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《婚姻之爱》 第120节




  120、(3)做为丈夫及父与做为妻子及母所产生的后裔是一切精神上的事物,这就是《圣经》中儿子、女儿、兄弟、姐妹、女婿、媳妇及其它与后代有关的词的精神上的含义。不必要说明主和教会所产生的唯一的后裔就是精神上的产物,因为主是善和真理的来源。而教会接受这些善和真理并将它们体现出来。此外,天国和教会精神性的美德与善和真理有关。因此,《圣经》中儿子和女儿的精神上的含义是真理和善----儿子是指一个人的精神自我和, 女儿指善的品质。

  这就是《圣经》 中,被主所拯救的人被称神的儿子,这一国的儿子或来自于主的,主称使徒们儿子。




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Conjugial Love #120 (Chadwick (1996))

120. (iii) The offspring of the Lord as husband and father and of the church as mother are all spiritual, and in the spiritual sense of the Word these are meant by sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law and other terms of relationship.

There is no need to prove that no other offspring is born to the Lord by means of the church, because it is plain for reason to see without proof. For it is the Lord from whom all good and truth comes forth, and the church which receives them and puts them to use. All spiritual things in heaven and the church have reference to good and truth. Hence 'sons and daughters' in the spiritual sense of the Word mean kinds of truth and goodness; 'sons' mean truths conceived in the spiritual man and born in the natural man, 'daughters' likewise kinds of goodness. Those therefore who are regenerated by the Lord are called in the Word 'sons of God,' 'sons of the kingdom,' and 'born of Him'; and the Lord called his disciples 'sons'. The 'male child' which the woman gave birth to, and which was snatched up to God (Revelation 12:5) has the same meaning (see Apocalypse Revealed 543). It is because 'daughters' mean the church's good deeds that the Word so frequently speaks of 'the daughter of Zion,' 'of Jerusalem', 'of Israel' and 'of Judah.' These do not mean anyone's daughter, but the affection for good which the church has (see Apocalypse Revealed 612). The Lord also calls 'brothers and sisters' those who belong to His church (Matthew 12:49; 25:40; 28:10; Mark 3:35; Luke 8:21).

Conjugial Love #120 (Rogers (1995))

120. 3. The offspring from the Lord as Husband and Father and from the church as wife and mother are all spiritual offspring, and this is what is meant in the spiritual sense of the Word by sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, and by other terms which have to do with descending generations. We have no need to show that spiritual offspring are the only kind of offspring born from the Lord through the church, because reason sees it is so without demonstration. For the Lord is the source from which all good and truth flow, and it is the church which receives this good and truth and puts them into effect. Moreover, the spiritual virtues of heaven and the church all have to do with good and truth.

It is because of this that sons and daughters in the Word in its spiritual sense mean truths and goods - sons meaning truths conceived in a person's spiritual self and born in the natural self, and daughters meaning qualities of goodness similarly conceived and born. In the Word, therefore, people who have been regenerated by the Lord are called sons of God, sons of the kingdom, and ones born of Him; and the Lord called the disciples sons.

The male child whom the woman bore and who was caught up to God in the twelfth chapter of the book of Revelation (Revelation 12:5) has the same symbolism (see The Apocalypse Revealed, no. 543).

Since daughters symbolize a church's qualities of goodness, therefore reference is so often made in the Word to the daughter of Zion, daughter of Jerusalem, daughter of Israel, and daughter of Judah. By daughter in these places is not meant an actual daughter, but an affection for good which is connected with the church (see The Apocalypse Revealed, no. 612).

The Lord also calls those people brothers and sisters who belong to His church (Matthew 12:49, 25:40, 28:10, Mark 3:35, Luke 8:21).

Love in Marriage #120 (Gladish (1992))

120. 3. The offspring of the Lord as husband and father and the church as wife and mother are all spiritual, and in the Word's spiritual sense, this is the meaning of sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, sons–in-law and daughters-in-law, and other names, all family relationships.

Reason can see with no explanation that no offspring other than these are born of the Lord through the church, so an explanation is unnecessary. After all, every good and truth comes from the Lord, and the church is what receives it and puts it into action.

And everything spiritual having to do with heaven and the church relates to good and truth. This is why sons and daughters means, in the spiritual sense of the Word, truths and varieties of good.

Sons are truths conceived in a person's spiritual dimension and born in his earthly dimension, and the same goes for daughters as types of good. This is why people who are reborn of the Lord are called in the Word sons of God, sons of the kingdom, and born of Him. And the Lord called his disciples sons. The male child that the woman bore and that was snatched up to God (Revelation 12:5) stands for nothing else than that (see Apocalypse Revealed 543).

It is because daughters stand for the church's varieties of good that the Word so often mentions the Daughter of Zion, Jerusalem, Israel, and Judah. This stands for no daughter other than an affection for good, which belongs to the church. (See also Apocalypse Revealed 612.)

The Lord also calls people who are of His church brothers and sisters (Matthew 12:49; 25:40; 28:10; Mark 3:35; Luke 8:21).

