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《婚姻之爱》 第187节










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Conjugial Love #187 (Chadwick (1996))

187. (iii) These changes are different in the case of men and of women, since men are from creation forms of knowledge, intelligence and wisdom, and women are forms of the love of these things in their menfolk.

It was explained above (90) that men were created as forms of the intellect, women as forms of the love of their menfolk's intellect. It follows that the changes of state, which take place successively in both men and women from childhood up to maturity, are designed to complete the form of the intellect in men and of the will in women. That is why it is said that the changes in men are different from those in women. But in both cases the outer form, that of the body, is completed in keeping with the inner form, that of the mind. For the mind acts upon the body, and not the reverse. This is the reason why children in heaven grow up to become people of the stature and looks which are in keeping with the development of their intelligence. This is different from the case of children on earth, because they, like animals, are enveloped in a material body. They do, however, agree in growing first of all in inclination towards the objects which gratify their bodily senses, and then gradually towards those which affect their inner thought-processes; and by stages towards things that fill their will with affection. At the point where one's age is on the turn from immaturity to maturity, the inclination towards marriage comes in too. This is a young woman's inclination towards a young man, and a young man's towards a young woman.

Since young women in the heavens, just as much as on earth, have the inborn prudence to conceal their inclinations towards marriage, the young men there too do not realise that it is not they who inspire young women with love, an appearance favoured by the masculine drive. But this they get from the influence of love coming from the fair sex, a subject which will be specifically treated elsewhere [223]. These considerations will establish the truth of the assertion that the changes of state are different in the case of men and of women, since men were created forms of knowledge, intelligence and wisdom, and women forms of the love of these qualities in men.

Conjugial Love #187 (Rogers (1995))

187. 3. These changes are of one kind in men and of another kind in women, since from creation men are forms of knowledge, intelligence and wisdom, and women forms of love for these things in men. We have already shown that men were created to be forms of understanding and that women were created to be forms of love for the understanding of men, as may be seen above in nos. 90, 91. It follows that the changes of state which take place successively in him and in her from infancy to maturity are for the sake of perfecting their forms - an intellect-oriented form in men, and a will-oriented form in women. That is why we say that the changes are of one kind in men and of another kind in women.

In both men and women, however, the outer form that has to do with the body is perfected according to the perfection of the inner form which has to do with the mind; for the mind acts upon the body, and not the reverse. This is the reason children in heaven grow up with a stature and comeliness in accordance with the growth of intelligence in them - differently from children on earth, because children on earth are clothed in a material body, as animals are.

Nevertheless, children in heaven and children on earth are alike in this, that in their development they are attracted at first to such things as appeal to their physical senses, then little by little to such things as affect their inner contemplative sense, and by degrees to such things as infuse their will with affection. Then, when they reach an age midway between immaturity and maturity, they develop an attraction towards marriage, which in a young woman is an attraction towards a young man, and in a young man, towards a young woman.

But because young women in heaven, just as on earth, from an innate discretion conceal their inclinations towards marriage, the young men there do not know otherwise than that they inspire feelings of love in the young women, and this also appears to them to be so because of their masculine urge. However, even this urge in them is caused by an influx of love emanating from the fair sex, an influx which we will take up expressly elsewhere. 1

From this appears the truth of the argument: that changes of state are of one kind in men and of another kind in women, since from creation men are forms of knowledge, intelligence and wisdom, and women forms of love for these things in men.


1. See no. 223. Cf. also no. 161.

Love in Marriage #187 (Gladish (1992))

187. 3. These changes are not the same for men and for women, since by creation men are the image of knowledge, intellect, and wisdom, and women are the image of loving those same things in men. It was explained above (see no. 90) that men were created an image of intellect and that women were created an image of loving the intellect of men. It follows that the changes of condition that go on in men and women from infancy to maturity are for making the images complete - intellectual for men and voluntary for women.

This makes it evident that the changes are different for men than for women. But in both, the outer form, that of the body, is completed according to the completeness of the inner form, of the mind. For mind acts in body, and not the other way around.

