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《婚姻之爱》 第191节








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Conjugial Love #191 (Chadwick (1996))

191. (vi) In the case of married couples their states of life change after marriage and develop as their minds become linked by conjugial love.

The reason why the successive changes of state undergone by both partners after marriage depends on whether their conjugial love links or separates their minds, is that conjugial love is not only varying but different in different couples. It varies in the case of those who love each other inwardly, since in their case it ceases from time to time, though inwardly it constantly retains its warmth. But this love is different in the case of couples who love each other only outwardly, for in their case there are different reasons, the alternation of chill and warmth, for it ceasing from time to time.

[2] The principle behind these differences is that in the one case the body plays the leading part, and its heat spreads around forcing the lower regions of the mind to share it. But in the case of those who love each other inwardly, the mind plays the leading part, and carries the body along to share it. It looks as if love rises from the body to the soul, because the body, as soon as it is ensnared, penetrates into the mind through the eyes, as if through a door; and thus into the thoughts through the faculty of sight, as if through a forecourt, and so immediately into love. But in fact love comes down from the mind and acts upon the lower regions so as to reflect their disposition. A lewd mind therefore acts lewdly, a chaste mind chastely; this imposes its will on the body, but the lewd mind has the body impose its will on it.

Conjugial Love #191 (Rogers (1995))

191. 6. After marriage, the states of life in married partners change and progress according to the bonds formed between their minds by conjugial love. In each partner, man and wife, the changes of state and progressions of state after marriage depend on the kind of conjugial love they have, being thus changes and progressions that tend either to join or to estrange their minds; and the reason is that conjugial love not only varies but also swings back and forth in the partners. It varies in partners who inwardly love each other, for although it goes through cycles in which it is interrupted in them, nevertheless it constantly retains its warmth within. This love swings back and forth, however, in partners who love each other only outwardly; in them this love goes through cycles in which it is interrupted, not owing to the same causes, but as a result of alternating states of warmth and coldness. [2] The reason for these differences is that in the latter case the body plays the leading part, and its state of heat wells up and forcibly carries off the lower parts of the mind into confederation with it. But in the case of people who love each other inwardly, the mind plays the leading part, and it brings the body into a confederation with it.

It seems as though love ascends from the body into the soul, because as soon as the body lights on attractions, these enter through the doors of the eyes, so to speak, into the mind, thus through the entryway of the sight into the thoughts and there immediately into the love. But nevertheless, love descends from the mind and acts on the lower parts according to the way they are directed. A lascivious mind acts lasciviously, therefore, and a chaste mind chastely; and in the latter case the mind directs and governs the body, whereas in the preceding case it is directed and governed by the body.

Love in Marriage #191 (Gladish (1992))

191. 6. After marriage the conditions of the partners' lives are changed and go on according to the ways their minds are joined together through married love. After marriage the changes of condition and the way they follow one another, for both man and wife, are according to the married love they have. The changes either join or separate their minds. This is because married love ebbs and flows, but it can also turn off for married partners. It ebbs and flows for those who love each other more inwardly. It is interrupted in them at times, yet inwardly it remains permanent in its warmth. But this love turns off in those partners who only love each other outwardly.

For them it is not interrupted from time to time for the same reasons, but by alternate chill and warmth. The reason for this difference is that in these people the body is in the lead, and its enthusiasm spills out and takes over the lower parts of the mind. But in those who love each other inwardly the mind is in the lead and takes over the body.

It seems as if love rises from the body into the soul, because as soon as the body is enticed the enticement goes through your eyes like doors into your mind. This is how it goes through sight as an entrance into your mind and right into your love. But even so it does descend out of your mind and acts in lower things according to their arrangement. So a lascivious mind acts lasciviously, and a chaste mind chastely. The chaste mind arranges the body, and the unchaste mind is arranged by the body.

Conjugial Love #191 (Acton (1953))

191. VI. THAT WITH MARRIED PARTNERS, THE STATES OF LIFE AFTER MARRIAGE ARE CHANGED, AND FOLLOW ONE AFTER THE OTHER ACCORDING TO THE CONJUNCTIONS OF THEIR MINDS BY CONJUGIAL LOVE. That with both man and wife the changes and successions of state after marriage are according to the conjugial love with them, and so are either conjunctive of their minds or disjunctive, is because, with married partners, conjugial love is not only varied but is also diverse. It is varied with those who inwardly love each other, for with these it has its alternate intermissions, though inwardly it remains continually in its heat. But the love is diverse with those partners who love each other only outwardly. With them, the alternations do not come from the same causes but from alternate cold and heat.

