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《婚姻之爱》 第149节






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Conjugial Love #149 (Chadwick (1996))

149. The reason why the chastity of marriage cannot arise from the rejection of promiscuity, unless it is motivated by religion, is that without religion a person cannot become spiritual, but remains natural; and if a natural person rejects promiscuity, his spirit still does not reject it. Thus although it seems to him that his rejection makes him chaste, his unchastity still lurks within, like pus in a wound which has only healed on the surface. Conjugial love depends on what the state of the church is in a person; 130 above. More on this subject will be found in the discussion of point (xi) below.

Conjugial Love #149 (Rogers (1995))

149. Chastity in marriage does not come about through renunciation of licentious relationships unless this is done in accordance with religion. The reason is that a person without religion does not become spiritual, but remains natural. And if a natural person renounces licentious relationships, still his spirit does not renounce them. Consequently, even though it seems to him that by renouncing them he is chaste, nevertheless unchasteness still lies hidden within, like putrefaction in a wound only superficially healed.

As seen above in no. 130, conjugial love depends on the state of the church in a person. More on this subject may be seen in the exposition of point 11. which follows below.

Love in Marriage #149 (Gladish (1992))

149. The chastity of a marriage does not come from renouncing fornication unless it is done for religious reasons. This is because a person does not become spiritual without religion. He remains worldly. And if a worldly person renounces fornications, his spiritual level still does not renounce them. So it seems to him that he is chaste by renouncing them, but unchasteness still lies hidden within, just like infected tissue in a superficially healed wound.

(No. 130, above, shows that married love keeps pace with the religious condition of a person. Article II, below, has more on this subject.)

Conjugial Love #149 (Acton (1953))

149. That the chastity of marriage does not exist by the renunciation of whoredoms unless this be done from religion, is because, without religion, a man does not become spiritual but remains natural, and even if his natural man renounces whoredoms, his spirit does not renounce them. Thus, though to himself it appears that by the renunciation he is chaste, nevertheless, unchastity lurks within, like corruption in a wound but superficially healed. That conjugial love is according to the state of the Church with man, may be seen above (no. 130). More on this subject may be seen in the exposition of article XI below.

Conjugial Love #149 (Wunsch (1937))

149. The chastity of marriage does not come about through the renunciation of whoredom unless the renunciation is made for religion's sake, because without religion man does not become spiritual, but remains natural, and if the natural man renounces whoredoms, still his spirit does not do so; and thus though it seems to him that by the renunciation he is chaste, nevertheless unchastity still hides within, as matter in a wound only superficially healed. See above (130) that marital love is according to the state of the Church with man. More may be seen on this subject in the explanation of proposition xi following.

Conjugial Love #149 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

149. The reason why the chastity of marriage does not exist through the renunciation of scortations, unless this be done from religion, is that without religion a man does not become spiritual, but remains natural; and if the natural man renounces scortations, still his spirit does not renounce them. And thus, though it appear to him that he is chaste through the renunciation, nevertheless unchastity lurks within, like corruption in a wound but superficially healed.

That conjugial love is according to the state of the church with man, may be seen above, n. 130. More may be seen on this subject in the exposition of section 11 below.

De Amore Conjugiali #149 (original Latin (1768))

149. Quod Castitas conjugii non existat per abdicationem scortationum, nisi haec fiat ex Religione, est quia homo absque religione non fit spiritualis, sed manet naturalis, et si naturalis homo abdicat scortationes, usque spiritus ejus non abdicat illas; et sic tametsi videtur sibi, quod per abdicationem sit castus, usque tamen incastitas latet intus sicut sanies in vulnere solum extrinsecus sanato. Quod Amor conjugialis sit secundum statum Ecclesiae apud hominem, videatur supra 130. Plura de hac re videantur in Expositione Articuli XI. sequentis.

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