This is why children in heaven grow up to be tall, good looking people according to the growth of their intelligence differently than infants on the earth do, who are clothed in a material body, like the animals. But they are alike in that first they grow in inclination toward the kind of things that allure their bodily senses, afterwards, step by step, to the kind that attract their taste for deep truth, and rung by rung to the kind that teach their will to respond.

And at an age midway between immaturity and maturity, an interest in marriage steps in - a virgin's interest in a youth and a youth's interest in a virgin. Virgins in heaven, the same as on earth, hide their inclinations toward marriage with an inborn skill, so that the young men there do not know but what they themselves are turning the virgins toward love. It seems so to them because of masculine arousal. But they receive this, too, from love filtering into them from the fair sex - an inflowing that is specifically discussed in another place.

These things establish the truth of the proposition that men have different changes of condition than women do, since men are by creation images of knowing, understanding, and wisdom, and women images of a love for those things in the men.

Conjugial Love #187 (Acton (1953))

187. III. THAT THESE CHANGES ARE OF ONE KIND WITH MEN AND OF ANOTHER KIND WITH WOMEN, BECAUSE, BY CREATION MEN ARE FORMS OF SCIENCE, INTELLIGENCE, AND WISDOM, AND WOMEN, FORMS OF THE LOVE OF THESE WITH MEN. That men were created forms of the understanding, and women, forms of the love of the understanding of men, has been explained above (no. 90); and from this it follows that with them, the changes of state which follow one after the other, from the age of infancy to maturity, are for the perfecting of their forms--the intellectual form with men, and the voluntary with women. From this it is evident that the changes are of one kind with men and of another with women. With both, however, the external form, which is that of the body, is perfected in accordance with the perfecting of the internal form which is that of the mind; for the mind acts upon the body, and not the reverse. This is the reason why, in heaven, infants become men of stature and comeliness according to their growth in intelligence. Not so infants on earth, for they, like animals, are invested with material bodies. They agree, however, in this, that they grow in their inclination first to things which are pleasing to their bodily senses, then step by step to things which affect the internal cogitative sense, and by degrees to things which imbue the will with affection. Then, at the age when maturity and immaturity meet, comes the conjugial inclination, which is that of a virgin to a young man, and of a young man to a virgin. And because, in the heavens equally as on earth, virgins from innate prudence conceal their inclinations to marriage, the young men there know no other than that they affect virgins with love. Moreover, it so appears to them by reason of their masculine ardor; but even this is theirs from the influx of love from the fair sex--an influx which will be expressly spoken of in another place; [see no. 223]. From this, the truth of the proposition is manifest, that changes of state are of one kind with men and of another with women, because, by creation, men are forms of science, intelligence, and wisdom, and women, forms of the love of these with men.

Conjugial Love #187 (Wunsch (1937))

187. (iii) These changes are of one kind in men and of another in women, because by creation men are forms of knowledge, intelligence and wisdom, and women forms the love of these with men. See explained above (90) that men were created forms of understanding and women forms of the love of man's understanding. It follows that the changes of state which occur in each from infancy to mature age, are to integrate the forms, intellectual in the case of men, and volitional in the case of women. It is to be concluded that the changes are of one kind with men, and of another with women. With both, however, the external form, namely, that of the body, is integrated according to the integrations of the internal form, namely, that of the mind. For the mind acts into the body, and not the other way about. For this reason infants in heaven become men of stature and comeliness according to the increase of intelligence with them, differently from infants on earth, because these are encompassed with a material body as animals are. Still they are alike in this, that they grow at first in inclination to such things as appeal to the senses of their bodies, afterwards step by step in such things as affect the internal sense of thought, and by degrees in such as imbue the will with affection. At a point betwixt mature and immature, the marital inclination arises, of maiden to youth, and youth to maiden. As maidens in the heavens as well as on earth, from innate prudence hide their inclinations to marriage, youths there know no otherwise than that they affect the maidens with love; this also seems to them to follow from the male excitation, but even this they have by the influx of love from the fair sex, of which influx we shall speak expressly elsewhere. From this the truth of the proposition is plain that changes of state are of one kind in men, and of another in women, because by creation men are forms of knowledge, intelligence and wisdom, and women forms of the love of these in men.

