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《婚姻之爱》 第159节





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Conjugial Love #159 (Chadwick (1996))

159. (iii) A wife's will links itself to a man's intellect, and so his intellect links itself to his wife's will.

The reason is that the male is destined by birth to become an intellect, the female to become a will which loves the male's intellect. It follows from this that in marriage a wife's will is linked with her husband's intellect, and the husband's intellect is reciprocally linked with his wife's will. Anyone can see that the linking of intellect and will is the closest, and that it is so in order that one faculty can enter into the other and be delighted as the result of and in that linking.

Conjugial Love #159 (Rogers (1995))

159. 3. A wife's will unites itself with her husband's understanding, and the husband's understanding in consequence unites itself with his wife's will. The reason is that a male is born to become a form of understanding, and a female to become a form of will that loves the understanding of the male. It follows from this that the conjugial union is a union of the wife's will with the husband's understanding, and a reciprocal union of the husband's understanding with the wife's will. Everyone sees that there is a very close union between understanding and will, and that the union is such that the one faculty can enter into the other and find delight from and in that union.

Love in Marriage #159 (Gladish (1992))

159. 3. The will of a wife joins itself with a man's intellect, and the man's intellect with the wife's will, on that account. This is because a man is born to become intellect and a woman to become will that loves the man's intellect. This means that the union in marriage is a union of the wife's will with the man's intellect, and in return a union of the man's intellect with the wife's will. Anyone can see that this union of intellect and will is a very close one, and that it amounts to an association where the one capability can enter into the other and get delight out of the union, and in it.

Conjugial Love #159 (Acton (1953))

159. III. THAT THE WIFE'S WILL CONJOINS ITSELF WITH THE MAN'S UNDERSTANDING, AND HENCE THE MAN'S UNDERSTANDING WITH THE WIFE'S WILL. The reason is, because the male is born to become understanding and the female to become a will loving the understanding of the male; from which it follows, that conjugial conjunction is a conjunction of the wife's will with the man's understanding, and reciprocally, of the man's understanding with the wife's will. Any one can see that there is the closest conjunction of the understanding and the will, and also that it is such that the one faculty can enter into the other and can be delighted by reason of the conjunction and in it.

Conjugial Love #159 (Wunsch (1937))

159. (iii) The wife's will unites with the man's understanding, and then the man's understanding with the wife's will. This is for the reason that the male is born to become understanding, and the female to become will, loving the male's understanding. It follows that the marital conjunction is of the wife's will with the man's understanding, and reciprocally of the man's understanding with the wife's will. Any one sees that the conjunction of will and understanding is very close, and that it is such that one faculty can enter the other, and be delighted in and by the conjunction.

Conjugial Love #159 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

159. (3) That the will of the wife conjoins itself with the understanding of the man; and hence the understanding of the man, with the will of the wife. The reason is that the male is born to become understanding and the female to become will, loving the understanding of the male. Whence it follows that conjugial conjunction is a conjunction of the will of the wife with the understanding of the man, and reciprocally, of the understanding of the man with the will of the wife. everyone sees that there is the closest conjunction of the understanding and the will; and that it is such that the one faculty can enter into the other and take delight from conjunction and in it.

De Amore Conjugiali #159 (original Latin (1768))

159. III. Quod Voluntas uxoris se conjungat cum Intellectu viri, et inde Intellectus viri cum Voluntate uxoris; causa est, quia Masculus nascitur ut fiat intellectus, ac Foemina ut fiat Voluntas amans intellectum masculi; ex quo sequitur, quod Conjunctio conjugialis sit Voluntatis uxoris cum Intellectu viri, et reciproca Intellectus viri cum Voluntate uxoris: quisque videt, quod propinquissima conjunctio sit Intellectus et Voluntatis; et quod sit talis, ut una facultas possit intrare in alteram, ac delectari ex conjunctione, et in illa.

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