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《婚姻之爱》 第71节











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Conjugial Love #71 (Chadwick (1996))

71. Only those who receive conjugial love from the Lord, those who approach Him directly and live the life of the church coming from Him, can enjoy truly conjugial love. The reason is that this love, regarded from its origin and correspondence, is more celestial, spiritual, holy, pure, and clean than any love to be found among angels in heaven or people in the church (as said in 64 above). These attributes of it are only possible in the case of those who are linked with the Lord and associated by Him with angels in heaven. For these shun extra-marital loves, that is, unions with others than one's wife or husband, like the damnation of the soul or the lakes of hell. In so far as a married person shuns such unions, even in the lusts of the will and the intentions this produces, so far is that love in their case purified, becoming by stages spiritual, at first while they live on earth, and afterwards in heaven.

[2] No love among human beings, nor among angels, can become pure; so neither can this one. But since it is the intention of the will which is chiefly regarded by the Lord, in so far as one has this intention and keeps to it, so far is one set on the road to and so far does one advance towards its purity and holiness. None but those whom the Lord makes to be such can enjoy spiritual conjugial love, because it has heaven in it. A natural man, for whom that love draws its pleasure only from the flesh, cannot approach heaven or any angel, nor in fact any person who possesses that love, since this love is the foundation of all celestial and spiritual loves (65-67 above).

[3] I have had this proved to me by experience. I have seen genii 1in the spiritual world, who were being prepared for hell, approach an angel who was taking his pleasure with his partner. While they were still at a distance, they became like furies, the more so the nearer they approached, and they looked for caves and ditches into which to throw themselves to take refuge. Wicked spirits love whatever matches their own affection, however unclean it is, and loathe the spirits of heaven for their purity, as being the reverse of themselves. This can be inferred from what I related in the Preliminaries (10).

Conjugial Love #71 (Rogers (1995))

71. No others can be in a state of truly conjugial love but those who receive it from the Lord - namely, those who go to Him directly and live the life of the church from Him - for the reason that this love, viewed in terms of its origin and correspondence, is celestial, spiritual, holy, pure and clean, more than any other love that is found in angels of heaven or people of the church (as said above, no. 64). And these attributes of it cannot exist except in people who are joined to the Lord and brought by Him into association with angels of heaven.

That is because people like this abstain from love affairs outside of marriage, which are liaisons with others than their rightful wife or husband, and they abstain from them as injuries to the soul and as cesspools of hell. And in the degree that a married person abstains from such liaisons, even as regards the lusts of his will and his consequent intentions, in the same degree conjugial love is purified in him and becomes progressively spiritual, first during his life on earth, and afterwards in heaven.

[2] No love can ever become pure in human beings, nor in angels. So neither can this love. But because the Lord primarily regards the intention that is in the will, therefore to the extent that a person has the intention and perseveres in it, to that extent he is introduced into the purity and holiness of this love, and gradually makes progress in it.

No others can be in a state of spiritual conjugial love but those who are in it from the Lord, because heaven is in that love. And the natural man - for whom conjugial love takes its pleasure solely from the flesh - cannot draw near to heaven, nor to any angel. Indeed, neither can he draw near to any person who possesses that love, for that love is the fundamental love of all celestial and spiritual loves (see above, nos. 65-67).

[3] The fact of this was attested for me by an experience I had. I saw some evil spirits in the spiritual world who were being prepared for hell, going towards an angel who was enjoying the company of his wife. As they were approaching, while still at a distance, they began to act like frenzied madmen, and they sought caverns and pits as places of refuge and threw themselves into them.

(One may conclude from the incidents related in the Introduction, no. 10, that evil spirits like whatever is of the same character as their affection, however unclean it is, and that they dislike spirits of heaven, because heaven is pure, which they avoid as something alien to them.)

Love in Marriage #71 (Gladish (1992))

71. No one can be in love - not in true married love - except those who receive it from the Lord. They are the ones who approach Him directly and live religiously with Him in view. This is because that love, with regard to its source and correspondence, is more heavenly, spiritual, holy, pure, and clean than any other love that angels of heaven and people in the church have (see no. 64 above), and these qualities of it are only present in those who are joined together with the Lord and whom He puts in the company of angels of heaven. For these people flee extramarital loves, which are relationships with others than your own wife or husband, like their soul's damnation or the fens of hell. And the more a married person does flee those relationships - even fantasies and the urges they create - the more that love is purified for him and keeps becoming more spiritual, first while he lives in the world and afterwards when he lives in heaven.

