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《婚姻之爱》 第177节





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Conjugial Love #177 (Chadwick (1996))

177. (xviii) As they are linked in the ways that have been stated couples become more and more one person.

This is the same as the contents of point (vi), where it was explained that the linking takes place by stages, starting from the first days of the marriage, becoming in the case of those who enjoy truly conjugial love deeper and deeper for ever; see this discussion [162]. It is the increase in conjugial love which makes them into a single person. Since in the heavens this is the real love which comes from the celestial and spiritual life of the angels, a married couple are therefore called two, when the terms husband and wife are used, but one person when the term used is angels.

Conjugial Love #177 (Rogers (1995))

177. 18. According as the aforementioned conjunctions are formed, married partners become more and more one person. This accords with the observations contained in point 6., where we explained that the union takes place gradually from the first days of marriage, and that in people who are in a state of truly conjugial love, it becomes deeper and deeper to eternity. See what was said there. Married partners become proportionately one person in the measure that their conjugial love grows. And because, in heaven, this love is genuine, owing to the celestial and spiritual life of the angels, therefore two married partners there are called two when they are referred to as husband and wife, but one when they are referred to as angels.

Love in Marriage #177 (Gladish (1992))

177. 18. Depending on the things mentioned above that join them together, married partners become more and more one person. These ideas fit in with the ones under article 6 (see above), explaining that conjunction takes place steadily from the first days of marriage, and that for those who have real married love conjunction becomes deeper and deeper forever. They make one person as their married love increases. And in heaven the heavenly and spiritual life of the angels makes this love genuine, so two partners there are called two when they are called husband and wife, but one when they are called angels.

Conjugial Love #177 (Acton (1953))

177. XVIII. THAT ACCORDING TO THE ABOVE-MENTIONED CONJUNCTIONS, MARRIED PARTNERS BECOME MORE AND MORE ONE MAN. This coincides with the contents of article VI, where it was explained that from the first days of marriage, conjunction is effected successively, and with those who are in love truly conjugial, more and more deeply to eternity. They become one man according to the increase of conjugial love; and because in the heavens that love is genuine by reason of the celestial and spiritual life of the angels, therefore two partners are there called two when named husband and wife, but one when named angels.

Conjugial Love #177 (Wunsch (1937))

177. (xviii) By the conjunctions named above, partners become more and more one human being. This coincides with the thought of article vi, where we said that conjunction is effected by stages from the first days of marriage, and, with those in true marital love, more and more profoundly to eternity. The two become one human being as marital love grows. In the heavens, where, in the celestial and spiritual life of the angels that love is its authentic self, two partners are called two when called husband and wife, but one when called angels.

Conjugial Love #177 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

177. (18) That married partners, according to the above mentioned conjunctions, become one man more and more. This coincides with the contents of article 6, which see, where it is explained that conjunction is effected successively from the first days of marriage; and that with those who are in love truly conjugial the conjunction is effected more and more inwardly, to eternity. They become one man according to the increase of conjugial love; and as in the heavens this love is genuine, from the celestial and spiritual life of the angels, two married partners there are called two when mentioned as husband and wife, and one when spoken of as angels.

De Amore Conjugiali #177 (original Latin (1768))

177. XVIII. Quod Conjuges secundum Conjunctiones supradictas fiant unus homo plus et plus. Haec coincidunt cum contentis Articuli VIti, ubi explicatum est, quod Conjunctio fiat a primis diebus conjugii successive; et quod apud illos, qui in Amore vere conjugiali sunt, penitius et penitius in aeternum, quae videantur: fiunt unus homo secundum incrementum Amoris conjugialis: et quia ille Amor in Coelis est genuinus ex coelesti et spirituali Angelorum vita, ideo duo Conjuges ibi vocantur duo, cum nominantur Maritus et Uxor, sed unus cum nominantur Angeli.

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