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《婚姻之爱》 第168节






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Conjugial Love #168 (Chadwick (1996))

168. (x) This power of perception is the wife's wisdom; it cannot exist in a man, nor can the man's rational wisdom exist in the wife.

This follows from the distinction between the male and the female. The male employs the intellect to perceive, the female love. Also the intellect perceives what lies above the bodily level and beyond the limits of the world, since rational and spiritual sight can penetrate thus far. But love does not penetrate beyond what it feels; when it goes beyond, it derives this ability from being linked with the man's intellect, something which was established from creation. For the intellect works by light, love by heat, and what belongs to light is perceived, what belongs to heat is felt. It is plain from this that on account of the distinction between the male and the female the wife's wisdom cannot exist in the man, nor the husband's wisdom in the wife. Neither can a man's moral wisdom exist in women, in so far as it derives from his rational wisdom.

Conjugial Love #168 (Rogers (1995))

168. 10. This perception is a wisdom that the wife has. A man is not capable of it, neither is a wife capable of her husband's intellectual wisdom. This follows from the difference that exists between masculinity and femininity. It is masculine to perceive from the intellect, and feminine to perceive from love. Moreover, the intellect also perceives those sorts of matters which transcend the body and the world - it being the nature of intellectual and spiritual sight to move in that direction - while love does not perceive beyond what it feels. When it does, its perception draws on its union with the intellect of a man, a union established from creation. For the intellect has to do with light, and love with warmth, and concerns that are matters of light are seen, whereas concerns that are matters of warmth are felt.

It is apparent from this that, because of the universal difference which exists between masculinity and femininity, a husband is not capable of his wife's wisdom, nor is a wife capable of her husband's wisdom. Women are not even capable of a man's moral wisdom to the extent that it springs from his intellectual wisdom.

Love in Marriage #168 (Gladish (1992))

168. 10. This perception is a wife's wisdom. A man cannot have it, nor can a wife have a man's rational wisdom. This is due to the difference between masculine and feminine. It is masculine to perceive from intellect and feminine to perceive from love. Besides, intellect perceives things above the body and out of the material world, for that is where rational and spiritual sight goes. But love does not go past what it feels. When it does it draws on the connection with a man's intellect established at creation. For intellect is light, and love is warmth, and things having to do with light are seen, while things having to do with warmth are felt.

All this shows that because of the general difference between masculine and feminine, a man cannot have the wisdom of a wife, nor a wife the wisdom of a man. A woman does not have a man's moral wisdom inasmuch as it draws on his rational wisdom.

Conjugial Love #168 (Acton (1953))

168. X. THAT THIS PERCEPTION IS THE WIFE'S WISDOM, AND THAT IT IS NOT POSSIBLE WITH THE MAN; NOR IS THE MAN'S RATIONAL WISDOM POSSIBLE WITH THE WIFE. This follows from the difference between the masculine and the feminine. It is masculine to perceive from the understanding, and feminine to perceive from love; and the understanding perceives things which are above the body and beyond the world, it being to these that rational and spiritual sight extends; while love does not go beyond what it feels. When it does go beyond, it does this by drawing on that conjunction with the male understanding which was established from creation; for understanding pertains to light, and love to heat, and that which pertains to light is seen, while that which pertains to heat is felt. From this it is manifest, that because of the universal difference which exists between the masculine and the feminine, the wife's wisdom is not possible with the man, nor the man's [rational] wisdom with the wife; nor is man's moral wisdom possible with women so far as it partakes of his rational wisdom.

Conjugial Love #168 (Wunsch (1937))

168. (x) This perception is the wife's wisdom; the man does not have it, just as the wife does not have his rational wisdom. This follows from the difference between masculine and feminine. To perceive from the understanding is masculine, and to do so from love is feminine. The understanding also perceives things above the body and beyond the world, for rational and spiritual sight penetrates thither, but love no further than it feels; when love penetrates further, it does so by the conjunction with man's understanding provided by creation. For understanding is of light, but love of heat, and what is of light is perceived, but what is of heat is felt. In view of this general difference between masculine and feminine, it is plain that the man does not have the wife's wisdom, or the wife the man's wisdom. Nor have women man's moral wisdom, so far as this partakes of his rational wisdom.

Conjugial Love #168 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

168. (10) That this perception is the wisdom of the wife; that it cannot be with the man; and that the rational wisdom of the man cannot be with the wife. This follows from the difference that there is between the masculine and the feminine It is masculine to perceive from the understanding; and feminine to perceive from love. And the understanding perceives things also that are above the body and beyond the world, for rational and spiritual sight goes thither; but love does not go beyond what it feels; when farther, it derives it from conjunction with the understanding of the man (vir) established by creation. For understanding is of light, and love is of heat; and things that are of light are plainly seen, and things of love are felt. From these considerations it is manifest that, on account of the universal difference that exists between the masculine and the feminine, the wisdom of the wife cannot be with the man, nor the wisdom of the man with the wife. Nor can the moral wisdom of the man be with women in so far as it partakes of his rational wisdom.

De Amore Conjugiali #168 (original Latin (1768))

168. X: Quod perceptio haec sit sapientia uxoris; et quod haec non dabilis sit apud virum, nec quod sapientia rationalis viri dabilis sit apud uxorem. Hoc sequitur ex discrimine, quod est inter Masculinum et Foemininum; Masculinum est ex intellectu percipere, et Foemininum est ex amore; ac Intellectus etiam percipit illa quae supra corpus, et extra mundum sunt, visus enim rationalis et spiritualis illuc vadit; at Amor non ultra id quod sentit; dum ultra, hoc trahit ex conjunctione cum intellectu viri constabilita a creatione; intellectus enim est lucis, et amor est caloris, et illa quae lucis sunt, perspiciuntur, et illa quae caloris sunt, sentiuntur. Ex his patet, quod propter universale discrimen, quod est inter masculinum et foemininum, sapientia uxoris non dabilis sit apud virum, nec sapientia viri apud uxorem: sapientia moralis viri nec dabilis est apud foeminas, quantum illa trahit ex sapientia rationali ejus.

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