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《婚姻之爱》 第103节






















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Conjugial Love #103 (Chadwick (1996))

103. At this point I shall add two accounts of experiences, the first of which is this.

One morning before sunrise I looked towards the east in the spiritual world, and saw four horsemen as it were flying out of a cloud shining with the flaming light of dawn. On the horsemen's heads were to be seen helmets with raised brims, on their arms what looked like wings, and about their bodies tunics of orange colour. Then, dressed as racers, they rose in their stirrups, stretching the reins above the manes of the horses, which galloped as if they had wings on their feet. I followed with my eyes their course, or rather flight, with the idea of discovering where they were going; and I saw three of the horsemen spread out towards three points of the compass, south, west and north, while the fourth after a short distance stopped in the east.

[2] Wondering at this I looked up to heaven and asked where the horsemen were going. I got this reply: 'They are to be sent to the wise men in the various kingdoms of Europe, who in making judgments are skilled in reasoning and sharp-witted, and who have achieved distinction in their own countries for their intellectual abilities. They are summoned to come and resolve the problem of the source of conjugial love, and its strength or potency.'

I was told from heaven, 'Wait a little and you will see twenty-seven chariots; three containing Spaniards, three Frenchmen, three Italians, three Germans, three Dutchmen, three Englishmen, three Swedes, three Danes and three Poles.' Two hours later the chariots came into view pulled by dun-coloured ponies with elaborate harness. They sped towards a commodious building to be seen on the border between the east and the south. All the travellers in the chariots dismounted around this, and entered it in high spirits.

[3] Then I was told, 'You too may go and enter, so that you can listen.' So I went and passed inside. When I surveyed the interior of the building, I observed that it was square, each side looking out towards a compass-point. On each side there were three lofty windows filled with clear glass, the frames being of olive-wood. On either side of the window-frames there were projections from the walls forming as it were rooms with vaulted ceilings, and containing tables. The walls of these rooms were of cedar-wood, the ceilings of fine citron-wood, the floors of planks of poplar. On the east wall, where no windows were to be seen, was placed a table overlaid with gold, on which lay a headdress studded with precious stones, to be given as a reward or prize to the one who solved the problem that was to be set.

[4] As I let my gaze rove around the vaulted projections, which were like rooms next to the windows, I saw in each five men from each of the kingdoms of Europe, waiting ready to deal with the subject submitted to their judgment. Then all at once an angel took his place in the middle of the hall and said, 'The subject for you to judge will be the source of conjugial love, and of its strength or potency. Discuss this and come to a conclusion, When you have decided on your opinion, write it on a piece of paper and put this in the silver urn which you see placed next to the golden table. Sign the paper with the initial letter of your kingdom, F for France, B for Holland, I for Italy, A for England, P for Poland, G for Germany, H for Spain, D for Denmark and S for Sweden.' 1After saying this the angel left, promising to return.

Then the five representatives in each chamber by a window discussed this decree, investigated it, and reached a decision to the best of their powers of judgment. This they wrote on papers signed with the initial letter of their kingdom, and placed them in the silver container. After three hours the angel came back and, taking the papers in sequence from the urn, read them to the assembled company.

Conjugial Love #103 (Rogers (1995))

103. To this I will append two narrative accounts. Here is the first:

One morning before sunrise, I looked out towards the east in the spiritual world and I saw four horsemen seemingly flying out of a cloud that shone with the blaze of dawn. On the heads of the horsemen I saw curled helmets 1, on their arms what appeared to be wings, and about their bodies light orange-colored tunics. Thus dressed, like racers they rose up on their horses and held the reins out over their manes, so that the horses went out at a gallop like wing-footed steeds.

I followed their course or flight with my eyes, with a mind to find out where they were going. Then suddenly three of the horsemen peeled off in three directions, to the south, the west, and the north, while the fourth pulled up after a short space and came to a halt in the east.

[2] Wondering at this, I looked up to heaven and asked where the horsemen were going. I received the reply, "To the wise in the kingdoms of Europe, people of polished reason and keen sight in analytical investigations who enjoyed a reputation for genius among their contemporaries. They are being summoned to come and solve the secret of the origin of conjugial love and its vigor or potency."

Those speaking from heaven also said, "Keep looking, and in a little while you will see twenty-seven carriages, three with Spaniards in them, three with natives of France or Frenchmen, three with Italians, three with Germans, three with natives of the Netherlands or Dutchmen, three with Englishmen, three with Swedes, three with Danes, and three with Poles."

