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《婚姻之爱》 第150节






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Conjugial Love #150 (Chadwick (1996))

150. (viii) Chastity cannot be attributed to small children, or to boys and girls, or to young men and women, before they feel sexual love in themselves.

This is because chastity and unchastity can only be attributed to marriages and related matters (139 above). Those who know nothing of the tendency towards marriage cannot have chastity attributed to them, since it is as nothing to them; and it is impossible to have affection for nothing, or to think about it. But this nothingness is followed by the beginnings of an interest in marriage, an effect of sexual love. Young women and men are commonly called chaste before they feel any stirring of sexual love in themselves; but this is due to ignorance of what chastity is.

Conjugial Love #150 (Rogers (1995))

150. 8. Chastity cannot be ascribed to little children or boys and girls, nor to adolescents of either sex before they feel a love for the opposite sex stirring in them. The reason is that chastity and unchasteness are terms that apply only to states of marriage and things which have to do with marriage (see above, no. 139). And in the case of persons who know nothing about conjugial matters, there is no ascribing of chastity; for it is as nothing to them, and people do not have any affection for or any thought about what is nothing to them. After that state when chastity is as nothing, however, something else arises, when the first impulse towards marriage is felt, which is a love for the opposite sex.

Adolescents of both sexes are commonly called chaste before they feel a love for the opposite sex stirring in them, but this is owing to people's ignorance of what chastity is.

Love in Marriage #150 (Gladish (1992))

150. 8. "Chastity" does not apply to babies, little boys and girls, or teenaged boys and girls before they have felt sexual love. This is because

"chaste" and "unchaste" apply only to marriages and to things associated with marriage (see no. 139, above). Chastity is not applicable to those who know nothing about marriages, for it is like nothing to them, and there is no feeling from it or thought about it. But after that void, something does emerge when you feel the beginnings of marriage, which is love for the other sex.

It is because people do not know what chastity is that they commonly call teenaged boys and girls chaste before they feel sexual love.

Conjugial Love #150 (Acton (1953))

150. VIII. THAT CHASTITY CANNOT BE PREDICATED OF INFANTS; NOR OF BOYS AND GIRLS: NOR OF YOUTHS AND VIRGINS BEFORE THEY FEEL THE LOVE OF THE SEX IN THEMSELVES. The reason is because the chaste and the unchaste are predicated solely of marriages and of such things as pertain to marriages (see above, no. 139), and with those who know nothing concerning things conjugial, there is no predication of chastity. With them, it is as nothing, and there can be no affection of nothing, nor can there be any thought concerning it. But with the first sensation of the conjugial, 1which pertains to love of the sex, then, after that nothing, springs up a something. That virgins and youths are commonly called chaste until they feel the love of the sex within themselves, comes from ignorance of what chastity is.


1. The Latin is conjugii (of marriage), but the apposition of love of the sex indicates that it should be conjugialis as in the translation.

Conjugial Love #150 (Wunsch (1937))

150. (viii) Chastity cannot be predicated of infants, or of boys and girls, nor can it be predicated of young men and women before they experience love of the sex. As we have seen (139), chaste and unchaste can be predicated only of marriages and of such things as concern marriage. There is therefore no predicating chastity of those who know nothing of marriages, for it is as nothing to them, and of nothing there is no affection, nor any thought about it. Upon that nothing, however, there ensues something when the first of marriage, that is, something of love for the sex, is felt. The common habit of calling virgins and youths chaste before they have experienced sexual love comes from ignorance of what chastity is.

Conjugial Love #150 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

150. (8) That chastity cannot be predicated of infants; nor of boys and girls; nor of young men and virgins before they feel with themselves the love of the sex. The reason is that chaste and unchaste are solely predicated of marriages, and of such things as pertain to marriages (see above n. 139). In the case of those who know nothing of things conjugial, chastity is not predicable; for it is as nothing to them, and there is no affection of nothing, and no thought about it. But after that nothing a something springs up when the first of marriage, which is the love of the sex, is felt. That virgins and youths are commonly called chaste before they feel the love of the sex within them, is from ignorance of what chastity is.

De Amore Conjugiali #150 (original Latin (1768))

150. VIII: Quod Castitas non praedicari possit de Infantibus, nec de Pueris et Puellis, neque de Adolescentibus et Virginibus, antequam apud se sentiunt amorem sexus. Causa est, quia castum et incastum unice praedicantur de Conjugiis et de talibus quae conjugii sunt, videatur supra 139, et apud illos, qui non sciunt aliquid de conjugialibus, non est aliqua praedicatio castitatis, est enim sicut nihil apud illos, et nihili non datur affectio, nec de illo cogitatio: at post nihilum illud exsurgit aliquid, cum sentitur primum conjugii, quod est amoris sexus. Quod Virgines et Adolescentes, antequam sentiunt amorem sexus apud se, a vulgo dicantur Casti, est ex ignorantia quid Castitas.

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