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《婚姻之爱》 第193节














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Conjugial Love #193 (Chadwick (1996))

193. (viii) A woman is really formed into a wife [for her husband] as described in Genesis.

In this book it is said that woman was created from man's rib, and that the man said when she was brought to him, 'She is bone from my bones and flesh from my flesh; and she shall be called Ishshah, because she was taken from Ish (man)' Genesis 2:22-24. In the spiritual sense of the Word the rib of the chest means nothing but natural truth. This is the meaning of the ribs which a bear had in its teeth (Daniel 7:5), for bears mean those who read the Word in its natural sense and see the truths in it without understanding them. A man's chest, by which 1it is distinguished from a woman's chest, means the essential and the self. This is his wisdom (187 above), for truth supports wisdom, just as a rib supports the chest. They have these meanings because the chest is the part in which a person's whole being is centred.

[2] These facts establish that woman was created out of man by copying his own wisdom, that is, out of natural truth; and that the love of this is transferred from the man to the woman, so as to become conjugial love. This happens to prevent the man being filled with self-love, but rather with the love of his wife. Her innate character cannot fail to convert the self-love a man feels into a love for her. I have been told that this results from the wife's love without either the man or his wife being aware of it. That is why truly conjugial love can never be found in anyone who is moved by self-love to feel pride in his own intelligence.

[3] Once this mystery of woman being created from man is understood, it can be seen that a woman is likewise, as it were, created or formed from the man in marriage; this is brought about by the wife, or rather by the Lord through the wife, since it is the Lord who imparts to women the inclination to act thus. For a wife takes upon herself an image of the man by making his affections her own (183 above), and by linking the man's inner will with hers, on which see below. It also happens by her taking to herself what is propagated by his soul; on which also see below. These remarks make it plain that a woman, according to the description in Genesis understood inwardly, is formed into a wife by what she takes from her husband and from his chest, and copies into herself.

Conjugial Love #193 (Rogers (1995))

193. 8. A woman is actually transformed into a wife according to the description in the book of creation. We are told in this book that woman was created from the rib of a man, and that when she was brought to him, the man said,

She...is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'Ishshah (Woman) because she was taken from 'Ish (Man). (Genesis 2:22-24)

In the Word, a rib from the breast symbolically means, in its spiritual sense, not a rib but natural truth. This is the symbolism of the ribs which the bear carried between its teeth in Daniel 7:5; for bears symbolize people who read the Word in its natural sense and see truths there without understanding. The breast of a man symbolizes that essential and distinctive quality which makes it different in character from the breast of a woman. This quality is wisdom, as may be seen above in no. 187; for truth supports wisdom, as a rib supports the breast. These distinctive qualities are symbolized, because the breast is where all the qualities of a person are, so to speak, at their center.

[2] It follows from this that woman was created from man by a transmission and replication of his distinctive wisdom, which is formed from natural truth, and that man's love for this wisdom was transferred to woman so as to become conjugial love; moreover, that the purpose of this was to replace love of self in man with love for his wife, who, from a nature innate in her, cannot help but turn the love of self in man to his love for her. I have been told, too, that this comes about as a result of the wife's love, without either the man or the wife being conscious of it. It is because of this that no one is ever able to love his partner with a truly conjugial love so long as he is possessed of a conceit in his own intelligence from a love of self.

[3] Once this secret of the creation of woman from man has been understood, it can be seen that in marriage a woman is similarly created or formed, so to speak, from her husband, and that this transformation is brought about by the wife - or rather, through the wife by the Lord, who infuses into women the inclination to achieve it. For a wife receives into her an image of her husband by assimilating his affections into her (see above, no. 173); by uniting the internal will of her husband with hers (concerning which below); and also by incorporating into her the propagations of his soul (of which also below).

It is apparent from this that a woman is transformed into a wife according to the description in the book of creation understood in respect to its inner meaning, and that she is transformed through the qualities she takes from her husband and his "breast" and implants in herself.

Love in Marriage #193 (Gladish (1992))

193. 8. A woman really is formed into a wife according to the description in Genesis. In Genesis it says that the woman was created out of the man's rib and that when she was brought to him the man said, "This is bone from my bones and flesh from my flesh, and she shall be called 'ishshah, woman, because she was taken from 'ish, man (2:23-24). In the Word the ribs of the chest stand for nothing other than truth on a worldly plane. The ribs that the bear carried in his teeth (Daniel 7:5) stand for this, because bears stand for those who read the Word in its worldly sense, and they see the truth there without understanding it. The chest of a man stands for something essential and particular that is different from what the chest of a woman stands for. This thing is wisdom (see no. 187 above). For truth supports wisdom just as a rib supports the chest. These things have this meaning because all human things are in the chest as in their center.

