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《婚姻之爱》 第171节













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Conjugial Love #171 (Chadwick (1996))

171. (xiii) A wife is linked to her husband by the sphere of life which issues from her love for him.

From each individual there comes, or rather pours forth, a spiritual sphere due to the affections of his love; this surrounds him and enters into the natural sphere coming from the body, and they are linked together. It is commonly known in the world that there is a natural sphere continuously emanating from the body, not only from human beings, but also from animals, and indeed from trees, fruits, flowers, and also from metals. It is much the same in the spiritual world; but there the spheres which emanate from objects are spiritual. The spheres emanating from spirits and angels are more deeply spiritual, because they possess affections of love, and so inward perceptions and thoughts. This is the origin of every kind of sympathy or antipathy, and it is what links everything or holds it apart. Presence or absence in that world depends upon these spheres, for what is of the same nature and concordant causes presence and linking, but what is of different nature and discordant causes separation and absence. These spheres therefore are what create distance there.

Certain people are also aware of the effects produced by these spiritual spheres in the natural world. The mutual inclination of married couples towards each other are from no other origin. Spheres of unanimity and concord unite, those of opposition and discord separate; for concordant spheres are pleasant and welcome, opposing and discordant ones unpleasant and unwelcome.

[2] I have heard from angels, who are able to perceive the spheres clearly, that there is not a single internal or external part of a person which is not renewing itself. It does this by dissolving and being replaced, and this is the source of the sphere which continually pours forth. They said that this sphere is packed closely around the person to the back and to the front, thinly at the back, but densely at the front. The sphere coming from the chest is linked with respiration. That is why a married couple who differ in disposition and disagree in their affections lie in bed turned away from each other, back to back. Conversely, those who agree in disposition and affections turn towards each other.

[3] They also said that since the spheres come from every part of the person and extend to some distance around him, they not only link or separate the couple from without, but also from within. This, they said, is the origin of all the differences and varieties in conjugial love. They ended by saying that the sphere of love coming from a wife who is tenderly loved is perceived in heaven as a sweet fragrance, notably more pleasant than that perceived in the world by a newly wed bridegroom in the first days after his wedding. These facts make plain the truth of the assertion that a wife is linked to her husband by the sphere of life which comes from her love for him.

Conjugial Love #171 (Rogers (1995))

171. 13. A wife is joined to her husband by the atmosphere of her life emanating from her love. From every person there emanates, indeed pours, a spiritual atmosphere from the affections of his love, and this atmosphere surrounds him. It also enters into the natural atmosphere arising from the body, and the two atmospheres combine together.

Everyone knows that a natural atmosphere continually emanates from the body, not only from human beings but also from animals - in fact, from trees, fruits, flowers, and also metals. So, too, in the spiritual world, except that the atmospheres emanating from things there are spiritual, and the atmospheres which emanate from spirits and angels are interiorly spiritual, because the affections of their love and their consequent perceptions and thoughts are interior. Every feeling of affinity or aversion has its origin from these atmospheres, and also all association or dissociation. Thus a person's presence or absence depends in that world on these atmospheres. For similarity or harmony in character causes association and presence, while dissimilarity or disharmony causes dissociation and absence. Consequently, it is these atmospheres which cause distances in that world.

Some people also know what effect these spiritual atmospheres have in the natural world. The dispositions of married partners toward each other come from this very origin. Harmonious and concordant atmospheres unite them, and contrary and discordant ones drive them apart; for concordant atmospheres are delightful and pleasant, while discordant ones are undelightful and unpleasant.

[2] Angels have a clear perception of these atmospheres, and I have heard from them that every single element in a person, both inside and out, renews itself, which it does through processes of dissolution and restoration; and this is what produces the atmosphere which is continually given off. Moreover, the angels said, this atmosphere is concentrated about a person's back and breast, but more lightly around the back, more densely around the breast, and the atmosphere which is about the breast combines itself with the breathing. That also is why two married partners who differ in their dispositions and are out of harmony in their affections, in bed lie turned away with their backs to each other, while conversely, two who are in harmony in their dispositions and affections lie turned toward each other.

