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《婚姻之爱》 第19节


  19、大约傍晚时分,一个身穿亚麻衣的信使来到天使陪伴的十个客人面前,邀请他们参加第二天举行的婚礼。想到他们将见识天堂的婚礼,这些客人十分兴奋。之后,他们被引领拜访了一位枢密院议员,并和他共进晚餐。餐后他们就回来并分开,各自回到自己的卧室,一直睡到早上。当他们醒来时,又听到从广场周围的房子里传来的童女和少女的歌声,如前所述。她们这次歌唱的主题是婚姻之爱的情感,其甜蜜深深感染并打动他们。他们发觉,一种被祝福的美妙感受在自己的欢乐中生长,并提升和更新他们。时间到了,天使说:“准备更衣,穿上我们君主给你们的天堂衣服。”他们穿上了,看哪,这衣服好像因火光而闪闪发亮。他们问天使:“怎么会这样?” “这是因为你们即将参加婚礼,在这种时刻,我们的衣服会闪闪发光,变成婚礼的礼服。”天使说。








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Conjugial Love #19 (Chadwick (1996))

19. But around evening time a runner dressed in a linen garment came to the ten newcomers with the angel, and invited them to a wedding to be held the next day. The newcomers were extremely pleased to think that they would see a wedding in heaven. After this they were taken to visit one of the privy council and dined with him, After dinner they came back and dispersed, each going to his bedroom, where they slept until morning.

Then when they woke up, they heard the maidens and girls singing from the houses around the square, as was described before. The affection which was the subject of their song was on this occasion that of conjugial love. Its sweetness affected them and moved them deeply. They felt a blessed loveliness growing in their joys, uplifting and renewing them. When it was time, the angel said: 'Get dressed and put on the clothes of heaven which our prince has sent you.' They put them on and saw their clothes shining as if with the light of a flame. 'Why is this?' they asked the angel. 'Because.' he answered, 'you are going to a wedding; at such times clothes in our community shine and become wedding garments.'

Conjugial Love #19 (Rogers (1995))

19. Around evening, however, a runner dressed in linen came looking for the ten visitors accompanying the angel and invited them to a wedding to be celebrated the following day. And the visitors greatly rejoiced that they would also see a wedding in heaven.

After this they were taken to one of the privy councillors and they dined with him. Then after dinner they came back, and taking their departure from each other, they separated, each to his own bedroom, where they slept till morning.

On waking in the morning, they then heard the singing of young women and girls coming from the houses around the public square, as previously described. 2The affection expressed in the singing that morning was one of conjugial love. Being deeply affected and moved by the sweetness of it, they began to perceive a pleasant sense of bliss being implanted in their feelings of joy, which elevated those feelings and gave them a new quality.

When it was time, the angel said, "Get yourselves ready and put on the garments of heaven which our prince sent to you before."

So they dressed, and suddenly their garments began to shine as if with a flaming light. And they asked the angel, "Why is this happening?"

The angel replied, "It is because you are going to a wedding. It happens with us that on such occasions our garments shine and they become wedding garments."


Love in Marriage #19 (Gladish (1992))

19. But around evening a runner dressed in linen came to the ten strangers accompanying the angel, and he invited them to a wedding, to be celebrated the following day. The visitors were extremely happy that they would see a wedding in heaven, too.

After that they were brought to one of the chief counselors and had dinner with him, and after dinner they went back one by one, and each retired to his own apartment, and they slept until morning.

They woke up hearing the singing of virgins and girls mentioned before, coming from the houses around the square. This time they were singing the feeling of married love. The sweetness of it deeply affected and stirred the guests, and they noticed that a happy pleasantness infused their joy, which uplifted it and renewed it.

When the time came the angel said, "Get ready, and put on the heavenly clothes that our prince sent you."

They put them on, and the clothing shone as if with a flaming light! They asked the angel, "What caused this?"

The angel answered, "It's because you're going to a wedding.