Conjugial Love #120 (Acton (1953))

120. III. THAT THE OFFSPRING FROM THE LORD AS HUSBAND AND FATHER AND THE CHURCH AS WIFE AND MOTHER ARE ALL SPIRITUAL, AND IN THE SPIRITUAL SENSE OF THE WORD ARE MEANT BY SONS AND DAUGHTERS, BROTHERS AND SISTERS, SONS-IN-LAW AND DAUGHTERS-IN-LAW, AND BY OTHER NAMES BELONGING TO GENERATION. That no other offspring are born of the Lord by the Church needs no demonstration because reason sees it without demonstration; for it is the Lord from whom every good and truth proceeds, and it is the Church which receives them and brings them into effect; and all the spiritual things of heaven and the Church have reference to good and truth. Hence it is, that in the Word in its spiritual sense, by sons and daughters are meant truths and goods – by sons, truths conceived in the spiritual man and born in the natural, and by daughters, goods in like manner. Therefore, in the Word they who are regenerated by the Lord are called sons of God, sons of the kingdom, born of Him, and the Lord called His disciples sons. Nothing else is signified by the male child which the woman brought forth and which was caught up to God (Revelation 12:5); see THE APOCALYPSE REVEALED, no. 543. Because by daughters are signified the goods of the Church, therefore, the daughter of Zion, of Jerusalem, of Israel, and of Judah is so often mentioned in the Word, and by her is signified no other daughter than the affection of good which is of the Church; see THE APOCALYPSE REVEALED, no. 612. Moreover, the Lord calls those who are of His Church, brothers and sisters (Matthew 12:49; 25:40; 28:10; Mark 3:35; Luke 8:21).

Conjugial Love #120 (Wunsch (1937))

120. (iii) The offspring of the Lord as Husband and Father and of the Church as Wife and Mother are all spiritual, and are meant in the spiritual sense of the Word by sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, and by other names denoting generation. We do not need to demonstrate that only spiritual offspring can be born of the Lord by the Church; reason sees this for itself. From the Lord all good and truth proceed, and the Church receives them and gives them effect; and all things spiritual of heaven and the Church relate to good and truth. Hence it is that truths and goods are meant by "sons and daughters" in the Word in its spiritual sense, - by "sons" truths conceived in the spiritual man and born in the natural, and goods similarly by "daughters." Those who are regenerated by the Lord are therefore in the Word called "sons of God," "children of the kingdom," and "born from Him;" the Lord also called His disciples "children." No different offspring is signified by the male child which the woman brought forth and which was caught up to God (Revelation 12:5; see Apocalypse Revealed 543). Because goods of the Church are signified by "daughters," there is such frequent mention in the Word of the "daughter of Zion," of the "daughter of Jerusalem," of the "daughter of Israel" and "of Judah;" no daughter is meant, but the affection of good, which is an affection of the Church (see Apocalypse Revealed 612). The Lord also called those who are of His Church brothers and sisters (Matthew 12:50; 25:40; 28:10; Mark 3:35; Luke 8:21).

Conjugial Love #120 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

120. (3) That the offspring from the Lord as Husband and Father, and the Church as Wife and Mother, are all spiritual; and are meant in the spiritual sense of the Word by sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, and by other names which are those of generation. That no other offspring are borne by the Church from the Lord needs no demonstration, because reason sees it without. For it is the Lord from whom every good and every truth proceeds, and the Church, which receives them and brings them into effect; and all the spiritual things of heaven and of the church relate to good and truth. Hence it is that by 'sons and daughters' in the Word, in its spiritual sense, truths and goods are meant; by 'sons,' truths conceived in the spiritual man and born in the natural; and by 'daughters,' goods in like manner. For that reason, they who are regenerated by the Lord are called in the Word 'sons of God,' 'sons of the kingdom,' 'born of Him,' and the Lord called His disciples 'sons.' Nothing else is signified by the male child which the woman brought forth, and which was caught up to God, in Revelation 12:5. See Apocalypse Revealed 543. It is because 'daughters' signify the goods of the church that the 'daughter of Zion,' 'of Jerusalem,' 'of Israel,' and 'of Judah,' are so often mentioned in the Word, by which no daughter is meant, but affection of good, which is of the church. See Apocalypse Revealed 612. The Lord also calls those who are of His church brethren and sisters in Matthew 12:49; 25:40; 28:10; Mark 3:35; Luke 8:21.

De Amore Conjugiali #120 (original Latin (1768))

120. III. Quod proles ex Domino ut Marito et Patre, et ex Ecclesia ut Uxore et Matre, sint omnes spirituales, et in Verbi sensu spirituali intelligantur per filios et filias, fratres et sorores, generos et nurus, et per alia nomina, quae sunt generationis. Quod non aliae proles nascantur per Ecclesiam a Domino, non demonstratione eget, quia ratio absque illa hoc videt; est enim Dominus ex quo omne Bonum et Verum procedit, et Ecclesia quae illa recipit et in effectum mittit; et omnia spiritualia Coeli et Ecclesiae se referunt ad bonum et verum; inde est quod per Filios et Filias in Verbo in sensu ejus spirituali intelligantur vera et bona, per filios vera in Spirituali homine concepta, et in naturali nata, ac per filias similiter bona; quare illi qui a Domino regenerati sunt, in Verbo vocantur filii Dei, filii Regni, nati ab Ipso, et Dominus discipulos vocavit filios: per Foetum masculum, quem Mulier peperit, et qui raptus est ad Deum, Apoc. 12:5, nec aliud significatur, videatur Apocalypsis Revelata 543. Quoniam per Filias significantur bona Ecclesiae, ideo toties in Verbo nominatur Filia Zionis, Hierosolymae, Israelis, et Jehudae, per quam non aliqua filia, sed affectio boni, quae est Ecclesiae, significatur, videatur Apocalypsis Revelata 612. Dominus etiam nominat Fratres et Sorores, illos qui ab Ecclesia Ipsius sunt, Matth. 12:49. Matth. 25:40. Matth. 28:10. Marc. 3:35. Luc. 8:21.

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