[3] The angels said further that because atmospheres emanate from every part of a person and extend widely about him, these atmospheres not only join or drive apart two married partners outwardly, but also inwardly. And this, they said, is the reason for all the differences and diversities in conjugial love.

Lastly the angels said that the atmosphere of love emanating from a wife who is tenderly loved, in heaven is perceived as sweetly fragrant, considerably more delightful than the one which is perceived in the world by a newly married husband in the first days of marriage.

This makes plain the truth asserted, that a wife is joined to her husband by the atmosphere of her life emanating from her love.

Love in Marriage #171 (Gladish (1992))

171. 13. A wife joins in with her husband by the aura of life that her love gives off. Out of every person comes, in fact pours, a spiritual atmosphere of the feelings that belong to the person's love. It surrounds the person and puts itself into the natural sphere of the person's body, and these join together.

It is common knowledge that a natural sphere continually flows out from a body - not just from people, but from animals, too. In fact, from trees, fruits, flowers, and also metals. It is the same in the spiritual world, but the spheres flowing out from things there are spiritual ones. And the ones that come from spirits and angels are more deeply spiritual, because they are feelings of love, so they are inner feelings and thoughts. This is the source of every sympathy and antipathy, and also of every union and separation, with the resulting presence and absence, in the spiritual world. For similarity or like - mindedness causes conjunction and presence, while difference and discord cause separation and absence, because those atmospheres make distances there.

Some people also know what those spiritual atmospheres do in the natural world. Married people's inclinations toward each other are from no other source. These spheres unite people who are similar and feel alike but separate those who disagree and have discord. Compatible spheres are happy and pleasant, but discordant spheres are unhappy and unpleasant.

I have heard from angels, who have a clear awareness of these spheres, that there is nothing inside nor on the outside of a person that is not renewing itself - by breaking down and rebuilding - and the continual waves of sphere are from this. They said that this aura wraps around a person in back and in front, but thinner at his back and thicker at his chest, and that the part at his chest associates itself with his breathing. And this is why two partners whose souls are at odds and whose feelings are out of tune lie in bed turned away from each other, back to back. On the other hand, partners whose souls and feelings are in harmony lie turned toward each other.

They also said that because spheres come from every part of a person and extend outward for quite a distance around him, they do not just join and separate two partners outwardly, but inwardly as well. And this is where all the differences and variations of married love come from.

Last they said that the sphere of love coming from a tenderly loving wife in heaven seems like a sweeter fragrance, more remarkably pleasant than the sphere you notice in the world from a newlywed in the first days after the wedding.

These things make the stated truth plain, that a wife is joined to a man through the aura of her life that comes from her love.

Conjugial Love #171 (Acton (1953))

171. XIII. THAT THE WIFE IS CONJOINED TO HER HUSBAND BY THE SPHERE OF HER LIFE GOING FORTH FROM HER LOVE. A spiritual sphere, being the sphere of the affections of his love, emanates, nay, pours forth from every man and encompasses him. Moreover, this sphere implants itself in his natural sphere, being the sphere of the body, and the two join together. That a natural sphere is continually flowing forth from the body, not only from man but also from beasts, yea, from trees, fruits, flowers, and even from metals, is a matter of common knowledge. It is the same in the spiritual world; but the spheres flowing from subjects there, are spiritual, and those which emanate from [good] spirits and angels are deeply spiritual, because with them, affections of love and perceptions and thoughts therefrom are more interior. It is from this that all sympathy and antipathy takes its origin, and also all conjunction and disjunction. In that world, presence and absence are according to these spheres, for what is homogeneous or concordant makes conjunction and presence, and what is heterogeneous and discordant makes disjunction and absence. Therefore, it is these spheres that make distances there. Moreover, some men know what the operation of these spiritual spheres is in the natural world; nor are the inclinations of married partners towards each other from any other origin. Unanimous and concordant spheres unite them, and opposing and discordant spheres disunite them; for concordant spheres are delightful and grateful, and discordant spheres undelightful and ungrateful.

