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《婚姻之爱》 第158节










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Conjugial Love #158 (Chadwick (1996))

158. (ii) Conjugial love links two souls and so two minds into one.

Each person is composed of a soul, a mind and a body. The soul is the inmost part of him, the mind the intermediate, and the body the outermost. The soul, being the inmost part of a person, is in origin celestial; the mind, being the intermediate, is in origin spiritual; and the body, being the outermost, is in origin natural. Things which are in origin celestial or spiritual are not in real space, but apparent space. This is also well known in the world; which is why we say that neither extension nor location can be attributed to spiritual things. Since then space is only an appearance, remoteness and presence are also only apparent. Apparent remoteness and presence in the spiritual world depend upon the similarity, kinship and affinity of love, as I have frequently investigated and proved in my books about that world.

[2] This preamble is necessary to make it known that the souls and minds of people are not in space, like their bodies, because, as just stated, they are in origin celestial and spiritual. Since they are not in space, they can be linked as it were into one, although bodies cannot be so linked. This happens primarily between married couples who love each other intimately. But because woman came from man, and their linking is a kind of reunion, reason allows us to see that it is not a linking into one, but an attachment, which is nearer and closer in proportion to their love, and approaches contact in the case of those who enjoy truly conjugial love. This attachment can be called spiritual cohabitation, which is possible in the case of married couples who love each other tenderly, however far apart their bodies are. Experience in the natural world too offers plenty of evidence to prove this. So from this it is plain that conjugial love links two souls and minds into one.

Conjugial Love #158 (Rogers (1995))

158. 2. Conjugial love joins two souls and thus two minds into one. Every human being is made up of soul, mind and body. The soul is his inmost constituent; the mind is his intermediate one; and the body is the outmost part. Because the soul is a person's inmost constituent, it is, from its origin, celestial. Because the mind is his intermediate constituent, it is, from its origin, spiritual. And because the body is the outmost part, it is, from its origin, natural.

Things which are, from their origin, celestial, and things which are, from their origin, spiritual, do not exist in space, but are in appearances of space. This is also known in the world. That is why it is said that spiritual things cannot have dimension or location ascribed to them. Consequently, since the spaces are appearances, distances and nearnesses are appearances as well. Appearances of distance and nearness in the spiritual world depend on congruences, similarities, and affinities of love, as I have quite often pointed out and established in works I have written about that world. 1

[2] We say this here in order to have it known that people's souls and minds are not in space, as their bodies are, because, as we said above, their souls and minds are from their origin celestial and spiritual. And because they are not in space, they can be joined together as though into one, even though their bodies cannot be so joined at the same time.

This conjunction takes place especially between married partners who love each other deeply. But because woman comes from man, and this conjunction is a kind of reunion, reason can see that it is not an amalgamation into one but an adjunction, nearer and closer according to the love, and to the point of contact in those who are in a state of truly conjugial love. This adjunction may be called a spiritual dwelling together, which occurs in the case of married partners who love each other tenderly, however separated they may be in body. There are many evidences of experience, even in the natural world, which attest to this.

It is apparent from this that conjugial love joins two souls and minds into one.


1. See, for example, Arcana Coelestia (The Secrets of Heaven) (1749-1756), Heaven and Hell (1758), Divine Love and Wisdom (1763), Divine Providence (1764), The Apocalypse Revealed (1766).

Love in Marriage #158 (Gladish (1992))

158. 2. The love in marriage joins two souls, and therefore two minds, into one. Every person is made up of soul, mind, and body. His soul is his most inward part, his mind is midway, and his body is most outward. Because the soul is the most inward part, its source is heavenly. Because the mind is in the middle, its source is spiritual.

Because the body is most outward, its source is material. The parts with heavenly and spiritual sources are not in a place, but have something that seems like place. This is also known in the world, because people say that extent and place do not apply to spiritual things. Since spaces are appearances, distances and presence are appearances, too. In small treatises on the spiritual world I have often stated and demonstrated that the appearances of distances and presence there go according to resemblances, nearness, and relationships of love.

These things have been said to make it known that people's souls and minds are not in a place like their bodies, because, again, their source is heavenly and spiritual. And because they do not occupy space they can be joined together as if into one even when their bodies are not.

This happens especially between married partners who love each other mutually and deeply. But since woman came from man and the joining together is a kind of reunion, you can see from reason that it is not joining together into one but getting together, nearer and closer according to love - to touch, in the case of those who have the real love of marriage. This coming together can be called spiritual living together, which happens for partners who love each other tenderly, whatever their physical distance. There are many practical examples in the natural world, too, to confirm these things.

All this makes it clear that married love joins two souls and minds together into one.

Conjugial Love #158 (Acton (1953))

158. II. THAT CONJUGIAL LOVE CONJOINS TWO SOULS AND THENCE MINDS INTO A ONE. Every man consists of soul, mind, and body. Being man's inmost, the soul from its origin is celestial; being his mediate, the mind from its origin is spiritual; and being his ultimate, the body from its origin is natural. Things which from their origin are celestial, and those which from their origin are spiritual, are not in space but in the appearances of space. This, moreover, is known in the world; wherefore it is said, that neither extension nor place can be predicated of things spiritual. Since, therefore, spaces are appearances, distance and presence also are appearances. That in the spiritual world the appearances of distance and presence are according to the nearness, relationship, and affinity of love, has been frequently pointed out and confirmed in treatises on that world.

