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《婚姻之爱》 第178节





  178、(19)处于真正婚姻之爱中的配偶会感觉他们就像一个人一样,这一点只能由天国中的人话来证实, 因为在世间这种真正的婚姻之爱此时不存在。同时,世上的人受肉体的束缚,他们看不到夫妻双方是一个人。另外还因为世上那些只在外在上接受其配偶的人不想听到这一事实,他们只是出于肉体而考虑婚姻之爱,天国中的天使却非这样,他们所拥有的婚姻之爱是精神的,是神性的,没有受到肉体的束缚。




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Conjugial Love #178 (Chadwick (1996))

178. (xix) Those who enjoy truly conjugial love feel themselves a united person and like one flesh.

This proposition needs to be proved, not from the lips of any dweller on earth, but from those who dwell in heaven, because truly conjugial love does not exist among people on earth today. In addition, these are enveloped by a gross body, which blunts and absorbs the feeling that a married couple are one person and, so to speak, one flesh. Moreover, those in the world, who love their partners only outwardly and not inwardly, are unwilling to listen to this statement. Their thoughts on this subject are lewd, deriving from the flesh. But it is different for the angels in heaven, since they enjoy celestial and spiritual forms of conjugial love, and they are not enveloped in such a gross body as people on earth. I have heard evidence from those who have lived for ages with their partners in heaven, that they feel themselves thus united, the husband with his wife, the wife with her husband, and are each present in the other, as if they were in the other's flesh, although they are separate persons.

[2] They reported as the reason for this phenomenon, so rare on earth, the fact that the uniting of their souls and minds is felt in their flesh, because the soul is not just the innermost part of the head, but of the whole body; and likewise the mind, which stands midway between the soul and the body. It seems as if the mind were in the head, but it is actually in the whole body. This, they said, is why the actions devised by the soul and mind proceed instantly from the body. It is also why the angels, after casting off their bodies in their former world, are complete persons. Now because the soul and mind are so closely attached to the flesh of the body as to be able to carry out and produce the effects they wish, it follows that the uniting of one's soul and mind with one's partner's is felt also in the body, as if it were one flesh. When these statements were made by angels, I heard spirits standing by say that these are matters of transcendent angelic wisdom; but they were natural rational spirits, not spiritual rational ones.

Conjugial Love #178 (Rogers (1995))

178. 19. Partners who are in a state of truly conjugial love feel themselves to be a united person and as though one flesh. We can confirm that this is so only from the declarations of people in heaven, and not from the testimony of people on earth, since among people on earth truly conjugial love does not presently exist. In addition, people on earth are also enveloped in a coarse body, which dulls and swallows up the sensation that the two partners are a united person and virtually one flesh. And besides, people in the world who love their partners only outwardly and not inwardly do not wish to hear this. They think lasciviously concerning it, too, in terms of the flesh. Not so in the case of angels in heaven, because the conjugial love they possess is spiritual and celestial, and they are not clothed in as coarse a body as people on earth.

I have listened to angels who have lived with their partners in heaven for centuries, and I have heard it attested by them that they feel themselves to be united in this way, a husband with his wife and a wife with her husband, and to be each in the other mutually and reciprocally, seemingly, even, in respect to the flesh, even if they are apart.

[2] The reason for this phenomenon, rarely experienced on earth, that the union of their souls and minds is felt in their flesh - the reason for it, the angels said, is that the soul not only forms the inmost elements in the head, but also the inmost elements in the body. The same is true of the mind, which is intermediate between the soul and the body. Although the mind appears to be in the head, it nevertheless is actually in the whole body as well. And that, the angels said, is why actions which the soul and mind intend, instantaneously spring forth from the body. It is also because of this, they said, that after the body is cast off in the previous world, people themselves are still whole and complete human beings. Now, because the soul and mind are closely connected to the flesh of the body, in order that they may act and produce their effects, it follows that a union of the soul and mind with one's married partner is felt even in the body, as though they were one flesh.

At the time the angels said this, there were some spirits standing near, and I heard them comment that these were matters of angelic wisdom that were beyond them. But these spirits were intellectually natural, and not intellectually spiritual.

