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《婚姻之爱》 第170节





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Conjugial Love #170 (Chadwick (1996))

170. (xii) A wife links herself to her husband by paying attention to the desires of his will.

This is too well known to need any explanation.

Conjugial Love #170 (Rogers (1995))

170. 12. A wife joins herself to her husband by appeals to his will's desires. As this is a matter of common knowledge, explanation of it is made unnecessary.

Love in Marriage #170 (Gladish (1992))

170. 12. A wife joins herself to a husband by involving herself in what he wants. These are well known household matters, so I omit an explanation of them.

Conjugial Love #170 (Acton (1953))

170. XII. THAT THE WIFE CONJOINS HERSELF TO THE MAN BY APPLICATIONS TO THE DESIRES OF HIS WILL. Being among things familiar to all, explanation of these words is superfluous.

Conjugial Love #170 (Wunsch (1937))

170. (xii) The wife conjoins herself to the man by address to his will's desires. This is among things well known, and explanation is omitted.

Conjugial Love #170 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

170. (12) That the wife conjoins herself to the man by applying herself to the desires of his will. This is among the things well known; explanation of it is therefore, omitted.

De Amore Conjugiali #170 (original Latin (1768))

170. XII: Quod Uxor conjungat se Viro per applicationes ad ejus voluntatis desideria. Haec inter nota familiaria sunt, quare Explicatio horum supersedetur.

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