[2] It is mentioned here, that it may be known that the souls and minds of men are not in space as are their bodies; for from their origin, as said above, they are celestial and spiritual. And, not being in space, they can be conjoined as into a one, though not at the same time their bodies. This is especially the case between married partners who inmostly love each other. But because woman is from man, and this conjunction is a kind of reunition, it can be seen from reason that it is not conjunction into a one but adjunction, near and close, according to the love, and, in the case of those who are in love truly conjugial, even to contact. This adjunction may be called spiritual cohabitation, and it exists with partners who tenderly love each other, however distant they are in body. There are many evidences of experience even in the natural world which confirm this. From the above it is evident that conjugial love conjoins two souls and minds into a one.

Conjugial Love #158 (Wunsch (1937))

158. (ii) Marital love conjoins two souls and hence minds into one. Every human being consists of soul, mind and body, the soul being his inmost, the mind his mediate, and the body the outmost. Being what is inmost in the human being, the soul is celestial in origin; being his mediate, the mind is spiritual in origin; and being outmost, the body is natural in origin. Things celestial or spiritual in origin are not in space, but in appearances of space; this is also known in the world, wherefore it is said that extension and locality cannot be predicated of things of the spirit. Since therefore space is an appearance, remoteness and presence also are. The appearance of remoteness and presence in the spiritual world is according to the nearnesses, resemblances and affinities of love, as we have pointed out and shown often in works on that world. We cite the point here that it may be known that men's souls and minds are not in space, as their bodies are, being, as was said above, celestial and spiritual in origin; and because they are not in space they can be conjoined as in one, even in bodily absence. This is the case especially with partners who mutually love each other inmostly. Inasmuch, however, as the woman is from man, and the conjunction is a kind of re-unition, it can be seen from reason that there is not conjunction into one, but adjunction, close and near according to the love, amounting even to a sense of contact with those in true marital love. This adjunction may be called spiritual cohabitation, occurring with partners who love each other tenderly, though they are distant in body. There are also many evidences from experience in the natural world to substantiate these things. Hence it is evident that marital love conjoins two souls and minds in one.

Conjugial Love #158 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

158. (2) That conjugial love conjoins two souls and hence two minds in one. Every man consists of soul, mind, and body. The soul is his inmost, the mind is his mediate, and the body is the ultimate. As the soul is the inmost of man it is from its origin celestial; his mind being intermediate is from its origin spiritual; and the body being the ultimate is from its origin natural. Things that are celestial from their origin, and those which from their origin are spiritual, are not in space, but are in the appearances of space. And this is also known in the world; hence it is said that extent and place, cannot be predicated of things spiritual. Since spaces are appearances, therefore, distance and presence also are appearances. That the appearances of distance and of presence in the spiritual world are according to the nearness, relationships, and affinities of love, has been often stated and confirmed in the small treatises on that world. These things are said here in order that it may be understood that the souls and minds of men are not in space as their bodies are; because, as was said above, they are celestial and spiritual from their origin. And not being in space they can be conjoined as into one even if the bodies at the same time are not. This is realized especially between married partners who inmostly mutually love each other. But as the woman was taken out of the man, and this conjunction is a kind of reuniting, it may be seen from reason that it is not conjunction into one, but adjunction, near and close according to the love, and in the case of those who are in love truly conjugial even to contact. This adjunction may be called spiritual cohabitation, which there is with married partners who tenderly love each other, however distant they are in body. There are many evidences of experience which confirm this, even in the natural world. From this it is plain that conjugial love conjoins two souls and minds in one.

De Amore Conjugiali #158 (original Latin (1768))

158. II. Quod 1Amor conjugialis conjungat duas animas et inde mentes in unum. Unusquisque homo consistit ex Anima, Mente et Corpore; Anima est intimum ejus, Mens est medium ejus, et Corpus est ultimum; Anima quia est intimum hominis, est illa ex origine coelestis, et Mens quia est medium ejus, est ea ex origine spiritualis, et Corpus quia est ultimum, est id ex origine naturale; illa quae ex origine coelestia sunt, et illa quae ex origine spiritualia sunt, non sunt in spatio, sed sunt in apparentiis spatii; hoc quoque notum est in Mundo, quare dicitur, quod de Spiritualibus non praedicari possit extensum nec locus: cum itaque spatia sunt apparentiae, etiam distantiae et praesentiae sunt apparentiae; quod apparentiae distantiarum et praesentiarum in Mundo spirituali sint secundum proximitates, propinquitates et affinitates amoris, in Opusculis de illo Mundo saepius indigitatum et confirmatum est.

[2] Haec dicta sunt, ut sciatur, quod Animae et Mentes hominum non sint in spatio, sicut corpora illorum, quia illae, ut supra dictum est, ex origine coelestes et spirituales sunt; et quia non in spatio sunt, possint conjungi sicut in unum, tametsi non simul corpora. Hoc fit imprimis inter Conjuges, qui se mutuo intime amant: sed quia foemina est ex viro, et conjunctio illa est species reunitionis, ex ratione videri potest, quod non sit conjunctio in unum, sed adjunctio, vicina et propinqua secundum amorem, et ad contactum apud illos qui in amore vere conjugiali sunt; adjunctio haec vocari potest cohabitatio spiritualis, quae datur apud conjuges, qui se tenere amant, utcunque distant corpore; dantur plura documenta experientiae etiam in Mundo naturali, quae haec confirmant. Ex his patet, quod Amor conjugialis conjungat duas animas et mentes in unam.


1. Prima editio: quod

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