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《婚姻之爱》 第126节







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Conjugial Love #126 (Chadwick (1996))

126. (vii) Therefore there is no correspondence of the husband with the Lord and of the wife with the church in angelic marriages in the heavens or in those of human beings on earth.

This follows from what has just been said. However, it needs to be added that truth appears to play the leading part in the church, because it comes first in time. It is this appearance which has made the leaders of the church give the prize to faith, which relates to truth, rather than to charity, which relates to good; and likewise scholars rate thought, a matter of the intellect, above affection, a matter of the will. For this reason the nature of the good of charity and the affection of the will are buried away as in a grave, and some people throw earth on them to prevent them rising again, as they do on the dead. Yet it is the good of charity which plays the leading part in the church, as can be seen with fully open eyes by those who have not shut off the route from heaven to their intellect by finding proofs that it is faith alone which makes the church, and it is thought alone which makes a person. In fact, the good of charity is from the Lord, and the truth of faith is for a person as if it were from him, and these two bring about the kind of linking of the Lord with a person, and of a person with the Lord, which is meant by the Lord's saying that He is in them and they are in Him (John 15:4-5). From this it is plain that this linking is the church.

Conjugial Love #126 (Rogers (1995))

126. 7. Therefore neither in the marriages of angels in heaven nor in the marriages of people on earth does the husband correspond to the Lord and the wife to the church. This statement follows from what has already been said.

Still, we should add that it seems as though truth is the primary thing in the church, because it is its first concern in time. It is because of this appearance that leaders of the church have given the palm to faith, which has to do with truth, over charity, which has to do with good. In similar fashion, the learned have given the palm to thought, which has to do with the intellect, over affection, which has to do with the will. As a result, what the good of charity is and what the affection of the will is lie buried in a mound of earth, so to speak, and some have also thrown dirt on them, as though on dead men, to keep them from rising again.

The good of charity is nevertheless the primary thing in the church, and this can be plainly seen by people who have not closed off the way from heaven into their understanding by arguments in support of faith as the only thing that makes the church, and in the support of thought as the only thing that makes the man.

Now because the good of charity is from the Lord, and the truth of faith exists in a person as though it originated with him, and because these two form the kind of conjunction of the Lord with people and of people with the Lord meant by the Lord's saying that He should be in them and they in Him (John 15:4-5), it is apparent that this conjunction is the church.

Love in Marriage #126 (Gladish (1992))

126. 7. So a husband is not the counterpart of the Lord nor a wife the counterpart of the church in marriages of angels in heaven and people on earth. This follows from the words above.

However, this much should be added. It seems as though truth were of first importance in the church because it is first in point of time. Due to this appearance leaders of the church have prized faith, which has to do with truth, above charity, which has to do with good. By the same token the learned have put thought, which is intellectual, before feeling, which is emotional. Because of this, knowledge of what the good in charity is, and of what the response of our will is, lies in the grave, so to speak, and there are even people throwing in dirt so good and feelings will not return from the dead.

But people who have not closed the passage from heaven to their minds by confirming that faith alone makes a church and that thought is all that makes a human being - these people can see, if their eyes are open, that the good in charity really is the most important thing about religion.

Now, the good in charity is from the Lord, and the truth in faith is in a person as if it came from himself, and these two make the connection between the Lord and man, and man and the Lord - the kind of link the Lord meant by the statement that He is in them and they in Him (John 15:4-5). So it is clear that this connection is religion.

Conjugial Love #126 (Acton (1953))

126. VII. THEREFORE, THAT IN THE MARRIAGES OF ANGELS IN THE HEAVENS AND OF MEN ON EARTH, THERE IS NOT A CORRESPONDENCE OF THE HUSBAND WITH THE LORD AND OF THE WIFE WITH THE CHURCH. This follows from what has just been said; to which, however, it must be added that it appears as though truth were the primary thing of the Church because it is its first in time. It is from this appearance that prelates of the Church have given the palm to faith which pertains to truth, rather than to charity which pertains to good. In like manner, the learned have given the palm to thought which pertains to the understanding, rather than to affection which pertains to the will. Therefore, as regards any knowledge of what they are, the good of charity and the affection of the will lie hidden away as though in a tomb, and by some, earth is thrown over them as over the dead, lest they rise again. That, nevertheless, the good of charity is the primary thing of the Church can be seen with open eyes by all who have not closed the way from heaven into their understanding by confirmations in favor of faith, that it alone makes the Church, and in favor of thought, that it alone makes the man. Now because, with man, the good of charity is from the Lord, and the truth of faith is as if from himself, and these two make that conjunction of the Lord with man and of man with the Lord which is meant by the Lord's words that He is in them and they in him (John 15:4, 5), it is plain that this conjunction is the Church.