Then, after two hours, their carriages appeared, drawn by ponies light bay in color with strikingly decorated harnesses. And traveling rapidly to an immense house visible in the border region between the east and the south, the riders all got out of their carriages around the house and boldly went in.

[3] Moreover I was then told, "Go on over and go in, too, and you will hear."

I went and entered the house, and examining it inside, I saw that it was square, with sides facing towards the four points of the compass. Each of the sides had three high windows containing panes of crystal, whose frames were made of olive wood. From either side of the frames projected walls in the form of rooms, with vaulted ceilings and containing tables. These walls were made out of cedar, the ceilings out of fine sandarac wood 2, and the floors out of boards of poplar. Against the east wall - where I did not see any windows - a table stood, overlaid with gold, on which had been placed a miter covered with precious stones. This would go as an award or prize to the one who found the secret of the riddle to be presently put before them.

[4] As I looked around at the rooms formed by the projecting walls, which were like compartments along the windows, I saw in each of them five men from the same European kingdom, who were ready and waiting for the topic on which they were to render judgment.

Instantly, then, an angel stood in the middle of the palace and said, "The subject on which you are to render judgment is the origin of conjugial love and its vigor or potency. Discuss it and come to a decision. Then when you have reached a decision, write your opinion on a piece of paper and put it into the silver urn that you see placed beside the gold table. Also, sign it with the initial letter of the kingdom you are from. For example, if you are natives of France or French, write F. If you are natives of the Netherlands or Dutch, write N. If you are Italian, write I. If you are English, write E. If you are Polish, write P. If you are German, write G. If you are Spanish, write Sp. If you are Danish, write D. And if you are Swedish, write Sw."

With these words the angel departed, saying as he left, "I will return."

The five fellow countrymen in each compartment along the windows then considered this instruction, analyzed the subject, and after coming to a decision to the best of their ability to judge, wrote it down on a piece of paper, signed it with the initial letter of their kingdom, and put it into the hollow silver container.

Three hours later, when they were all finished, the angel returned to draw the pieces of paper out of the urn one by one and read them in the presence of the whole gathering.


1. Probably morions or comb morions.

2. Literally, "thyine wood." See Revelation 18:12, where it has been variously translated.

Love in Marriage #103 (Gladish (1992))

103. I'll add to these remarks two stories. Here is the first:

Once, in the morning, before sunrise, I looked toward the east in the spiritual world, and I saw four horsemen seem to fly up out of a cloud gleaming with the flame of the sunrise. On the heads of the horsemen you could see plumed helmets, something like wings on their arms, and lightweight orange tunics on their bodies. Dressed this way as for a race, they rose up and laid the reins on the manes of the horses, which ran as if with winged feet.

I followed their course, or rather, flight, with my eyes to satisfy my mind where they were going, and saw three horsemen scatter to three quarters - south, west, and north - while the fourth stayed briefly in the east.

Surprised by these things I looked up into the sky and asked, "Where are those horsemen going?"

The answer was, "To the sages in the countries of Europe, who have intellectual polish and keen insight when it comes to investigating things, and are highly praised among their people for their talents, to have them come and explain the secret source of married love and its virtue, or potency."

These words came from the sky. "Wait a bit, and you will see twenty - seven chariots, three with Spaniards in them, three with Frenchmen or Gauls, three with Italians, three with Germans, three with Hollanders or Netherlanders, three with English, three with Swedes, three with Danes, and three with Poles."

Then after two hours the chariots appeared, drawn by light bay ponies with eye - catching harnesses. They drove swiftly to a large building I could see on the boundary between the east and the south. Everyone in the chariots got out near the building and went inside in good spirits.

Then I was told, "You go, too. Go inside and you'll hear."

I went and entered, and looking over the building inside, I saw that it was square, with its sides facing the four points of the compass. In the sides were three high windows of crystalline glass with frames of olive wood. On either side of the frames partitions came from the walls, forming cubicles, vaulted above, with tables in them. The walls of the cubicles were cedar. The roof was noble white cedar, the floor poplar planks. At the east wall, where windows were not to be seen, a table overlaid with gold was placed. Arranged on it was a tiara studded with precious stones, to go as a token or prize to whoever should solve the problem soon to be proposed.