Love in Marriage #178 (Gladish (1992))

178. 19. Those who enjoy the real love in marriage can tell that they are one integrated person and therefore one flesh. The truth of this is not going to be verified by any earthly mouth, but by the mouths of angels, because the real love in marriage is not to be found among people on earth today. Besides, people on earth are densely enshrouded in a body that deadens and swallows up the sensation that two partners are a united person and just like one flesh. And furthermore, those in the world who love their partners only outwardly and not inwardly do not want to hear this. They think lasciviously about this union, on account of the flesh.

It is different with angels in heaven, because they have a spiritual and heavenly love in marriage and are not enveloped in such a dense body as people on earth. I have heard people who have lived for centuries with their partners in heaven verify that they feel themselves united that way, husband with wife and wife with husband, and they can tell they are mutually in each other, and vice versa, and just like one flesh, although separate.

They said the cause of this phenomenon, so rare on earth, is that they can sense in their flesh the union of their souls and minds, because your soul not only does things deep within your head, but also deep within your body. The same goes for the mind, which is in between soul and body. It seems to be in your head, yet it is also active in your whole body. They said, "This is why actions that the soul and mind intend spring instantly from the body. And this is why souls and minds, after leaving their bodies in the former world, are complete humans. Now, soul and mind are closely connected with the flesh of the body, so that they participate in and cause the body's actions. Consequently, the union of soul and mind with a partner is felt physically, too, as in one flesh."

When the angels said all that, I heard from some spirits who were standing there that it was angelic wisdom and too lofty. But the spirits were worldly - minded and not spiritual - minded.

Conjugial Love #178 (Acton (1953))

178. XIX. THAT THOSE WHO ARE IN LOVE TRULY CONJUGIAL FEEL THEMSELVES TO BE A UNITED MAN AND AS ONE FLESH. That this is the case must be confirmed, not from the mouth of any inhabitant of earth but from the mouth of inhabitants of heaven; for with men on earth at this day, there is no love truly conjugial. Moreover, men are enveloped with a gross body, and this dulls and absorbs the sensation that two partners are a united man and as one flesh. Furthermore, those in the world who love their partners only outwardly and not inwardly, do not wish to hear this; they also think of this matter from the flesh, lasciviously. Such is not the case with angels of heaven, inasmuch as they are in spiritual and celestial conjugial love and are not enveloped in so gross a body as are men on earth. I have heard it attested by those who have lived for ages with their partners in heaven, that they feel themselves to be thus united, the husband feeling himself to be united with his wife, and the wife with her husband, and each having the feeling of being in the other, as though united even in the flesh, although they are separate beings.

[2] They said that on earth, the cause of this rare phenomenon was that the unition of their souls and minds is felt in their flesh, and this because the soul makes not only the inmost things of the head but also the inmost of the body. So likewise the mind, which is midway between soul and body; this appears to be in the head, yet actually it is also in the whole body. Furthermore, they said that it is because of this that actions which the soul and mind intend, flow out from the body in an instant; also that it is because of this that after the rejection of the body they had in the former world, they themselves are perfect men. Now since the soul and mind closely adjoin themselves to the flesh of the body to the end that they may operate and produce their effects, it follows that with married partners, 1the unition of soul and mind is felt as being one flesh even in the body. When the angels said this, I heard from some spirits who were standing by, "These are matters of angelic wisdom which are transcendental;" but these spirits were natural-rational and not spiritual-rational.


1. The Latin is cum conjuge (with a consort), but this is clearly an error for cum conjugibus as in the translation.

Conjugial Love #178 (Wunsch (1937))

178. (xix) Those in true marital love. feel they are a united human being and, as it were, one flesh. The truth of this is to be established not on the word of any earth-dweller, but from the mouth of angels, citizens of heaven, for true marital love is not to be found today with men on earth. Men on earth are also encompassed with a gross body, which dulls and absorbs the sensation that two partners are one man and, as it were, one flesh. In the world, moreover, those who love their partners only outwardly and not inwardly, do not wish to hear this truth. For they think of the union lasciviously from the flesh. It is otherwise with angels of heaven; for they are in spiritual and celestial marital love and are also not encompassed with a gross body as are men on earth. I have heard some who have lived for ages with their partners in heaven, testify that they feel themselves so united, husband with wife and wife with husband, and each in the other mutually, seemingly in the flesh, even when separated.