[2] I have heard from angels who are in clear perception of these spheres, that in man there is not a single part, whether within him or on the surface, which does not renew itself, doing this by dissolutions and reparations, and that from this comes the sphere which is continually pouring forth. They also said that this sphere presses around man at the back and at the breast, but somewhat thinly at the back, and densely at the breast; that the sphere from the breast conjoins itself with the respiration, and that it is because of this that two partners who disagree in dispositions and are discordant in affections lie in bed turned back to back, while those who are concordant in dispositions and affections turn towards each other.

[3] They said further, that because spheres go forth from every part of man and are continually around him in great abundance, they conjoin and disjoin two partners, not only from without but also from within, and that thence are all the differences and varieties of conjugial love. Finally, they said that the sphere of love going forth from a wife who is tenderly loved is perceived in heaven as a sweet fragrance, far more pleasant than that perceived in the world by a newly married husband during the first days after the nuptials. From this, the truth here asserted is evident, namely, that the wife is conjoined to the man by the sphere of her life going forth from her love.

Conjugial Love #171 (Wunsch (1937))

171. (xiii) A wife is conjoined to her husband by the sphere of her life emanating from her love. There emanates, indeed pours forth from every person and envelops him, a spiritual sphere from his love's affections; this rests, moreover, in a natural sphere which is from the body, and the two merge. It is common knowledge that a natural sphere continually flows from the body, not only of man, but of beasts, too; indeed from trees, fruits and flowers, and even from metals. Similarly in the spiritual world. But the spheres flowing from objects in that world are spiritual; and those emanating from spirits and angels are deeply spiritual, because their affections of love and their perceptions and thoughts are interior. All sympathy and antipathy have their source in this fact; so have all conjunction and estrangement, in accord with which there is presence or absence. For what is homogeneous or concordant makes for presence and for conjunction, while the heterogeneous or discordant makes for estrangement and absence. Those spheres therefore cause distances in the spiritual world. It is also known to some what those spiritual spheres can do in the natural world. Now, the inclinations of partners to each other have no other origin; unanimous and concordant spheres unite them, and adverse and discordant spheres disunite them. For concordant spheres are pleasant and agreeable, but discordant unpleasant and disagreeable.

[2] I have heard from angels, who have a clear perception of spheres, that there is no part of the human being, internal or external, which does not renew itself, which is done by breakings-down and repairings, and that from this results the sphere which continually pours forth. They said that this sphere encompasses man front and back, but lightly at the back, more densely at the breast; and that the latter sphere, at the breast, is united with the respiration; and that thence it is that married partners who differ in mind and are discordant in affection, lie turned away from each other, back to back, in bed; while on the other hand those of agreeing mind and affections lie turned mutually toward each other.

[3] They also said that the spheres, emanating as they do from every part of the human being and extending widely about him, conjoin or disjoin two partners not only from without, but also from within; and that all the differences and varieties of marital love arise thence. Finally they said that the sphere of love going out from a wife who is tenderly loved is perceived in heaven as something sweetly fragrant, far more pleasant than the sphere perceived in the world by a husband during the first days of marriage. From this the truth of what has been asserted is plain, that a wife is conjoined to the man through the sphere of her life emanating from her love.