When I glanced over the walled cubicles And then suddenly an angel stood in the middle of the palace and said, "The subject of your judgment will be the source of love in marriage and of its energy or potency. Discuss this and decide, write your decision on paper and put it in the silver urn that you see placed beside the gold table. And put the initial of your country on it in this way - France or Gaul, F; Holland or the Netherlands, N; Italy, I; England, E; Poland, P; Germany, G;

Hispania, H; Denmark, D, and Sweden, S."

After saying these things the angel went away, saying, "I'll be back." And then the five countrymen in each alcove by the windows turned their minds to the announcement, reflected, reached a decision according to their best judgment, wrote it on paper, added the initial of their country, and put it in the silver bowl.

In three hours they were all done. The angel came back, picked the papers out of the urn one by one, and read them before the gathering.

Conjugial Love #103 (Acton (1953))

103. To the above I will add two Memorable Relations. First this:

One morning before sunrise, when looking towards the east in the spiritual world, I saw four horsemen flying as from a cloud resplendent with the flame of dawn. Upon the horsemen's heads appeared crested helmets, upon their arms wings, as it were, and about their bodies light orange-colored tunics. Thus clad as racers, they rose up, pulled tight the reins over the manes of their horses, and the horses speeded off as though with winged feet. With my eyes, I followed their course or flight with a mind to know whither they were going; and lo, three of the horsemen spread out to the three quarters, south, west, and north, and after a short course the fourth stopped in the east.

[2] Wondering at this, I looked up to heaven and asked whither those horsemen were going. I received the answer: "To the wise in the kingdoms Of Europe--men of keen reason and acute discernment in the investigation of subjects, and eminent among their fellow countrymen for their ingenuity--that they may come and solve the secret concerning THE ORIGIN OF CONJUGIAL LOVE AND OF ITS VIRTUE OR POTENCY"

Angels then said from heaven, "Wait a little and you will see twenty-seven chariots, three with Spaniards in them, three with Frenchmen or Gauls, three with Italians, three with Germans, three with Batavians or Hollanders, three with Englishmen, three with Swedes, three with Danes, and three with Poles." Two hours later the chariots appeared, drawn by small light-bay horses elegantly caparisoned. Their riders were swiftly carried towards a spacious house which was seen in the common boundary of the east and the south. Around this house all the riders alighted from their chariots and entered the house in high spirits.

[3] It was then said to me, "Go you also and enter and you shall hear." So I went and entered. Examining the building within, I saw that it was square, the sides looking to the four quarters. On each side were three lofty windows of crystalline glass, with posts of olive wood. On either side of the posts were projections from the walls, like rooms, vaulted above and containing tables. The walls of these rooms were of cedar, the roof was of noble thyine wood, and the floor was boarded with poplar. Against the eastern wall, where no windows were seen, was set a table overlaid with gold, whereon was placed a tiara set around with precious stones. This was to be given as a prize or reward to him who should search out the secret about to be propounded.

[4] As I looked at the several roofed projections which were like stalls set by the windows, I saw in each, five men from one or other of the countries of Europe, all ready, awaiting the subject for the exercise of their judgment.

Then, all at once an angel stood in the middle of the palace and said: "The subject for the exercise of your judgment will be CONCERNING THE ORIGIN OF CONJUGIAL LOVE AND OF ITS VIRTUE OR POTENCY. Discuss this subject, come to a decision, and write your decision on paper, signing it with the initial letter of the kingdom from which you come; that is, F for the Frenchmen or Gauls, B for the Batavians or Hollanders, I for the Italians, A for the Anglians or Englishmen, P for the Poles, G for the Germans, H for the Hispanians or Spaniards, D for the Danes, and S for the Swedes. Then put the paper into this silver urn which you see placed beside the golden table." With these words, the angel departed, saying, "I will return."

The five compatriots in each of the stalls by the windows then turned their attention to the subject that had been proclaimed, examined into it, and made their decision in accordance with the excellence of their judicial endowments. These decisions they wrote down on papers signed with the initial letter of their kingdom, and put them into the silver receptacle. In three hours, this business being finished, the angel returned and, drawing the papers out of the urn one after the other, read them before the assembly.

Conjugial Love #103 (Wunsch (1937))

103. I add two Memorabilia.


One morning before sunrise, as I looked toward the east in the spiritual world, I beheld four horsemen flying, so it seemed, out of a cloud resplendent with the glow of dawn. On the horsemen's heads appeared crested helmets; on their arms, as it were wings; and about their bodies light tunics of an orange color. Thus arrayed as for speed, they bent forward and drew the reins taut over the manes of their horses, which sped along as though their feet were winged. I followed their course or flight with my eyes, with a mind to know where they were going. Three of the horsemen shot off in three directions, south, west and north; and the fourth came to an abrupt stop in the east.

