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《婚姻之爱》 第167节






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Conjugial Love #167 (Chadwick (1996))

167. (ix) Wives hide this power of perceiving away in themselves, and conceal it from their husbands for very necessary reasons, so that conjugial love, friendship, trust and so the blessings of living together and a happy life may be firmly established.

The hiding and concealment of their perception of their husbands' affections are described by the wives as necessary actions, because, if they were revealed, they would drive their husbands from their bed, bedroom and home. The reason is that most men suffer from a deep-seated coldness in marriage, for many reasons which will be revealed in the Chapter on the causes of coldness, separation and divorce between married couples [XI].

[2] If wives were to uncover their husbands' affections and inclinations, this coldness would burst out of its hiding place and chill first the inner regions of the mind, then the chest, and so the lowest expressions of love, the reproductive organs. If they were chilled, conjugial love would be so far banished that there would be no hope left for friendship, trust and the blessings of living together and so leading a happy life. Yet this hope constantly encourages the wives. To disclose their knowledge of the affections and inclinations to love their husbands feel would mean declaring and making public their own love; and it is well known that the more wives open their mouths on that subject, the more the husbands grow cold and wish to be parted. These facts make plain the truth of the proposition, that the reason why wives keep their perceptions to themselves and conceal them from their husbands is that it is necessary.

Conjugial Love #167 (Rogers (1995))

167. 9. Wives keep this perception in them hidden and conceal it from their husbands for reasons that are necessary in building conjugial love, friendship and trust, so that they may have bliss in living together and happiness of life. The hiding and concealing by wives of their perception of their husbands' affections is called necessary, because if their perceptions became known, they would alienate their husbands from bed, bedroom, and home. This is because most men have in them a deep-seated coldness to marriage, for many reasons, which will be disclosed in the chapter on the reasons for states of coldness, separations and divorces 2 between married partners. 1If wives were to divulge what they know of their husbands' affections and feelings, this coldness would break out of its hiding places and chill first the inner recesses of the mind, then the heart, and afterwards the outmost organs of love which are dedicated to reproduction. And if these should become cold, conjugial love would be banished to such a degree that there would remain no hope of friendship, trust, or bliss in living together and thus no hope for happiness of life. Yet wives are continually sustained by this hope. To reveal that they know the affections and feelings of love in their husbands carries with it a declaration and announcement of their own love; and it is well known that to the extent wives open their mouths about this, to the same extent their husbands grow cold and desire separation.

This makes plain the truth of the premise, that wives keep their perception in them hidden and conceal it from their husbands for reasons that are necessary.


1. See nos. 234 ff.

Love in Marriage #167 (Gladish (1992))

167. 9. Wives keep this perception to themselves and hide it from their husbands for reasons that are necessary to stabilize married love, friendship, and confidence - and therefore the happiness of living together and the felicity of their life. I said it was necessary for wives to hide and conceal from husbands their perceptions of the husbands' feelings because if they let it out it would alienate the husbands from bed, bedroom, and home. The reason is that most men have a deep marital coldness for many reasons, which appear in the chapter about the causes of coldness, separation, and divorce among married partners. If wives disclosed the feelings and inclinations of their husbands, this coldness would break from its den and chill the inner parts of their minds first, then their hearts, and from there the most outward parts that have to do with love, which are devoted to reproduction. With these things chilled, married love would be banished so far that no hope of friendship, confidence, the blessings of living together, and its happiness of life would survive. Yet wives are continually nourished by hope of these.

Disclosing that they know their husbands' feelings and amorous inclinations brings with it a declaration and publicizing of their own love, and it is well known that the more wives say about that, the more husbands become cold, and want to get away.

These things show the truth of the statement that there are necessary reasons why wives keep their perception to themselves and hide it from their husbands.

Conjugial Love #167 (Acton (1953))

167. IX. THAT FOR CAUSES WHICH ARE NECESSITIES, WIVES STORE UP THIS PERCEPTION WITH THEMSELVES AND CONCEAL IT FROM THEIR HUSBANDS, IN ORDER THAT CONJUGIAL LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, AND CONFIDENCE, AND THUS THE BLESSEDNESS OF COHABITATION AND THE HAPPINESS OF LIFE, MAY BE FIRMLY ESTABLISHED. The storing up and concealing by wives of their perception of their husband's affections, are called necessities because, if revealed, they would alienate their husbands from bed, from chamber, and from home. The reason is because, with most men, deeply seated within is conjugial cold, and this from many causes which will be set forth in the chapter on The Causes of Colds, Separations, and Divorces between Married Partners.

