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《婚姻之爱》 第146节






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Conjugial Love #146 (Chadwick (1996))

146. It needs to be known that a completely chaste or pure conjugial love does not exist among human beings, and not among angels either. There is always something not chaste or pure, which attaches itself or trails from it. But this is the product of a different nature from that which is the source of unchastity. For in these cases what is chaste is above and what is not chaste is below, and the Lord puts between them something like a hinged door, which is opened by the way thought is directed. Care is taken to prevent it staying open, so that one can pass into the other and become mixed. For a person's natural level is from birth infected and filled with evils; not so his spiritual level, because this comes to birth by the Lord's doing, since it is regeneration; and this is a process of progressive separation from the evils which are by birth attached to his propensities. No love, either among men or among angels, is completely pure, for this is impossible; but the end in view, the aim or intention of the will, is what is primarily considered by the Lord; and therefore to the extent that a person is devoted to these aims and perseveres in them, so far is he set on the road to purity, and so far does he advance towards it as he develops. On this 71 above.

Conjugial Love #146 (Rogers (1995))

146. It should be known, however, that conjugial love does not become entirely chaste or pure in people, not even in angels. There is still something not chaste or not pure, which attaches and appends itself to the love. Nevertheless, this element is different in nature from unchasteness. For in the kind of people referred to here [who are becoming spiritual from the Lord], chastity exists above and a lack of chastity below, and between the two qualities the Lord puts a door, so to speak, with a hinge. This door is opened by conscious decision, but the Lord provides that it not stand open so as to allow the one quality to pass through to the other and become mixed together with it. For the natural character of a person is, from birth, contaminated and filled with evil qualities, while his spiritual character is not so, since his spiritual character has its birth from the Lord, this birth being regeneration. And regeneration is a gradual separation from the evil qualities which attach by birth to his inclinations.

As seen above in no. 71, no love in people or angels is entirely pure, nor can it become so. But the Lord regards primarily the objective, purpose or intention of the will, and therefore to the extent that a person has the objective, purpose or intention and perseveres in them, to that extent he is introduced into purity and progressively draws nearer to it.

Love in Marriage #146 (Gladish (1992))

146. But note that totally chaste and pure married love is not found among men or angels. There is always something less than chaste and pure attached and connected to it - though this is a different type of thing than something unchaste. Indeed, it is chaste above and not chaste below. The Lord puts a hinged door between, so to speak, which is opened by decision, and takes care that it does not stand ajar so that what is chaste and what is not chaste do not cross over to each other and mix together.

Indeed, on the worldly plane people are born contaminated and full of evils. Their spiritual side is not, because it is born of the Lord, for it is reborn. Rebirth is a gradual separation from the evil inclinations that people are born with.

(No. 71, above, shows that no love of men or angels is totally pure, nor can be, but the Lord considers mainly your goal, purpose, or voluntary intent, so in the measure that a person has these and is loyal to them he is introduced into purity and makes progress toward it.)

Conjugial Love #146 (Acton (1953))

146. It should be known, however, that neither with men nor with angels is conjugial love wholly chaste or pure. There is still something not chaste or not pure which adjoins or subjoins itself; but this something is of a different nature than that from which comes what is unchaste. With those who are in conjugial love, the chaste is above and the non-chaste below, and between the two is interposed, by the Lord, a hinged door, as it were, which is opened by determination, care being taken that it does not stand open, lest the one should pass over into the other and they should commingle; for man's natural is contaminated and surcharged with evils from birth. Not so his spiritual, because its birth is from the Lord, this birth being regeneration, and regeneration is a successive separation from the evils which are related to the native inclinations. That no love with men or angels is entirely pure, or can ever become so, but that the end, purpose, or intention of the will is what is primarily regarded by the Lord, may be seen in no. 71 above; also that therefore, so far as a man is in these and perseveres in them, he is initiated into purity and makes progress towards it.

Conjugial Love #146 (Wunsch (1937))

146. It is to be known, however, that marital love wholly chaste or pure is not to be found among men or angels. Something not chaste or not pure is still adjoined or subjoined to it. But this is different from unchastity. For in those whom we have in mind the chaste is above and the non-chaste below, and between chaste and non-chaste there is interposed by the Lord a door, as it were on a hinge, which opens on determination, but care is taken that it shall not stand open, allowing chaste and non-chaste to pass into each other and mingle. For man's natural being is by birth contaminated and packed with evils; but not his spiritual being, for the birth of this is from the Lord and is regeneration, which is a gradual separation from the evils which grow out of one's natural inclinations. See above (71) that no love is or can be wholly pure with men or angels, but that the end, purpose or intention of the will is primarily regarded by the Lord, and that therefore as far as one is right in these and perseveres in them, so far he is let into purity and keeps advancing toward it.

Conjugial Love #146 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

146. But it should be known that there is no conjugial love altogether chaste or pure among men, nor among angels. There is yet a something not chaste or not pure which adjoins or subjoins itself to it. But this is of another nature than what is unchaste. For with them the chaste is above and the not chaste beneath; and there is interposed by the Lord as it were a door on a pivot which is opened by determination; and care is taken that it may not stand open, lest one should pass into the other and they should commingle. For the natural man is by birth contaminated and crammed with evils; but his spiritual is not so, because its birth is from the Lord, for it is regeneration, and this is a successive separation from the evils to which he is inclined by birth.

That no love with men or angels is entirely pure, nor can it become so; but that the end, purpose, or intention of the will is primarily regarded by the Lord; and that therefore, so far as a man is in these, and perseveres in them, he is initiated into purity, and makes progress towards it, may be seen above at n. 71.

De Amore Conjugiali #146 (original Latin (1768))

146. At sciendum est, quod Amor conjugialis prorsus castus seu purus non detur apud homines, nec apud angelos; est usque aliquid non castum seu non purum, quod illi se adjungit et subjungit; sed hoc ex alia natura est, quam ex qua est incastum; est enim apud illos castum supra, et non castum infra, et a Domino interposita est tanquam janua cum cardine, quae aperitur per determinationem, et prospicitur ne illa stet aperta, ut transeat unum in alterum, et se commisceant; Naturale enim hominis a nativitate est contaminatum et refertum malis; at Spirituale ejus non ita, quia hujus nativitas est a Domino, est enim regeneratio; et haec est successiva separatio a malis, quae inclinationibus adnata sunt. Quod nullus Amor apud homines et apud Angelos sit prorsus purus, nec quod fieri possit, sed quod finis, propositum seu intentio voluntatis primario spectetur a Domino, et quod ideo quantum homo in illis est, et in illis perseverat, tantum initietur in puritatem, et tantum ad illam progrediendo accedat, videatur supra n. 71.

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