[2] Wondering at this, I looked up to heaven and asked where the horsemen were going. I received for answer:

"To the wise in the kingdoms of Europe, men of keen reason and acute insight in investigating subjects, who enjoy high praise among their people for their genius; that they may come and explain the secret of The Origin of Marital Love and of its Vigor or Potency."

They said from heaven, "Wait a while and you will see twenty-seven chariots, three with Spaniards in them, three with French or Gauls, three with Italians, three with Germans, three with Batavians or Hollanders, three with English, three with Swedes, three with Danes, and three with Poles."

After two hours the chariots appeared, drawn by small, light-bay horses, elegantly caparisoned. They swept toward a spacious building which was to be seen in the southeast. There all the occupants of the chariots alighted, and entered with an air of confidence.

And I was bidden, "Do you go in, too, and listen."

[3] I went and entered. Examining the building inside, I noted that it was square, the sides turned to the four quarters. On each side were three lofty windows of crystalline glass, with frames of olive wood. Beside each window were projections from the walls like chambers, vaulted over, with tables in them. The walls of the chambers were of cedar, the roof of noble thyine-wood, and the floor of poplar plank. Against the eastern wall, which had no windows, stood a table overlaid with gold, on which was placed a tiara studded with precious stones; this was to be bestowed as a prize or reward on the man who should solve the secret about to be propounded.

[4] As I glanced along the chambered projections, like so many closets beside the windows, I saw in each five men from each kingdom of Europe, ready and awaiting the subject on which they were to form judgments.

At that instant an angel stood in the center of the palace, and said, "The subject on which you are to form a judgment is The Origin of Marital Love and of its Vigor or Potency. Consider it and decide. Set down your decision on a paper to be put into this silver urn which you see placed beside the golden table. Subscribe yourselves with the initial letter of the kingdom from which you are; that is, for the French or Gauls, F; for the Batavians or Hollanders, B; for the Italians, I; for the English, E; for the Poles, P; for the Germans, G; for the Spaniards (Hispani), H; for the Danes, D; and for the Swedes, S." With these words the angel departed, saying, "I shall return."

Then the five compatriots in the apartments by the windows revolved and analysed the proposition, and according to the excellence of their gift of judgment made their decision, wrote it on sheets of paper subscribed with the initial letter of their kingdom, and cast it into the silver receptacle. This was over in three hours, when the angel returned, drew the papers out of the urn, one after another, and read them to the assemblage.

Conjugial Love #103 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

103. To the above I will add two Relations. First this:

One morning before sunrise I was looking towards the east in the spiritual world, and saw four horsemen flying forth as it were out of a cloud resplendent with the flame of dawn. Upon the horsemen's heads appeared crested helmets; upon their arms, as it were wings; and about their bodies light, orange-colored tunics. Thus clad as for a rapid race they rose, laid the reins upon their horses' manes, and they sped as with winged feet. I followed their course, or flight, with my eyes, with a mind to know whither they were going. When lo! three of the horsemen scattered in three directions, to the south, to the west, and to the north; and the fourth stopped a brief space to the east.

Wondering at this, I looked up to heaven and asked whither those horsemen were going; and received the answer:

'To the wise in the kingdoms of Europe, who are men of keen reason and acute discernment in the investigation of subjects, and renowned for the fame of their genius among their own; that they may come and solve the mystery of The Origin of Conjugial Love, and of its Virtue or Potency.'

And they said from heaven, 'Wait a little and you will see twenty-seven chariots, three with Spaniards in them, three with French or Gauls, three with Italians, three with Germans, three with Batavians or Hollanders, three with English, three with Swedes, three with Danes, and three with Poles.'

And then after two hours the chariots appeared, drawn by small, light bay horses, elegantly caparisoned. They sped swiftly towards a spacious building that was seen on the confines of the east and south; around which all that rode in the chariots alighted and entered in high spirit.