Conjugial Love #171 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

171. (13) That the wife is conjoined to her man through the sphere of her life going forth from her love. From every man there goes, nay rather pours forth and encompasses him, a spiritual sphere from the affections of his love; and this imparts itself to the natural sphere which is from the body, and they conjoin themselves. That a natural sphere flows forth continually from the body, not only from man but also from beasts, yea from trees, fruits, flowers, and even from metals, is commonly known. It is similar in the spiritual world; but the spheres flowing out from subjects there are spiritual; and those that emanate from spirits and angels are inwardly spiritual, because with them are affections of love and interior perceptions and thoughts thence. All sympathy and antipathy derive thence their origin; also all conjunction and disjunction. And according to them is presence and absence there; for what is homogeneous or concordant effects conjunction and presence, and what is heterogeneous and discordant effects disjunction and absence. These spheres therefore, make the distances there. What these spheres effect in the natural world is known also to some. The inclinations of the married toward each other are from no other origin. Unanimous and concordant spheres unite them opposing and discordant spheres disunite them. For concordant spheres are delightful and grateful, and discordant spheres are unpleasant and disagreeable. I have heard from the angels, who are in clear perception of these spheres, that in men there is no part within, nor any part without, that does not renew itself, which is effected by dissolutions and restitutions, and that from them is the sphere which goes forth continually. And they said that this sphere encompasses man from the back, and from the breast, but is attenuated at the back and denser at the breast; that what is from the breast conjoins itself with the respiration, and that thence it is that two married partners who are of different mind and discordant affections lie in bed turned back to back; and on the other hand that those who agree in minds and affections mutually turn towards each other. They said further that the spheres - because they go forth from every part of man and are continued widely about him - not only outwardly conjoin and disjoin two married partners, but also inwardly, and that thence come all the differences and varieties of conjugal love. Finally, they said the sphere of love going forth from a wife who is tenderly loved is perceived in heaven as deliciously fragrant, far more delightful than it is perceived in the world by a newly married husband in the first days after marriage. From this the truth affirmed is plain, that the wife is conjoined to the man by the sphere of her life going forth from her love.

De Amore Conjugiali #171 (original Latin (1768))

171. XIII: Quod Uxor conjungatur Viro suo per Sphaeram vitae suae exeuntem ex amore ejus. Ex unoquovis homine exit, imo exundat, Sphaera spiritualis ex affectionibus amoris ejus, et circumdat illum, et haec se indit Sphaerae naturali, quae est e corpore, et se conjungunt; quod Sphaera naturalis e corpore continue effluat, non modo ex homine, sed etiam ex bestiis, imo ex arboribus, fructibus, floribus, et quoque ex metallis, in vulgo notum est; in Mundo spirituali similiter; sed Sphaerae ex subjectis effluentes ibi sunt spirituales, et illae quae ex Spiritibus et Angelis emanant, sunt penitus spirituales, quia illis sunt affectiones amoris, et inde perceptiones et cogitationes interiores; omne sympathicum et antipathicum inde trahit suum ortum, et quoque omnis conjunctio et disjunctio, et secundum illas praesentia et absentia ibi, homogeneum enim seu concors facit conjunctionem et praesentiam, ac heterogeneum et discors disjunctionem et absentiam, quare illae sphaerae faciunt distantias ibi: quid sphaerae illae spirituales operantur in Mundo naturali, quibusdam etiam notum est: Inclinationes conjugum inter se nec ex alia origine sunt; hos Sphaerae unanimes et concordes uniunt, ac adversae et discordes disuniunt; sunt enim Sphaerae concordes jucundae et gratae, ac discordes injucundae et ingratae.

[2] Audivi ab Angelis, qui in perceptione illarum clara sunt, quod non sit ulla pars intus in homine, nec ulla extus, quae se non renovat, quod fit per solutiones et reparationes, et quod inde sit sphaera, quae jugi exundat: et dixerunt, quod sphaera illa circumstipet hominem a tergo et a pectore, sed tenuiter a tergo, dense autem a pectore; et quod haec, quae a pectore est, se conjungat cum respiratione; et quod exinde sit, quod duo Conjuges, qui discrepant animis et discordant affectionibus, in toro jaceant obversi, tergo ad tergum; et vicissim qui animis et affectionibus concordant, conversi ad se mutuo.

[3] Dixerunt etiam, quod Sphaerae, quia exeunt ab omni parte hominis, et continuantur ample circum illum, non modo conjungant et disjungant duos conjuges ab extra, sed etiam ab intra; et quod inde sint omnes differentiae et varietates Amoris conjugialis. Ultimo dixerunt, quod sphaera amoris exiens ab uxore, quae tenere amatur, in Coelo percipiatur sicut dulciter fragrans, insigniter amaenius, quam percipitur illa in Mundo a recenti marito primis diebus post nuptias. Ex his patet veritas asserta, quod uxor conjungatur viro per Sphaeram vitae suae exeuntem ex amore ejus.

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