Conjugial Love #187 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

187. (3) That these changes are of one kind with men, and of another kind with women; because men are by creation forms of knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom; and women are forms of the love of these with men. That men were created forms of the understanding, and that women were created forms of the love of the understanding of men, has been explained above, n. 90, which see. It follows that with each the changes of state that succeed, from infantile to mature age, are for perfecting the forms; the intellectual with men, and the volitional with women. From this it is evident that the changes with men are of one kind and with women of another kind. With 'both however the external form, which is of the body, is perfected in accordance with the perfecting of the internal form, which is that of the mind; for the mind acts upon the body, and not the reverse, which is the reason why in heaven infants become men of stature and comeliness, according to their growth in intelligence. It is not so with infants on earth, because they, like animals, are invested with material bodies. They agree however in this, that they first come into an inclination to such things as are alluring to their bodily senses; afterwards step by step to such as affect the internal sense of thought; and by degrees to such things as imbue the will with affection, and when the age is midway between mature and immature the conjugial inclination accedes, which is that of a virgin to a youth, and of a youth to a virgin. And as in the heavens, just as on earth, virgins from innate prudence conceal their inclinations to' marriage, the youths there do not know but that they affect virgins with love. And this appears to them also from the masculine incitation; but even this they have by influx of love from the fair sex, which influx will be expressly spoken of in another place. From this the truth of the proposition is manifest, that the changes of state are of one kind with men, and of another kind with women, because men are by creation forms of knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom, and women are forms of the love of these with men.

De Amore Conjugiali #187 (original Latin (1768))

187. III. Quod hae mutationes aliae sint apud Viros, aliae apud Foeminas, quoniam Viri a creatione sunt Formae scientiae, intelligentiae et sapientiae, Foeminae, formae amoris illarum apud viros. Quod Viri creati sint Formae intellectus, et quod Foeminae creatae sint Formae amoris intellectus virorum, explanatum supra 90. videatur. Quod mutationes status, quae succedunt apud illum et illam ab aetate infantili ad maturam, sint ad integrandum formas, intellectualem apud viros, et voluntariam apud foeminas, sequitur; inde cluit, quod aliae mutationes sint apud viros, et aliae apud foeminas; apud utrosque tamen integratur forma externa quae est corporis secundum integrationem formae internae, quae est mentis; agit enim mens in corpus, et non vicissim; quae causa est, quod Infantes in Coelo fiant homines staturae et decoris secundum incrementa intelligentiae apud illos, aliter quam Infantes in terris, quia hi corpore materiali, sicut animalia, sunt circuminduti; conveniunt tamen in eo, quod primum crescant inclinatione ad talia, quae adblandiuntur sensibus corporis illorum, et postea pedetentim ad talia quae afficiunt sensum internum cogitativum, et a gradu in gradum ad talia quae voluntatem imbuunt affectione; et cum aetas in bivio est inter maturam et immaturam, accedit inclinatio conjugialis; quae est virginis ad juvenem, et juvenis ad virginem; et quia virgines in Coelis aeque ut in terris, ex innata prudentia inclinationes suas ad conjugia celant, juvenes ibi nec sciunt aliter, quam quod illi afficiant virgines amore, et hoc quoque apparet illis ex incitatione masculina; sed haec illis etiam est ex influxu amoris e Sexu pulchro, de quo influxu alibi ex professo dicetur. Ex his constat veritas Propositionis, quod mutationes status aliae sint apud viros, et aliae apud foeminas, quoniam viri a creatione sunt formae scientiae, intelligentiae et sapientiae, et foeminae formae amoris illarum apud viros.

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