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《婚姻之爱》 第190节






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Conjugial Love #190 (Chadwick (1996))

190. (v) Both men and women have different states of life before and after marriage.

Before marriage both sexes have two different states, one before there is any inclination towards marriage, and another after there is one. The changes of these two states, and the consequent forming of minds, follow one after the other, as these states continually develop. But there is no time to describe these changes here, since they are varied and differ from one individual to another.

The actual inclinations towards marriage are, before marriage, only ideas in the mind, but they become more and more perceptible as feelings in the body. But after marriage the state of these inclinations tends towards linking and also reproduction. It is obvious that these are as different from the earlier states as results are from intentions.

Conjugial Love #190 (Rogers (1995))

190. 5. The states of life in men and women before marriage and their states of life after marriage are different. Before marriage each sex goes through two states, one state preceding the inclination towards marriage, the other following it. Changes in these two states and the resulting transformations of their minds develop in a progressive sequence according to continual growths in these states. We do not have the space, however, to describe these changes here, for they are various and diverse in the people who undergo them.

Essentially, inclinations towards marriage prior to marriage are only something that can be imagined in the mind, which then become more and more something that can be felt in the body. On the other hand, the states these inclinations lead to after marriage are states of union and also of procreation. Clearly, these latter states differ from the former ones as realizations do from intentions.

Love in Marriage #190 (Gladish (1992))

190. 5. The conditions of men's and women's lives are different before marriage and after marriage. Before marriage there are two stages for each sex, one before the inclination to marriage and another after it. The changes of these states, and therefore mental developments, steadily progress according to their continual growth. But there is not room to describe these changes here, for they are various and they differ in different people.

Before marriage, inclinations toward marriage are only things imagined in the mind, and they become more and more noticeable in the body. But the conditions of the inclinations after marriage are conditions of joining together and of having children. It is obvious that these circumstances are different from the earlier ones the way accomplishments differ from intentions.

Conjugial Love #190 (Acton (1953))

190. V. THAT THE STATES OF LIFE WITH MEN AND WOMEN ARE OF ONE KIND BEFORE MARRIAGE AND OF ANOTHER AFTER MARRIAGE. With both men and women there are two states before marriage, one before the inclination to marriage, the other after it. The changes of both these states, and the consequent formations of minds, go on in successive order in accordance with their continual increase. But here time does not allow of any description of these, for they vary and are diverse in different subjects. Prior to marriage, the inclinations thereto in the mind are merely imaginative, and in the body they become more and more sensitive; but after marriage the states are states of conjunction and also of prolification. That these differ from the former, as realizations from intentions, is evident.

Conjugial Love #190 (Wunsch (1937))

190. (v) States of life are different with men and women before and after marriage. With both men and women there are two states before marriage, one before inclination to marriage, another after. The changes in these two states and the resulting formations of mind proceed in unbroken order from continual additions; but there is no room to describe them here, for they are various, and different in different subjects. Inclinations to marriage before the event have chiefly a mental existence, becoming more and more sensible in the body. But after marriage the states are states of union and also of productiveness. Obviously these differ from the former as accomplishment does from intention.

Conjugial Love #190 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

190. (5) That the states of life with men and with women are of one kind before marriage, and of another kind after marriage. There are with each two states before marriage; one before the inclination to marriage, another after it. The changes of each state, and the consequent formations of the mind, proceed in successive order, in accordance with their continual increase. But there is no leisure here to describe the changes. For they are various, and different in the subjects. The inclinations to marriage previous to it are themselves merely imaginative in the mind, and become sensible in the body more and more. But after marriage their states are states of conjunction, and also of prolification. That these differ from the former, as realizations differ from intentions, is plain.

De Amore Conjugiali #190 (original Latin (1768))

190. V. Quod Status vitae alii sint viris et foeminis ante conjugium; et alii post conjugium. Ante conjugium apud utrumque sunt duo Status, unus ante inclinationem ad conjugium, alter post illam; hujus et illius status mutationes, et inde formationes mentium, ordine succedaneo procedunt secundum continua incrementa illorum; sed mutationes illas hic describere non vacat, sunt enim variae et diversae in subjectis; ipsae inclinationes ad conjugium ante illud sunt modo imaginativae in mente, et fiunt plus et plus sensitivae in corpore; at status illarum post conjugium, sunt status conjunctionis et quoque prolificationis; quae quod a prioribus differant, sicut effectuationes ab intentionibus, patet.

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