No love can ever be purified within men, nor within angels, so neither can this love. But the Lord regards the intention of your will primarily, so the more a person has the intention and perseveres, the more he is introduced to the love's purity and holiness and keeps making progress. Only those who get spiritual love for marriage from the Lord can have it, because heaven is in it, and for a worldly person that love only finds satisfaction in the flesh, so he cannot approach heaven nor any angel, nor, for that matter, any person with that love in him. For this love is the basic one of all heavenly and spiritual loves (see nos. 65-67 above).

The truth of this has been established for me by experience. I saw demons in the spiritual world who were in preparation for hell approach a happy angel and his wife. At a distance, as they approached, they went crazy and threw themselves into caves and pits they found to hide in. Evil spirits love anything consistent with their own inclinations however unclean it is, and are turned away from spirits of heaven because heaven is pure and unlike them. You can draw this conclusion from the things recorded in 10.

Conjugial Love #71 (Acton (1953))

71. The reason why no others can be in love truly conjugial save those who receive it from the Lord, being those who approach Him directly and from Him live the life of the Church, is because, as shown above (no. 64), that love, regarded from its origin and correspondence, is celestial, spiritual, holy, pure, and clean, above every other love which is with the angels of heaven and with the men of the Church; and these its attributes cannot exist save with those who are conjoined with the Lord and by Him are consociated with angels of heaven; for such men shun extra-conjugial loves, which are conjunctions with others than their own partner, as injuries to the soul and as the stagnant pools of hell; and so far as partners shun such conjunctions even as to the lusts of the will and the intentions therefrom, so far that love is purified with them and successively becomes spiritual, first during their life on earth and afterwards in heaven.

[2] Neither with men nor with angels can any love ever become pure. So also with this love. But since it is the intention which is of the will that is primarily regarded by the Lord, therefore, so far as a man is in this intention and perseveres therein, so far he is initiated into the purity and holiness of this love and successively progresses therein. That no others can be in spiritual conjugial love save those who from the Lord are of this character, is because in that love is heaven, and the natural man, with whom the love derives its pleasure solely from the flesh, cannot draw near to heaven or to any angel, nay, and not to any man in whom this love is; for it is the fundamental of all celestial and spiritual loves; see above (nos. 65-67).

[3] That such is the case has been proved to me by experience. In the spiritual world, I have seen genii who were being prepared for hell approach an angel who was in delight with his consort. At a distance, as they were approaching, they became like furies and sought for caves and ditches as places of refuge into which they might cast themselves. That evil spirits love what is homogeneous with their affection, howsoever unclean it is, and hold in aversion the spirits of heaven as heterogeneous to their affections, heaven being pure, may be concluded from what is told in the Preliminaries, no. 10.

Conjugial Love #71 (Wunsch (1937))

71. Only those who receive it from the Lord, who are they who approach Him directly and live the Church's life from Him, can be in true marital love, because this love, in view of its source and correspondence, is celestial, spiritual, holy, pure and clean above every other love with the angels of heaven and men of the Church (as above,64). It can have this character only with those who are conjoined with the Lord and by Him associated with angels of heaven. For these shun, as the soul's ruin and as the lakes of hell, all extra-marital loves or conjunctions with others than one's own partner. In the measure that a partner shuns those conjunctions in the very lusts of the will and so in the intentions, in that measure this love is purified and becomes by stages spiritual, first during life on earth and afterwards in heaven.

[2] No human or angelic love can ever become utterly pure, thus neither can marital love; but the intention which is of the will is what is primarily regarded by the Lord. Therefore as far as a man has the intention and perseveres in it, so far he is introduced into and gradually advances in the purity and holiness of marital love. Only those who become spiritual from the Lord can be in spiritual married love, for heaven is in that love. The natural man, with whom the love derives its pleasure solely from the flesh, cannot draw near heaven or near an angel; for that matter, he cannot approach a man in whom the love is, for this love is the basic one among all celestial

[3] and spiritual loves (see above, n. 65-67). I have been made sure of this fact by much experience. I have seen genii in the spiritual world, who were being prepared for hell, approach an angel who was enjoying his partner; even as they were coming in the distance, they grew into furies and sought caverns and crevices for asylum, into which to throw themselves. From what was related in the preliminary section (10) it can be concluded that evil spirits love what is homogeneous with their affection, however unclean the thing is, and being averse to what is pure, as to what is heterogeneous, are averse to heavenly spirits.