These observations establish that woman was created from man by the transfer of his own wisdom, which comes from worldly truth. The love for this wisdom was transferred from the man to the woman so it could become married love. And it shows that this was done so there would not be self - love in the man, but love for his wife. She, on account of a natural inborn quality in her, can do nothing but change the self - love in a man into his love for her.

And I have heard that this is done by the wife's own love, without the man or wife being conscious of it. This is why no one who has the pride of his own intelligence from self - love can ever love a partner, with a real married love.

Once this unknown fact about woman's being created from man is understood, one can see that similarly a woman is, so to speak, created or formed from a man in marriage, and that this is done by the wife, or rather through the wife by the Lord, who pours into women the inclinations to do this. For the wife receives into herself the image of the man through taking his affections to herself

(see no. 183 above) and through joining the man's inner will with hers. More about this follows. She also does this by taking the output of his soul into herself. More about this follows, too.

These things make it clear that a woman is formed into a wife according to the inner meaning of the description in Genesisby the things she receives from her husband and from his breast, and transfers to herself.

Conjugial Love #193 (Acton (1953))

193. VIII. THAT THE WOMAN IS FORMED INTO [THE MAN'S] WIFE ACTUALLY ACCORDING TO THE DESCRIPTION IN THE BOOK OF CREATION. It is said in that Book, that the woman was created out of the rib of the man, and that when she was brought to him, the man said, This is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; and she shall be called Ishah (woman), because she was taken out of Ish (man). Genesis 2:22, 23.

In the Word in its spiritual sense, by a rib of the breast nothing else is signified than natural truth. This is signified by the ribs which the bear carried between his teeth (Daniel 7:5), by bears, being signified those who read the Word in its natural sense and see truths therein without understanding. By the breast of a man is signified that essential and characteristic thing which is distinct from the breast of a woman. This is wisdom, as may be seen above (no. 187); for truth supports wisdom as a rib supports the breast. These are the significations because the breast is the region in which everything belonging to the man is present as in its center.

[2] From the above it is evident, that woman was created out of man by the transcription of his proprial wisdom, which is wisdom from natural truth; and that the love of this wisdom was transferred from man into woman that it might become conjugial love; also that this was done, to the end that in the man there may be, not self love but love of his wife, and she from her innate disposition cannot do otherwise than convert the self love with the man into his love to her. Moreover, I have heard that this is effected by the wife's love, neither the man nor the wife being conscious of it. Hence it is that no man can ever truly love his partner conjugially if he is in the pride of self- intelligence from love of self.

[3] When this arcanum of the creation of woman out of man is understood, it can be seen that in marriage woman is likewise created, as it were, that is, is formed from man; and that this is effected by the wife, or rather through the wife, by the Lord, it being the Lord who infuses into women the inclination so to act; for the wife receives the man's image into herself by appropriating to herself his affections (see above, no. 183); also by conjoining the man's internal will to her own will, of which hereafter; and, moreover, by appropriating to herself the propagations of his soul, of which likewise hereafter. From this it is evident, that in accordance with the description in the Book of Creation interiorly understood, a woman is formed into a wife by means of such things as she takes from her husband and from his breast and inscribes on herself.

Conjugial Love #193 (Wunsch (1937))

193. (viii) The woman is actually formed into the man's wife according to the description in the Book of Creation. It is said in this Book that woman was created from man's rib, and that the man, when she was brought to him, said, "This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; and she shall be called woman because she was taken from man" (Genesis 2:21-23). By a rib of the chest nothing is meant in the Word in the spiritual sense but natural truth. This is also meant by the ribs which the bear bore between his teeth (Daniel 7:5). For by "bears" are signified those who read the Word in the natural sense and see truths there without understanding. By man's breast is signified that peculiarity and essential in which it is distinguished from woman's breast; that this is wisdom, see above (187). Truth sustains wisdom as a rib does the breast. These things are signified because in the breast all things of the human being have, as it were, their center.

[2] From this it is plain that woman was created from man through the transfer of his peculiar wisdom, which is from natural truth; that is, the love of this was transferred from man into woman, to become marital love. This was done that there might not be love of self in the man, but love of the wife. Inevitably, by native disposition, she converts the love of self with the husband into a love for her; I have heard that this is effected by the wife's love itself, while both man and wife are unaware of it. Hence it is that no one ever loves the partner with true marital love who is in the pride of his own intelligence from self-love.

[3] When this arcanum of the original creation of woman from man is understood, one can see that in like manner in marriage the woman is as it were created and formed from the man. This is done by the wife, or rather by the Lord through the wife, for He infuses into women the inclination for bringing it about. For the wife receives in herself the man's image through appropriating his affections to herself (see above,173); through conjoining the man's internal will with hers, of which in what follows; and also through making over to herself the propagations of his soul, of which also in what follows. Hence it is plain that the woman is formed into a wife according to the description in the Book of Creation interiorly understood, and by such things as she takes from the husband and his bosom, and inscribes on herself.