And then it was said to me, 'Go also and enter in and you shall hear.' I went and entered. And looking about the building within I observed that it was square, the sides looking to the four quarters. On each side were three lofty windows of crystalline glass, the frames of which were of olive wood. On either hand, at the side of the frames, were projections from the walls like chambers, vaulted above, with tables in them. The walls of these were of cedar, and the roof of the noble thyine-tree; and the floor was of poplar plank Against the eastern wall, where windows were not seen, was set a table overlaid with gold, whereon was placed a tiara set around with precious stones, which was to be given as a prize or reward to him who should discover the secret about to be propounded to them. As I glanced at the chambered projections, which were as closets next to the windows, I saw in each five men, from each country of Europe, who were ready, waiting for the subject of their judgments.

At that instant an angel stood in the midst of the palace, and said, 'The subject of your judgments will be, The Origin of Conjugial Love, and of its Virtue or Potency. Consider it and decide, and write your decision on paper and put it into this silver urn which you see placed beside the golden table; and subscribe the initial letter of the kingdom from which you are; that is for the French or Gallic, F; for the Batavian or Hollandish, B; for the Italian, 1; for the English (Anglis), A; for the Polish, P.; for the German, G.; for the Spanish (Hispani), H.; for the Danish, D.; and for the Swedish, S.' With these words the angel departed, saying, ‘I will come again.'

Then the five compatriots, in each apartment by the windows, turned the proposition over, looked it through, and according to the excellence of their gift of judgment made their decision, wrote it upon paper subscribed with the initial letter of their kingdom, and cast it into the silver receptacle. This done, after three hours the angel returned, and drew the papers in succession out of the urn and read them before the assemblage.

Ttt[2] Wondering at this, I looked up to heaven and asked whither those horsemen were going; and received the answer:

'To the wise in the kingdoms of Europe, who are men of keen reason and acute discernment in the investigation of subjects, and renowned for the fame of their genius among their own; that they may come and solve the mystery of The Origin of Conjugial Love, and of its Virtue or Potency.'

And they said from heaven, 'Wait a little and you will see twenty-seven chariots, three with Spaniards in them, three with French or Gauls, three with Italians, three with Germans, three with Batavians or Hollanders, three with English, three with Swedes, three with Danes, and three with Poles.'

And then after two hours the chariots appeared, drawn by small, light bay horses, elegantly caparisoned. They sped swiftly towards a spacious building that was seen on the confines of the east and south; around which all that rode in the chariots alighted and entered in high spirit.

And then it was said to me, 'Go also and enter in and you shall hear.' I went and entered. And looking about the building within I observed that it was square, the sides looking to the four quarters. On each side were three lofty windows of crystalline glass, the frames of which were of olive wood. On either hand, at the side of the frames, were projections from the walls like chambers, vaulted above, with tables in them. The walls of these were of cedar, and the roof of the noble thyine-tree; and the floor was of poplar plank Against the eastern wall, where windows were not seen, was set a table overlaid with gold, whereon was placed a tiara set around with precious stones, which was to be given as a prize or reward to him who should discover the secret about to be propounded to them. As I glanced at the chambered projections, which were as closets next to the windows, I saw in each five men, from each country of Europe, who were ready, waiting for the subject of their judgments.

At that instant an angel stood in the midst of the palace, and said, 'The subject of your judgments will be, The Origin of Conjugial Love, and of its Virtue or Potency. Consider it and decide, and write your decision on paper and put it into this silver urn which you see placed beside the golden table; and subscribe the initial letter of the kingdom from which you are; that is for the French or Gallic, F; for the Batavian or Hollandish, B; for the Italian, 1; for the English (Anglis), A; for the Polish, P.; for the German, G.; for the Spanish (Hispani), H.; for the Danish, D.; and for the Swedish, S.' With these words the angel departed, saying, ‘I will come again.'

Then the five compatriots, in each apartment by the windows, turned the proposition over, looked it through, and according to the excellence of their gift of judgment made their decision, wrote it upon paper subscribed with the initial letter of their kingdom, and cast it into the silver receptacle. This done, after three hours the angel returned, and drew the papers in succession out of the urn and read them before the assemblage.

[3] As I glanced at the chambered projections, which were as closets next to the windows, I saw in each five men, from each country of Europe, who were ready, waiting for the subject of their judgments.

At that instant an angel stood in the midst of the palace, and said, 'The subject of your judgments will be, The Origin of Conjugial Love, and of its Virtue or Potency. Consider it and decide, and write your decision on paper and put it into this silver urn which you see placed beside the golden table; and subscribe the initial letter of the kingdom from which you are; that is for the French or Gallic, F; for the Batavian or Hollandish, B; for the Italian, 1; for the English (Anglis), A; for the Polish, P.; for the German, G.; for the Spanish (Hispani), H.; for the Danish, D.; and for the Swedish, S.' With these words the angel departed, saying, ‘I will come again.'