[2] The reason of these differences is because, with the latter, the body plays the chief part and its ardor spreads around and forces the lower parts of the mind into communion with itself; but with the former who love each other inwardly, the mind plays the chief part and draws the body into communion with itself. It appears as though love ascends from the body into the soul; for as soon as the body seizes upon allurements, these enter through the eyes as doors into the mind, and so through sight as a court into the thoughts, and straightway into the love. Nevertheless, it descends from the mind and acts upon the parts below according to their disposition. Therefore, a lascivious mind acts lasciviously, and a chaste mind chastely; and the latter disposes the body, while the former is at the disposal of the body.

Conjugial Love #191 (Wunsch (1937))

191. (vi) After marriage the states of life with partners change and follow one another according to the conjunctions of their minds by marital love. The changes and successions of state after marriage with either man or wife are according to the marital love with them, thus either conjunctive or disjunctive of their minds. For marital love is not only variable but even diverse with partners. It is variable with those who love each other inwardly, for it is intermitted by turns with them, but persists constantly in its heat within. The love is diverse with partners who love each other only outwardly. With these it is intermitted by turns not for such causes as operate with the others, but due to alternating cold and heat.

[2] The reason for the difference is that with the latter the body plays the first part, and the ardor of it spreads, catching the lower parts of the mind into communion with it. With the former, however, who love each other inwardly, the mind plays the first part, carrying the body into communion with it. Love indeed seems to ascend from body into soul, because when the body first feels allurement, this enters the mind by the gate of the eyes, and so through the vision as an entry-way into the thought and then into the love; but in reality love descends from the mind and acts into things lower according to the disposition of these. Hence the lascivious mind acts lasciviously, and the chaste mind chastely, the latter disposing the body, but the former being disposed by the body.

Conjugial Love #191 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

191. (6) That with married partners the states of life after marriage are changed and succeed one after another according to the conjunctions of their minds by conjugial love. The reason why the changes and successions of state after marriage, both with the man and the wife, are according to the conjugial love with them, and thus are either conjunctive or disjunctive of their minds, is that conjugial love is not only various with married partners, but also diverse; various with those who love each other interiorly--for by turns it is intermitted with them, although within it steadily endures in its heat; but that love is diverse with those married partners who only outwardly love each other. With them it is intermitted by turns not from like causes, but from alternate cold and heat. The reason of this difference is that with these the body acts the chief part, and its ardor pours itself around and forces the lower things of the mind into communion with itself; but with those who love each other inwardly the mind acts the chief part, and draws the body into communion with itself. It appears as if love ascended from the body into the soul, because as soon as the body tastes allurements, the allurement passes through the eyes as doors into the mind, and thus by sight, as an entry, into the thoughts, and instantly into the love. But still it descends out of the mind, and acts in things lower according to the disposition of them. Therefore, a lascivious mind acts lasciviously, and a chaste mind chastely; and this latter disposes the body, while the other is disposed by the body.

De Amore Conjugiali #191 (original Latin (1768))

191. VI. Quod Status vitae post conjugium apud conjuges mutentur et succedant secundum conjunctiones mentium illorum per amorem conjugialem. Quod status mutationes et ejus successiones post conjugium apud utrumque, virum et uxorem, sint secundum Amorem conjugialem apud illos, ita vel conjunctivae vel disjunctivae mentium, est quia Amor conjugialis non modo est varius, sed etiam diversus apud conjuges; varius, apud illos qui se interius amant; apud hos enim ille per vices intermittitur, attamen intus in suo calore constanter permanet; at ille amor diversus est apud illos conjuges qui se modo exterius amant; apud hos ille non ex similibus causis per vices intermittitur, sed ex alterno frigore et calore;

[2] harum differentiarum ratio est, quia apud hos corpus primas agit, et hujus ardor se circumfundit et in communione secum rapit inferiora mentis; at apud illos qui interius se amant, mens primas agit, et in communionem secum fert corpus. Apparet sicut amor ascendat e corpore in animam, quia ut primum corpus illecebras capit, intrant 1per oculos sicut fores in mentem, et sic per visum ut atrium in cogitationes, et illico in amorem; sed usque ille e mente descendit, ac agit in inferiora secundum illorum dispositionem; quare Mens lasciva lascive agit, et Mens casta caste, et haec disponit corpus, at illa disponitur a corpore.


1. Prima editio: intrat

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