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《婚姻之爱》 第121节






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Conjugial Love #121 (Chadwick (1996))

121. (iv) The spiritual offspring born of the Lord's marriage with the church are truths, the source of understanding, perception and every thought, and good deeds, the source of love, charity and every affection.

The reason why the spiritual offspring born of the Lord by means of the church are instances of truth and good is that the Lord is good itself and truth itself, and these are not two, but one, in Him. Also nothing can come forth from the Lord but what is in the Lord and is the Lord.

It was shown in the preceding chapter on the marriage of good and truth that this marriage comes forth from the Lord and influences human beings, being received in a way determined by the state of mind and way of life of those who belong to the church. The reason why truths are the means which allow a person to have understanding, perception and every thought, and good deeds are the means which allow a person to have love, charity and every affection, is that everything in a person relates to truth and good. Also, a person is composed of two faculties, the will and the intellect, the will being the means of receiving good, the intellect the means of receiving truth. Love, charity and affection belong to the will, and perception and thought belong to the intellect - a point which does not need to have light cast on it by being proved, because this statement is illustrated by the act of understanding.

Conjugial Love #121 (Rogers (1995))

121. 4. The spiritual offspring that are born from the marriage of the Lord with the church are truths, from which come understanding, perception and all thought; and also qualities of goodness, from which come love, charity and all affection. The spiritual offspring that are born from the Lord through the church are truths and qualities of goodness, because the Lord is good itself and truth itself (which in Him are not two but one), and because nothing can issue from Him but what is in Him and is Him. In the previous chapter on the marriage between good and truth, 1we showed that a marriage of good and truth emanates from the Lord and flows into people, and that it is received according to the state of mind and life in those who belong to the church.

A person has understanding, perception and all thought as a result of truths, and love, charity and all affection as a result of qualities of goodness, because all the characteristics of a human being are connected with truth and good. The two elements in a person which make him what he is are will and understanding, and the will is a recipient vessel of good and the understanding a recipient vessel of truth. To show that love, charity and affection are attributes of the will and that perception and thought are attributes of the understanding does not require the light of demonstration, since light on the statement is provided by the understanding itself.


1. See "The Origin of Conjugial Love from the Marriage between Good and Truth," nos. 83 ff.

Love in Marriage #121 (Gladish (1992))

121. 4. The spiritual offspring born from the marriage of the Lord and the church are the truths that an intellectual grasp, perception, and all thought come from, and they are varieties of good that love, charity, and all feelings come from. Truths and types of good are spiritual offspring, born of the Lord through the church, because the Lord is good itself and truth itself, and these are not two things in Him but one, and because nothing can come out of the Lord except what is in Him and what He is.

The last chapter, about the marriage of good and truth, showed that a marriage of good and truth radiates from the Lord and flows into people, and they receive it according to the state of their minds and of their lives - those who belong to the church.

The reason why intelligence, perception, and all thought come to people through truth, while love, charity, and all feelings come through good, is that everything about a human relates to truth and good, and there are two things in a person that make him what he is: his will and his intellect. His will is what receives good, and his intellect is what receives truth. The fact that will belongs to love, charity, and feelings, and intellect to perception and thought, has no need to be illustrated by explanation because common sense itself makes the subject clear once it is stated.

Conjugial Love #121 (Acton (1953))

121. IV. THAT THE SPIRITUAL OFFSPRING WHICH ARE BORN FROM THE MARRIAGE OF THE LORD WITH THE CHURCH ARE TRUTHS, FROM WHICH ARE UNDERSTANDING, PERCEPTION, AND ALL THOUGHT; AND GOODS, FROM WHICH ARE LOVE, CHARITY, AND EVERY AFFECTION. That truths and goods are the spiritual offspring born of the Lord by the Church is 1. because the Lord is good itself and truth itself, and in Him these are not two but one, and 2. because nothing else can proceed from the Lord but what is in Him and is Himself. That the marriage of good and truth proceeds from the Lord and flows in with men and is received according to the state of the mind and life of those who are of the Church, has been shown in the preceding chapter on The Marriage of Good and Truth. That by truths, man has understanding, perception, and all thought, and by goods, love, charity, and every affection, is because all things of man have reference to truth and good, and there are two things in him which make him, namely, will and understanding, the will being the receptacle of good and the understanding the receptacle of truth. That the things proper to the will are love, charity, and affection, and those proper to the understanding are perception and thought, needs no light from demonstration, for in the statement is light from the understanding itself.