[2] They said the reason for this (which is such a rare phenomenon on earth) is that the unition of their souls and minds is felt in their flesh, for the soul makes the inmosts not only of the head, but of the body, too. Likewise, the mind, mediate between soul and body, though it appears to be in the head, is actually in the whole body, too. They said that this is the reason why acts which soul and mind intend, issue instantly from the body. Thence, too, it is, they said, that after the discarding of the body in the former world they themselves are still complete human beings. Now, as soul and mind are so closely adjoined to the flesh of the body in order to operate and bring about their effects, it follows that the unition of partners in soul and mind is felt in the very body as if they were one flesh. When the angels said this, I heard spirits who were present remark that these were transcendent matters of angelic wisdom; but those spirits were natural rational, not spiritual rational.

Conjugial Love #178 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

178. (19) That they who are in love truly conjugial feel themselves to be a united man, and as one flesh. That this is so is to be confirmed, not from the mouth of any inhabitant of the earth, but from the mouths of the inhabitants of heaven; for with men on earth at this day there is no love truly conjugial. And besides, they are enveloped with a gross body, which dulls and absorbs the sense that two married partners are a united man and as one flesh. Moreover, they who in the world love their married partners only outwardly and not inwardly are not willing to hear of this; they also think of the subject from the flesh, lasciviously. It is otherwise with the angels of heaven, because they are in spiritual and celestial conjugial love, and are not enveloped in a gross body as men are on earth. I have heard it attested by those who have lived for ages with their married partners in heaven, that they feel themselves to be thus united, the husband with his wife and the wife with her husband, and feel each to be mutually and reciprocally in the other, also as if one flesh, although distinct.

The reason of this phenomenon, rare on earth, that the unition of their souls and minds is felt in their flesh, they said, is this, that, 'The soul constitutes the inmosts, not only of the head but also the inmosts of the body; likewise, the mind, which is intermediate between the soul and the body, though it appears in the head, yet actually is in the whole body also. And hence it is,' they said, 'that the actions which the soul and mind intend flow out from the body in an instant. Hence also it is that they themselves, after rejection of the body in the former world, are yet perfect men. Now, as the soul and mind adjoin themselves closely to the flesh of the body, in order that they may operate and produce their effects, it follows that the unition of soul and mind with a married partner is felt in the body also as one flesh.'

When these things were said by the angels, I heard from spirits who were standing by that these are matters of angelic wisdom, which are transcendent. But these spirits were natural-rational and not spiritual-rational.

De Amore Conjugiali #178 (original Latin (1768))

178. XIX. Quod illi, qui in Amore vere conjugiali sunt, sentiant se unitum hominem, et sicut unam carnem. Quod ita sit, non ex ore alicujus terricolae, sed ex oribus coelicolarum, confirmandum est, quoniam apud homines in terris hodie non datur Amor vere conjugialis; et insuper circumvelati sunt crasso corpore, quod hebetat et absorbet sensationem, quod duo conjuges sint unitus homo, et sicut una caro; et praeterea illi in Mundo, qui modo exterius et non interius amant conjuges, non volunt hoc audire; cogitant etiam de hoc ex carne lascive: aliter apud Angelos Coeli, hi quia in spirituali et coelesti amore conjugiali sunt, et non circumvelati tam crasso corpore sicut homines telluris: ex illis, qui per saecula cum conjugibus suis in Coelo vixerant, testatum audivi, quod sentiant se ita unitos, maritus se cum uxore et uxor se cum marito, et se in altero seu in altera mutuo et vicissim, sicut etiam in carne, tametsi separati.

[2] Causam hujus rari phaenomeni in terris dixerunt hanc, quod unitio animarum et mentium illorum sentiatur in carne illorum, quia Anima non solum facit intima capitis, sed etiam intima corporis; similiter Mens, quae est media inter animam et corpus; quae tametsi apparet in capite, usque est etiam actualiter in toto corpore; et dixerunt, quod inde sit, quod actus fluant in instanti e corpore, quos anima et mens intendunt; tum quod inde sit, quod ipsi post rejectionem corporis in priori Mundo, sint perfecti homines: nunc quia Anima et Mens se arcte adjungunt Carni corporis, ut operentur et efficiant effectus suos, sequitur quod unitio animae et mentis cum conjuge sentiatur etiam in corpore sicut una caro. Cum haec dicta sunt ab Angelis, audivi ex spiritibus qui adstabant, quod illa sint sapientiae angelicae, quae transcendunt; sed spiritus illi rationales naturales, et non rationales spirituales, erant.

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