[2] If wives were to disclose the affections and inclinations of their husbands, this cold would break forth from its hiding places and would chill, first the interiors of the mind, then the breast, and from this the ultimate organs of love which are dedicated to generation; and with these chilled, conjugial love would be so far exiled that there would no longer remain any hope of friendship, confidence, and blessedness of cohabitation, or of happiness of life therefrom, when yet it is by this hope that wives are continually nourished. The disclosing of the fact that they know the affections and inclinations of love in their husband carries with it a declaration and publication of their own love; and it is well known that, so far as wives open their mouths about that, men grow cold and desire separation. From this, the truth of the present article is clear, that the reasons why wives store up their perception within themselves and conceal it from their husbands are necessities.

Conjugial Love #167 (Wunsch (1937))

167. (ix) Wives conceal this perception in themselves and hide it from their husbands for causes which are necessities, that marital love, friendship and trust, and so the blessedness of living together and happiness of life, may be assured. The concealment and hiding by wives of their perception of the husband's affections is called a necessity because if the affections were revealed, it would estrange the husbands from bed, chamber and home. Deeply seated in most men is a marital cold the causes of which will be disclosed in the chapter on the "Causes of Cold, Separation and Divorce between Partners." If wives disclosed the husbands' affections and inclinations, this cold would burst from its coverts and freeze first the mind's interiors, then the bosom, and finally the ultimates of love devoted to generation. Thereupon marital love would be so far banished that no hope would survive of friendship, trust or the blessedness of living together, and so of happiness of life; but wives are continually sustained by that hope. Revelation that they know the affections and inclinations of love in their husbands, involves a declaration and publication of their own love; and it is known that as far as women declare their own love, to that extent men grow cold and wish separation. The truth of our proposition is evident then, that the causes why wives hide their perception in themselves and conceal it from the husbands, are necessities.

Conjugial Love #167 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

167. (9) That wives hide this perception with themselves and conceal it from the husbands, for reasons which are necessities; in order that conjugial love, friendship, and confidence, and so the blessedness of living together, and the happiness of life, may be confirmed. The hiding and concealment by wives of their perception of the husband's affections are called necessities because if made known they would alienate husbands from bed, from chamber, and from the house. The reason is that there is profoundly inherent in most men conjugial coldness, from many causes, which will be set forth in the chapter, On the Causes of Coldnesses, of Separations, and of Divorces among Married Partners. If wives were to disclose the affections and inclinations of their husbands this coldness would break forth from its hiding places and chill, first the interiors of the mind, then the bosom, and from thence the ultimates of love which are devoted to generation, which being chilled conjugial love would be exiled so far that there would remain no hope of friendship, of confidence, and of the blessedness of living together, nor therefore, of the happiness of life; yet on this hope wives are continually feeding. To disclose that they know the affections and inclinations of love with their husbands carries with it a declaration and publication of their own love; and it is known that in so far as wives open their mouths about it men grow cold and desire separation. From this the truth of this proposition is clear, that the reasons why wives conceal their perception within them, and hide it from their husbands, are necessities.

De Amore Conjugiali #167 (original Latin (1768))

167. IX: Quod Uxores hanc perceptionem apud se recondant, et a maritis abscondant, propter causas, quae sunt necessitates, ut conjugialis amor, amicitia et confidentia, et sic beatitudo cohabitationis, et felicitas vitae, constabiliantur. Reconditio et absconditio perceptionis affectionum mariti ab uxoribus vocantur Necessitates, quia si revelarentur, abalienarent maritos a toro, a cubiculo, et a domo; ratio est, quia plerisque viris alte insidet frigus conjugiale ex pluribus causis, quae in Capite de Causis frigorum, separationum, et divortiorum inter conjuges, aperientur;

[2] hoc frigus, si uxores detegerent affectiones et inclinationes maritorum, e latibulis suis erumperet, ac infrigeraret primum interiora mentis, dein pectus, et inde ultima amoris, quae generationi dicata sunt; quibus infrigeratis amor conjugialis exularet in tantum, ut non aliqua spes amicitiae, confidentiae, et beatitudinis cohabitationis, et inde felicitatis vitae, superesset; uxores tamen illa spe continue lactantur: aperire, quod sciant affectiones et inclinationes amoris apud maritos, secum fert declarationem et evulgationem amoris illarum; et notum est, quod quantum uxores aperiunt os de illo, tantum viri frigescant, et cupiant separationem. Ex his patet veritas hujus Articuli, quod causae, propter quas uxores perceptionem suam apud se recondunt, et a maritis abscondunt, sint necessitates.

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