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《婚姻之爱》 第195节


  195、⑽妻子通过将其意愿与丈夫的内在意愿联结实现这种转变。男人具有理性智慧和道德智慧,妻子与属于男人道德智慧的事物联结(参看163-165节)。属于理性智慧的一切事物构成男人的理解,属于道德智慧的一切事物构成男人的意愿。妻子正是与后者,就是与构成男人意愿的事物联结。无论说妻子与丈夫的意愿联结,还是说妻子的意愿与丈夫的意愿联结,意思都一样。因为妻子生来就是意愿型,因而会做她出于意愿所行的事。之所以说与丈夫的内在意愿联结,是因为男人的意愿居于他的理智(intellect),而女人的至内层就是男人的理智部分(the intellectual part of the man),如在讨论妻子如何从丈夫形成时所阐述的(参看32节等)。男人还有一个外在意愿,不过,该意愿往往受伪装和掩饰的影响。妻子能看清这个意愿,但不会与它联结,除非她也这样伪装,或为了玩笑。





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Conjugial Love #195 (Chadwick (1996))

195. (x) This formation is effected by the wife linking her will with her husband's inner will.

A man has rational and moral wisdom, and a wife links herself with what belongs to his moral wisdom (163-165 above). What belongs to rational wisdom makes up the man's intellect, what belongs to moral wisdom his will. It is with what makes up the man's will that a wife links herself. It is the same whether we speak of the wife linking herself or linking her will to her husband's will, because a wife is by birth a creature of the will, and so it is her will which directs her to do what she does. We speak of linking with the husband's inner will, because a man's will is located in his intellect, and the inmost level in a woman is the intellectual part of the man, as stated in the discussion of how woman was formed from man (32 above, and many later passages). Men also have an outer will, but this is more often affected by pretence and dissimulation. A wife can observe this will, but does not form a link with it, unless she pretends to do so, or for fun.

Conjugial Love #195 (Rogers (1995))

195. 10. This transformation is accomplished by the wife by a union of her will with the inner will of her husband. It may be seen above in nos. 163-165 that a man has an intellectual wisdom and a moral wisdom, and that a wife unites herself with those qualities in her husband that have to do with his moral wisdom. Qualities that are matters of intellectual wisdom form a man's understanding, and qualities that are matters of moral wisdom form his will. A wife unites herself with those qualities which form her husband's will. (Whether one says that a wife unites herself, or that she unites her will, with the will of her husband, it amounts to the same thing, because a wife is born will-oriented, and therefore she does what she does in accord with her will.)

We say that it is a union with her husband's inner will, because a man's will has its seat in his intellect, and the intellectual quality of man is the inmost quality in woman, in accordance with observations we have made before, in no. 32 and several times since, regarding the formation of woman from man. Men also have an outward will, but this very frequently comes of pretense or concealment. A wife sees it, but she does not unite herself with it, except perhaps in a feigned or playful way.

Love in Marriage #195 (Gladish (1992))

195. 10. The wife performs this transformation by joining her disposition with the man's inner disposition. A man has rational wisdom and moral wisdom, and a wife unites herself with the things that have to do with moral wisdom in a man (see nos. 163-165 above). Things having to do with rational wisdom form the man's intellect, and those belonging to moral wisdom form his will. A wife unites herself with the ones that make up the man's will. It is the same thing to say that a wife unites herself and to say that she unites her will with the man's will, because a wife is born will and so she does what she does from will.

We say she unites herself with the man's inner will because a man's will resides in his intellect, and a man's intellectual side is the innermost part of a woman (according to what was related about the formation of woman from man in no. 32 above, and other places after that). Men also have an outward will, but this often draws on pretense and dissembling. A wife notices these things and she joins herself with this outer will only in pretense or playfully.

Conjugial Love #195 (Acton (1953))

195. X. THAT THIS FORMATION BY THE WIFE IS EFFECTED BY THE CONJUNCTION OF HER WILL WITH THE INTERNAL WILL OF THE MAN. That with the man are rational wisdom and moral wisdom, and that the wife conjoins herself with those things with the man which pertain to his moral wisdom, has been shown above (nos. 163-165). All things pertaining to rational wisdom make his understanding, and all things pertaining to moral wisdom make his will. It is with these latter, being those which form the man's will, that the wife conjoins herself. It is the same whether it be said that the wife conjoins herself or that she conjoins her will to the man's will; for a wife is born voluntary and hence does what she does from the will. It is said with the man's internal will because man's will has its seat in his intellect, and the intellectual of man is the inmost of woman, according to what was said above (no. 32) and frequently thereafter respecting the formation of woman from man. Men have also an external will, but this often partakes of simulation and dissimulation. A wife sees this will clearly but does not conjoin herself with it except in pretence or playfully.

Conjugial Love #195 (Wunsch (1937))

195. (x) This formation is effected by the wife through the conjunction of her will with the man's internal will. A man has a rational wisdom and a moral wisdom, and the wife conjoins herself with what is of the man's moral wisdom (see above, n. 163-165). What is of his rational wisdom makes a man's understanding, and what is of his moral wisdom, his will; the wife conjoins herself with what makes his will. It is the same whether one says that the wife conjoins herself or her will with the man's will, for the wife is born volitional, and does what she does from the will. It is said "with the man's internal will" because the man's will has its seat in his understanding, and the intellectual in the man is the inmost in the woman, according to what was said about the formation of woman from man (32, and many places since). Men also have an external will, but this is often constituted of pose and dissimulation. The wife descries this will clearly, but conjoins herself with it only in pretense or play.

Conjugial Love #195 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

195. (10) That this formation by the wife is effected by the conjunction of her will with the internal will of the man. That man has rational wisdom, and moral wisdom; and that the wife conjoins herself with the things in the man that are of moral wisdom, has been shown above at n. 163-165. Matters that are of rational wisdom make man's understanding, and those that are of moral wisdom make his will. The wife conjoins herself with those that form man's will. It is the same whether it be said that the wife conjoins herself or that she conjoins her will, to man's will; for a wife is born volitional, and hence does what she does from the will. It is said 'with the internal will' of man because man's will has its seat in his understanding, and the intellectual of the man is the inmost of the woman, according to what has been said above at n. 32, and several times thereafter, respecting the formation of the woman from the man. Men have also an external will, but this often partakes of simulation and disguise. A wife sees through this, but does not conjoin herself with it unless in pretense or playfully.

De Amore Conjugiali #195 (original Latin (1768))

195. X: Quod formatio illa ab uxore fiat per conjunctionem suae voluntatis cum interna viri. Quod apud Virum sit sapientia rationalis et sapientia moralis, et quod uxor se conjungat cum illis quae sunt sapientiae moralis apud virum, videatur supra 163-165; illa quae sunt sapientiae rationalis, faciunt intellectum viri, et illa quae sunt sapientiae moralis, faciunt voluntatem ejus; cum his quae faciunt voluntatem viri, uxor se conjungit: idem est, sive dicatur quod uxor conjungat se, sive dicatur quod conjungat suam voluntatem voluntati viri, quia uxor nata est voluntaria, et inde ex voluntate agit quod agit. Quod dicatur cum voluntate interna viri, est quia voluntas viri in intellectu illius sedem habet, ac intellectuale viri est intimum foeminae, secundum illa quae de formatione foeminae a viro, supra 32, et pluries posthac, tradita sunt: est quoque viris voluntas externa, sed haec saepius trahit ex simulatione et dissimulatione; hanc perspicit uxor, at cum hac non conjungit se nisi simulatorie aut lusorie.

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