At times like this around here our clothes shine and become wedding garments."

Conjugial Love #19 (Acton (1953))

19. Towards evening, a courier, clothed in linen, came to the ten visiting companions of the angel and invited them to a wedding to be celebrated the following day, and the visitors greatly rejoiced that they were also to see a wedding in heaven. After this, they were taken to one of the privy councilors and supped with him. After supper, they returned and separated, each to his own chamber, and slept until morning. Then on awaking, they heard from the houses around the public place the singing of young women and girls mentioned above. It was the affection of conjugial love that was then being sung. Deeply affected and moved by its sweetness, they perceived a blessed pleasantness implanted in their joys, exalting and renewing them.

When the time arrived, the angel said, "Make ready and put on the garments of heaven which our prince has sent you." And when they put them on, lo! the garments shone as with a flaming light. They then asked the angel as to the cause of this. He replied: "Because you are going to a wedding. At such times our garments are resplendent and become wedding garments."

Conjugial Love #19 (Wunsch (1937))

19. Towards evening there came to the ten newcomers and companions of the angel a runner, clothed in linen, who invited them to a wedding to be celebrated the next day. It overjoyed the newcomers that they were also to see a wedding in heaven. They were then conducted to the house of a chief counsellor, with whom they supped. They returned to the palace after supper and retired one after another to his chamber and slept until morning. On awaking they heard the singing of the young women and girls from the homes about the square, of which we told above. This time the affection of marital love was being sung. Deeply affected and moved by its sweetness, they felt a blessed pleasantness instilled, exalting and renewing their joys.

When the time came, the angel said, "Dress yourselves, and put on the garments of heaven which our prince sent you." They did so, and found their garments shining as if with a flamy light. They asked the angel the reason, and he said, "You are going to a wedding. Our garments shine then and become wedding garments."

Conjugial Love #19 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

19. But towards evening there came a swift-footed messenger clothed in linen to the ten new-comers who accompanied the angel, and invited them to a wedding to be celebrated the following day; and the new-comers greatly rejoiced that they were also to witness nuptials in heaven. After this they were taken to one of the chief counselors, and supped with him. And after supper they returned and separated each to his own chamber, and slept until morning. And then awaking they heard the singing of maidens and of little girls from the houses around the public place, mentioned above. This time the affection of conjugial love was the subject of the song. Deeply affected and moved by its sweetness, they perceived a blessed pleasantness infused into their joys which exalted and renewed them.

When the time was come the angel said, 'Make ready and array yourselves in the heavenly garments that our prince has sent for you.' And they put them on, and lo! the garments shone as with a flaming light.

And they asked the angel, 'Why is this?' He replied, 'Because you are going to a wedding. With us at such a time garments are resplendent and become wedding garments.'

De Amore Conjugiali #19 (original Latin (1768))

19. Sed circa vesperam venit cursor amictus linteo ad decem advenas comites angeli, ac invitavit illos ad Nuptias sequente die celebrandas; et advenae valde laetati sunt, quod etiam visuri sint nuptias in Coelo. Post hoc, ducti sunt ad quendam Consiliarium a latere, et coenaverunt cum illo, et post coenam redierunt, et secesserunt ab invicem, quisque in suum cubiculum, et dormiverunt usque ad mane; et tunc evigilati audiebant Cantum virginum et puellarum 1e domibus circum Forum, de quo supra; canebatur tunc affectio amoris conjugialis; ex cujus suavitate penitus affecti et perciti, percipiebant beatam amaenitatem insitam gaudiis suis, quae elevabat illa, et innovabat illa. Cum tempus erat, dixit Angelus, "accingite vos, et induite vestes Coeli, quas Princeps noster ad vos miserat;" ac induerunt, et ecce vestes splendebant sicut ex luce flammea; et quaesiverunt Angelum, "unde hoc;" respondit, "quia ad nuptias ituri estis; apud nos tunc splendent vestes, et fiunt nuptiales."


1. Prima editio: puellatum

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