Conjugial Love #71 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

71. The reason why none can be in love truly conjugial but those that receive it from the Lord, who are those that come directly to Him and from Him live the life of the church, is that this love viewed from its origin and its correspondence is celestial, spiritual, holy, pure, and clean, beyond every love that exists with the angels of heaven and with the men of the church, as was shown above, n. 64; and these its attributes cannot be given except with those who are conjoined with the Lord and are consociated by Him with the angels of heaven. For these flee from loves outside of marriage, which are conjunctions with others than one's own consort, as they would flee from the ruin of the soul and the lakes of hell; and so far as a married partner flees from such conjunctions even as to the lusts of the will and intentions thence, in so far the love is purified in them, and successively becomes spiritual, first while they live on earth and afterwards in heaven. No love can ever become pure, either with men or with angels, therefore, not even this love. But as the Lord primarily regards the intention, which is of the will, in so far as a man is in this intention, and perseveres in it, he is introduced into and successively progresses in its purity and holiness. None can be in spiritual conjugial love but those who are of such character from the Lord, because heaven is in it, and the natural man with whom this love derives its pleasures from the flesh only, cannot approach heaven, nor can he come near to any angel, nay, nor to any man in whom this love is; for it is the fundamental love of all celestial and spiritual loves, as was shown above in n. 65-67. It has been confirmed to me by experience that this is so. In the spiritual world I have seen genii who were being prepared for hell approach an angel who was in delight with his consort. As they drew near, even at a distance, they became as furies and sought caves and pits into which they cast themselves for refuge. That evil spirits love what is homogeneous with their affection, however unclean, and have a repugnance to spirits of heaven as heterogeneous, because heaven is pure, may be concluded from the things related as preliminary in n. 10.

De Amore Conjugiali #71 (original Latin (1768))

71. Quod non alii in Amore vere conjugiali esse possint, quam qui recipiunt illum a Domino, qui sunt qui Ipsum directe adeunt, et vivunt vitam Ecclesiae ab Ipso, est quia ille Amor ex suo ortu, et ex sua correspondentia spectatus, est coelestis, spiritualis, sanctus, purus, et mundus prae omni amore, qui apud Angelos Coeli et apud homines Ecclesiae est, ut supra 64 et haec ejus attributa non possunt dari, quam apud illos, qui conjuncti Domino sunt, et ab Ipso consociati Angelis Coeli; hi enim fugiunt amores extraconjugiales, qui sunt conjunctiones cum aliis quam cum propria seu proprio conjuge, sicut damna animae et sicut stagna inferni; et quantum conjux illas conjunctiones, etiam quoad libidines voluntatis et inde intentiones fugit, tantum purificatur ille amor apud illos, et fit successive spiritualis, primum dum vivunt in terris, et postea in Coelo:

[2] apud homines nusquam potest aliquis amor fieri purus, nec apud angelos, ita neque hic Amor; sed quia intentio quae est voluntatis primario spectatur a Domino, ideo quantum homo in hac est, et in hac perseverat, tantum initiatur in puritatem et sanctitatem ejus, et successive progreditur. Quod non alii possint in Amore conjugiali spirituali esse, quam qui a Domino tales sunt, est quia est Coelum in illo, et homo naturalis, apud quem ille amor solum a carne trahit suum volupe, non potest appropinquare ad Coelum, nec ad aliquem Angelum, imo nec ad aliquem hominem, in quo ille Amor est, est enim hic Amor fundamentalis omnium amorum coelestium et spiritualium, videatur supra, 65, 66, 67.

[3] Quod ita sit, ab experientia mihi confirmatum est; vidi genios in Mundo spirituali, qui praeparabantur ad infernum, appropinquantes ad Angelum, qui delitiabatur cum sua consorte; illi ad distantiam, sicut propinquabant, facti sunt sicut furiae, et quaesiverunt cavernas et scrobes, ut asyla, in quas se conjecerunt. Quod spiritus mali ament homogeneum 1suae affectionis, utcunque immundum est, ac aversentur spiritus Coeli, quia purum est, ut suum heterogeneum, concludi potest ex illis quae in Praeliminaribus 10. memorata sunt.


1. Prima editio: homogeum

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