, of marital love. As for the vigor or potency of marital love, we trace it to a single source, climate, or the incidence of the sun and its heat in a land. We have considered the subject not by vain conjectures of the reason, but from the plain indications of experience. We have considered, for instance, peoples under the equinoxial line or circle, where the heat of day is a burning heat, and peoples who dwell nearer to that circle or farther from it. We have also noted the cooperation of solar heat with vital heat in animals of the earth and in birds of the air in the springtime, when they propagate. Besides, what is marital love but heat, which, with the addition of the re-enforcing heat of the sun, becomes vigor or potency?" To this was subscribed the letter H, the initial letter of the kingdom to which the writers belonged.

Conjugial Love #104 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

104. From the first paper, which his hand took at random, he read as follows: 'We five, compatriots, in our closet, have concluded, that the origin of conjugial love is from the most ancient people in the Golden Age, and with them was from the creation of Adam and his wife. Thence is the origin of marriages, and with marriages the origin of conjugial love. As regards the virtue or potency of conjugial love we derive this from no other source than from climate, or the situation of the sun and the heat therefrom in different lands. It is not by vain conjectures of reason that we have considered the subject, but from the evident indications of experience. That is, from the peoples under the equinoxial line or circle, where the heat of day is as it were burning; and from the peoples who dwell nearer and farther from that circle. Also from the co-operation of solar heat with vital heat with the animals of the earth and the birds of heaven in springtime, when they propagate. Besides, What is conjugial love but heat? which if the supplementary heat of the sun be added to it becomes virtue or potency.' To this was subscribed the letter H, the initial letter of the kingdom they were from.

De Amore Conjugiali #104 (original Latin (1768))

104. Tunc ex Prima Charta, quam forte manus ejus apprehendit, legit haec: "Nos quinque populares in nostro Conclavio decrevimus, quod Origo amoris conjugialis sit ex Antiquissimis in Saeculo aureo, et apud hos ex creatione Adami et ejus Uxoris; inde est Origo conjugiorum, et cum conjugiis Origo amoris conjugialis. Quod Amoris conjugialis Virtutem seu Potentiam concernit, hanc non aliunde derivamus, quam ex climate seu regione solis, et inde calore super terris; hoc non ex inanibus rationis inventis, sed ex evidentibus experientiae indiciis contemplati sumus; ut ex Populis sub linea seu circulo aequinoctiali, ubi Calor diurnus sicut ardet; et ex populis proprius ad illum Circulum, et ex populis remotius ab illo habitantibus; et quoque ex cooperatione caloris solaris cum calore vitali apud animalia terrae et aves Coeli tempore veris cum prolificant; praeterea quid amor conjugialis nisi Calor, cui si accedit Calor succenturiatus a Sole, fit Virtus seu Potentia." His subscripta est litera H, quae erat initialis Regni, e quo erant.

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