Conjugial Love #193 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

193. (8) That the woman is actually formed into a wife, according to the description in the Book of Creation. It is said in this book that the woman was created out of a rib of the man; and that when she was brought to him the man said:

This is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; and she shall be called Ishah (Woman), because she was taken out of Ish (Man) (Genesis 2:22-23).

By a rib of the breast, in the Word, nothing else is signified in the spiritual sense than natural truth. This is signified by the ribs which the bear carried between his teeth, in Daniel 7:5. For by bears are signified those who, reading the Word in its natural sense, see truths therein without understanding; by the breast of a man is signified that essential and peculiar thing wherein it is distinguished from the breast of a woman. That this is wisdom may be seen above at n. 187; for truth supports wisdom as a rib supports the breast. These things are signified because it is the breast wherein all things pertaining to man are as in their center. From these significations it appears that the woman was created out of the man by transcription of his own wisdom, that is wisdom from natural truth; and that the love of this by the man was transferred to the woman that it might become conjugial love; also, that this was done to the end that in the man there may be, not love of himself, but love of his wife, who, from the disposition innate within her, cannot but convert love of himself with the man into his love to her. And I have heard that this is effected by the love itself of the wife, unconsciously to the man, and unconsciously to the wife. It results from this that no man can ever love his married partner with love truly conjugial, who from love of himself is in the pride of his own intelligence. When this secret of the creation of the woman out of the man is understood, it may be seen that in like manner in marriage the woman is as it were created or formed from the man; and that this is effected by the wife, or rather by the Lord through the wife, who infuses into women inclinations for bringing it to pass. For the wife receives into herself the image of the man, by her appropriating to herself his affections (see above, n. 183); and by her conjoining the internal will of the man with her own, of which hereafter; and also by her appropriating to herself the offshoots of his soul, of which likewise hereafter. From this it is plain, that the woman is formed into a wife - according to the description in the Book of Creation, interiorly understood - by such things as she takes out of her husband, even out of his bosom, and inscribes upon herself.

De Amore Conjugiali #193 (original Latin (1768))

193. VIII. Quod Foemina actualiter formetur in uxorem secundum descriptionem in Libro Creationis; in hoc Libro dicitur, quod Foemina creata sit ex costa viri, et quod Vir, cum adducta est, dixerit, "haec os de ossibus meis et caro de carne mea, et vocabitur Ischah, quia ab Isch, Viro, desumpta est," Genes. 2:22-23, 24; 1per Costam pectoris in Verbo non aliud in sensu spirituali significatur, quam Verum naturale; hoc significatur per Costas, quas Ursus inter dentes ferebat, Dan. 7:5; nam per Ursos significantur illi qui Verbum in sensu naturali legunt, ac Vera ibi absque intellectu vident; per Pectus viri significatur id essentiale ac proprium, quo 2distinguitur a pectore foeminae; quod id sit sapientia, videatur supra 187; 3nam verum sustinet sapientiam, sicut costa sustinet pectus; haec significantur, quia Pectus est in quo omnia hominis ut in suo centro sunt.

[2] Ex his constat, quod Foemina creata sit ex Viro per transcriptionem ejus propriae sapientiae, quae 4est ex vero naturali, et quod hujus amor a viro translatus sit in foeminam, ut fiat Amor conjugialis; et quod hoc factum sit, ne in viro 5sit amor sui sed amor uxoris; quae ex indole sibi innata non potest aliter quam amorem sui apud virum convertere in amorem ejus ad se, et audivi quod hoc fiat ex ipso amore uxoris, non conscio viro, nec conscia uxore; inde est quod nusquam aliquis possit vere conjugialiter amare conjugem, qui in fastu propriae intelligentiae ex amore sui est.

[3] Postquam intellectum est hoc arcanum creationis foeminae a viro, videri potest, quod foemina similiter quasi creetur seu formetur a viro in conjugio, et quod hoc fiat ab uxore, aut potius per uxorem a Domino, qui infudit inclinationes in foeminas ad ita faciendum; Uxor enim in se recipit imaginem viri per quod appropriet sibi ejus affectiones, videatur supra 173; 6et per quod conjungat internam viri voluntatem cum sua, de quo sequitur; et quoque per quod addicet sibi propagines animae ejus, de quo etiam sequitur. Ex his patet, quod foemina secundum descriptionem interius intellectam in Libro creationis, formetur in uxorem, per talia quae desumit ex marito et ejus pectore, et inscribit sibi.


1. Prima editio: 24.

2. Prima editio: quod

3. Prima editio: 197;

4. Prima editio: quod

5. Prima editio: vero

6. Prima editio: 183;

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