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《婚姻之爱》 第125节







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Conjugial Love #125 (Chadwick (1996))

125. (vi) The husband does not represent the Lord and his wife the church, because they both together, husband and wife, make up the church.

It is generally said in the church that as the Lord is the head of the church, so the husband is the head of the wife. 1From this it would follow that the husband would represent the Lord and the wife the church. But the Lord is the head of the church, and human beings, male and female, are the church; and even more so in the case of husband and wife. In this case the church is first planted in the man and by means of the man in the wife, because the man receives its truth in his intellect, and the wife receives it from the man. But if it happens the other way round, this is not in good order. However, this does sometimes happen, but only in the case of men who are no lovers of wisdom, and so not part of the church either, or who in servile fashion hang upon their wives' whims. On this subject generally see the remark in the Preliminaries (21).

Ephesians 5:23.

Conjugial Love #125 (Rogers (1995))

125. 6. A husband does not represent the Lord and his wife the church, because husbands and their wives both together form the church. It is a common saying in the church that as the Lord is the head of the church, so the husband is the head of the wife. 1If this were true, it would follow that the husband represents the Lord and the wife the church. But the truth is that, whereas the Lord is the head of the church, people - both men and women - are the church, and still more so husbands and wives together.

In the case of married couples, the church is implanted first in the man, and through the man in his wife, because the man with his understanding acquires the truth that the church teaches, and the wife acquires it from the man. But if the reverse takes place, it is not according to order. Nevertheless, this sometimes happens, but only in the case of men who either are not lovers of wisdom and so are not part of the church, or who hang like slaves on the bidding of their wives.

For something more on this subject, see the introductory chapter, no. 21.


1. Quoting Ephesians 5:23. Cf. 1 Corinthians 11:3.

Love in Marriage #125 (Gladish (1992))

125. 6. A husband does not represent the Lord and a wife the church, because a husband and wife both together make a church. It is a commonplace in the church that just as the Lord is head of the church a husband is head of his wife. This implies that the husband represents the Lord and the wife the church. But the Lord is head of the church, and people - male and female - are the church. A husband and wife together are even more so. The church is first implanted for them in the man, and through the man, in the wife, because the man accepts its truth in his mind, and the wife gets it from the man. If it works the other way it is in the wrong order.

And this does in fact happen - but this is either among men who do not love wisdom, and so they are not of the church, or among those who hang on the beck and call of their wives, like slaves.

(Something about this matter appears in Chapter 1, no. 21.)

Conjugial Love #125 (Acton (1953))

125. VI. THAT THE HUSBAND DOES NOT REPRESENT THE LORD, AND THE WIFE THE CHURCH, BECAUSE BOTH TOGETHER, THE HUSBAND AND HIS WIFE, MAKE THE CHURCH. It is a common saying in the Church that, as the Lord is the head of the Church, so the husband is the head of the wife; from which it would follow that the husband represents the Lord and the wife the Church. But the Lord is the head of the Church, and man, man and woman, and still more husband and wife together, are the Church. With these, the Church is first implanted in the man and through the man in his wife; for the man receives its truth in his understanding, and the wife receives it from the man. If the reverse is the case, it is not according to order. Sometimes, however, it is the case, but with men who are not lovers of wisdom and therefore are not of the Church; also with those who depend as slaves on the bidding of their wives. But of this matter, something may be seen in the Preliminaries, no. 21.

Conjugial Love #125 (Wunsch (1937))

125. (vi) The husband does not represent the Lord and the wife the Church, inasmuch as both together, husband and wife, constitute the Church. It is commonly said in the Church that as the Lord is the head of the Church, so the husband is the head of the wife, which would imply that the husband represents the Lord, and the wife the Church. But while the Lord is the head of the Church, man and woman together, and still more husband and wife together, make the Church. In the case of husband and wife, the Church is implanted first in the man and through him in the wife, because he receives its truth in the understanding, while the wife does so from him. When it is the other way about, order is violated. Still this does sometimes happen, but with men who either are not lovers of wisdom and so not men of the Church, or are slavishly at the beck of their wives. On this subject something may be seen under "Preliminary" (21).

Conjugial Love #125 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

125. (6) That the husband does not represent the Lord and the wife the Church; because both together, the husband and wife make the Church. It is a common saying in the church that, as the Lord is the head of the church, so is the husband the head of the wife; from which it would follow that the husband represents the Lord, and the wife the church. But the Lord is the head of the church, and man (Latin: homo) - man and woman - are the church; and still more husband and wife together. The church with them is first implanted in the man, and through the man in the wife; because the man receives its truth in his understanding, and the wife from the man. If the contrary, it is not according to order. This however does sometimes occur; but with men who either are not lovers of wisdom, and therefore, are not of the church; as also with those who depend as slaves on the beck of their wives. But of this matter something may be seen in the Preliminaries, n. 21.

De Amore Conjugiali #125 (original Latin (1768))

125. VI. Quod Maritus non repraesentet Dominum, et Uxor Ecclesiam, quia ambo simul, Maritus et ejus Uxor, faciunt Ecclesiam. Communis sermo est intra Ecclesiam, quod sicut Dominus est Caput Ecclesiae, ita Maritus est Uxoris; ex quo sequeretur, quod Maritus repraesentet Dominum, et Uxor Ecclesiam; sed Dominus est Caput Ecclesiae, et Homo, vir et foemina, sunt Ecclesia, et plus adhuc Maritus et Uxor simul; apud hos Ecclesia primum implantatur viro, et per virum uxori, quia vir intellectu recipit verum ejus, et uxor a viro; sed si vicissim, non est secundum ordinem: quandoque tamen hoc fit, sed apud viros, qui vel non amantes sapientiae, et inde nec Ecclesiae sunt, ut et apud illos qui ut mancipia pendent a nutibus suarum uxorum. De hac re videatur aliquid in Praeliminaribus, 21.

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