Conjugial Love #126 (Wunsch (1937))

126. (vii) There is therefore no correspondence of the husband with the Lord or of the wife with the Church in the marriages either of the angels in heaven or of men on earth. This follows from what has been said. Still, let us add here that truth has the appearance of being the primary element of the Church, being its first in time. On account of this appearance, ecclesiastical leaders have given the palm to faith, which is of truth, rather than to charity, which is of good; similarly the learned have given the palm to thought, which is of the understanding, rather than to affection, which is of the will. What, therefore, good of charity and affection of the will are, lies buried and hidden in a tomb, as it were; earth has even been thrown by some upon these dead, lest they rise. Nevertheless, it is easy to see that good of charity is the primary element in the Church, if one has not shut the way from heaven into the understanding by confirmations in favor of faith to the effect that it alone makes the Church, and in favor of thought to the effect that this alone constitutes man. It is evident what makes the Church, namely, the conjunction of charity and faith; for good of charity is from the Lord, and truth of faith is with the human being seemingly by his own effort, and these two effect that conjunction of the Lord with man and of man with the Lord, which is meant by the Lord's words, that

He is in them, and they in Him (John 15:4-5).

Conjugial Love #126 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

126. (7) Therefore, that in the marriages of angels in the heavens and of men on earth, there is not a correspondence of the husband with the Lord and of the wife with the Church. This follows from what has just been said; to which however it is to be added that it appears as if truth were the primary thing of the church, because it is its first in time. It is from this appearance that prelates of the church have given the palm to faith, which is of truth, rather than to charity, which is of good. In like manner the learned have placed thought, which is of the understanding, before affection, which is of the will. Wherefore it is then as if the knowledge of what the good of charity is, and of what the affection of the will is, were lying hidden away in the grave; and earth also is cast upon them by some, as upon the dead, lest they should rise again. But that the good of charity is the primary thing of the church, may be seen with open eyes by those, who have not closed the way from heaven into their understandings by confirmations in favor of faith, that it alone makes the church, and, in favor of thought, that it alone makes the man. Now, as the good of charity is from the Lord, and truth of faith is with man as if from him, and these two effect such a conjunction of the Lord with man as is meant by the Lord's saying, that:

He is in them, and they in Him (John 15:4, 6);

it is plain that this conjunction is the church.

De Amore Conjugiali #126 (original Latin (1768))

126. VII: Quod ideo non sit Correspondentia mariti cum Domino et Uxoris cum Ecclesia in Conjugiis Angelorum in Coelis et hominum in Terris. Haec sequuntur ex nunc dictis: his tamen addendum est, quod appareat sicut Verum sit primarium Ecclesiae, quia est ejus primum tempore; ex hac apparentia est quod Antistites Ecclesiae dederint palmam fidei quae est veri, prae charitate quae est boni; similiter Eruditi cogitationi quae est intellectus, prae affectione quae est voluntatis; quapropter sicut in tumulo jacet absconditum, quid bonum charitatis, et quid affectio voluntatis sunt, et quoque his a quibusdam injecta est humus sicut mortuis, ne resurgant; quod tamen bonum charitatis sit primarium Ecclesiae, apertis oculis videri potest ab illis, qui non occluserunt viam e Coelo in intellectum suum per confirmationes pro fide quod sola faciat Ecclesiam, et pro cogitatione quod sola faciat hominem. Nunc quia Bonum charitatis est a Domino, et Verum fidei est apud hominem sicut ab illo, et haec duo faciunt talem conjunctionem Domini cum homine, et hominis cum Domino, qualis intelligitur per Domini verba, quod Ipse sit in illis, et illi in Ipso, Joh. 15:4-5 patet, quod haec conjunctio sit Ecclesia.

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