Then the five compatriots, in each apartment by the windows, turned the proposition over, looked it through, and according to the excellence of their gift of judgment made their decision, wrote it upon paper subscribed with the initial letter of their kingdom, and cast it into the silver receptacle. This done, after three hours the angel returned, and drew the papers in succession out of the urn and read them before the assemblage.

De Amore Conjugiali #103 (original Latin (1768))

103. His adjiciam duo Memorabilia; Primum hoc. Quodam mane ante ortum solis, prospexi versus Orientem in Mundo spirituali, et vidi quatuor Equites sicut evolantes ex nube fulgente ex flamma aurorae; super Equitum capitibus visae sunt cassides crispatae, super brachiis sicut alae, et circum corpora leves tunicae coloris aurantii; sic vestiti ut veloces, insurgebant et intendebant lora super jubis equorum, qui sic excurrebant sicut alipedes: sequebar visu cursum seu volatum illorum mente cognoscendi quo pergerent; et ecce tres Equites effuderunt se in tres plagas, Meridiem, Occidentem, et Septentrionem, et quartus in spatio brevi in Oriente substitit.

[2] Haec admiratus suspexi 1in Coelum, et quaesivi, quo pergerent Equites illi, et responsum tuli, "ad Sapientes in Regnis Europae, qui in dispiciendis rebus limata ratione et acuta acie sunt, ac ingenii laude apud suos effloruerunt, ut adveniant et solvant Secretum de Amoris Conjugialis Origine, et de ejus Virtute seu Potentia;" et dixerunt e Coelo, "attende paulum, et visurus es viginti septem Currus, Tres in quibus Hispani, Tres in quibus Franci seu Galli, Tres in quibus Itali, Tres in quibus Germani, Tres in quibus Batavi seu Hollandi, Tres in quibus Angli, Tres in quibus Sueci, Tres in quibus Dani, et tres in quibus Poloni;" et tunc post bihorium visi sunt illi Currus tracti a mannis coloris helvi insigniter phaleratis, ac perniciter ferebantur ad spatiosam Domum visam in confinio Orientis et Meridiei, circa quam omnes vecti curribus exibant, et forti spiritu intrabant;

[3] et tunc dictum est mihi, "vade ac intra etiam tu, et audies:" ego vadi et intravi, et lustrans Domum intus, vidi quod esset quadrata, prospectus laterum ad Plagas, in quovis latere tres altae Fenestrae ex vitris chrystallinis, harum Postes ex ligno olei; utrinque a latere postium Eductiones e parietibus sicut Camerae supra fornicatae, ubi Mensae; Parietes harum erant ex cedris, Tectum ex ligno nobili thyino, Solum ex asseribus populi; ad parietem Orientalem, ubi non visae sunt fenestrae, posita erat Mensa obducta auro, super qua locata erat Cidaris lapidibus pretiosis circumobsita, quae cederet in palmam seu praemium illi, qui evestigaret Secretum mox proponendum.

[4] Cum visum distribui ad cameratas Eductiones, quae erant sicut Conclavia juxta fenestras, vidi quinque Viros in quavis ex quovis Regno Europae, qui parati exspectabant Objectum judiciorum suorum; et illico tunc constitit Angelus in medio Palatii, et dixit, "Objectum judiciorum vestrorum erit, de Amoris Conjugialis Origine, et de ejus Virtute seu Potentia; ventilate hoc, et decernite: ac decretam sententiam inscribite chartae, et immittite hanc in argenteam Urnam, quam juxta Mensam auream videtis positam, et subscribite initialem Literam Regni, e quo estis, ut a Francis seu Gallis F, a Batavis seu Hollandis B, ab Italis I, ab Anglis A, a Polonis P, a Germanis G, ab Hispanis H, a Danis D, et a Suecis S." His dictis Angelus abivit, et dixit, "redibo;" et tunc quinque Populares in quovis Conclavio ad fenestras, edictum illud versabant, dispiciebant, et secundum praestantiam dotum suorum judiciorum decernebant, chartis inscribebant, subscripta litera initiali sui Regni, et in argenteum Cavum immittebant. His post trihorium peractis, redibat Angelus, et ex Urna eduxit chartas ordine, et legit coram Congregatis.

@1. Prima editio: suspex

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