Conjugial Love #121 (Wunsch (1937))

121. (iv) The spiritual offspring, born of the marriage of the Lord and the Church, are truths, from which are understanding, perception and all thought; and goods, from which are love, charity and all affection. Truths and goods are the spiritual offspring which are born of the Lord by the Church, for the reason that the Lord is good itself and truth itself, and these are not two in Him but one, and because nothing can proceed from the Lord except what is in Him and is He. We have shown in the preceding chapter on the marriage of good and truth that that marriage proceeds from the Lord, flows in with men, and is received according to the state of mind and life of those who are of the Church. The human being has understanding, perception and all thought by truths, and love, charity and all affection by goods, for the reason that all the human life is referable to good and truth. Two things constitute man, namely, will and understanding, and the will is the receptacle of good and the understanding of truth. It needs no light from demonstration to see that love, charity and affection are of the will, and perception and thought are of the understanding, for there is light in the proposition from the understanding itself.

Conjugial Love #121 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

121. (4) That the spiritual offspring, which are born from the marriage of the Lord with the Church are truths, from which come understanding, perception, and all thought; and goods, from which are love, charity, and all affection. That goods and truths are the spiritual offspring born of the Lord by the Church, is because the Lord is good itself and truth itself, and these in Him are not two but one; and because nothing can proceed from Him but what is in Him, and is Himself. That the marriage of good and truth proceeds from the Lord and flows in with men, and is received according to the state of mind and life of those that are of the church, has been shown in the preceding section, On the Marriage of Good and Truth. The reason why man by truths has understanding, perception, and all thought, and by goods has love, charity, and all affection, is that all things in man have relation to truth and good, and the two things in him which constitute him are will and understanding, and the will is the receptacle of good, and the understanding is the receptacle of truth. That the things proper to the will are love, charity, and affection, and the things proper to the understanding are perception and thought, needs no light from demonstration, for there is light in the proposition from the understanding itself.

De Amore Conjugiali #121 (original Latin (1768))

121. IV. Quod proles spirituales, quae nascuntur ex Conjugio Domini cum Ecclesia, sint Vera, ex quibus intellectus, perceptio, et omnis cogitatio, et quod sint Bona, ex quibus amor, charitas, et omnis affectio. Quod Vera et Bona sint proles spirituales, quae nascuntur a Domino per Ecclesiam, est quia Dominus est Ipsum Bonum et Ipsum Verum, et haec in Ipso non sunt duo sed unum, tum quia non aliud a Domino potest procedere, quam id quod in Ipso est et Ipse est. Quod Conjugium boni et veri procedat a Domino, et influat apud homines, ac recipiatur secundum statum mentis et vitae illorum, qui ab Ecclesia sunt, in praecedente Transactione de Conjugio boni et veri, ostensum est. Quod per Vera homini sit intellectus, perceptio, et omnis cogitatio, et per Bona amor, charitas et omnis affectio, est quia omnia hominis se referunt ad Verum et Bonum; et duo sunt in homine, quae faciunt illum, Voluntas et Intellectus, ac Voluntas est receptaculum boni, et Intellectus est receptaculum veri: quod Voluntatis propria sint amor, charitas et affectio, et Intellectus propria sint perceptio et cogitatio, non opus habet luce ex demonstratione, quia lux huic effato inest ab ipso intellectu.

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