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《婚姻之爱》 第163节






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Conjugial Love #163 (Chadwick (1996))

163. (vii) The linking of a wife to her husband's rational wisdom takes place from within, but to his moral wisdom from outside.

Wisdom among men is twofold, rational and moral. Their rational wisdom is purely intellectual, their moral wisdom is both intellectual and a matter of how they live. This conclusion can be seen merely by looking at this proposition and studying it. But I shall list some particular examples, so as to make it known what is meant by men's rational wisdom and their moral wisdom.

The subjects which belong to their rational wisdom are given different names. Their generic names are knowledge, intelligence and wisdom. The more specific terms are rationality, judgment, ingenuity, learning and sagacity. But there are sciences proper to each person's occupation, so these are very numerous. There are sciences proper to the clergy, to magistrates and their various officers, to judges, to doctors and chemists, to soldiers and sailors, to craftsmen and labourers, to farmers and so on. Rational wisdom also includes all the sciences which young people learn at school, so as later to achieve intelligence. They have different names, such as philosophy, physics, geometry, mechanics, chemistry, astronomy, law, politics, ethics, history, and many more; these serve as gateways leading to rational ideas, from which rational wisdom is acquired.

Conjugial Love #163 (Rogers (1995))

163. 7. A wife's union with her husband's intellectual wisdom takes place inwardly, but with his moral wisdom outwardly. Wisdom in men is twofold, intellectual and moral, and their intellectual wisdom has to do with their understanding alone, while their moral wisdom has to do with both their understanding and at the same time their life. This can be concluded and seen from simply viewing the matter and examining it. Still, to have it known what we mean by the intellectual wisdom of men, and what we mean by their moral wisdom, we will list some specific examples:

Various terms are used to designate those elements which have to do with men's intellectual wisdom. In general, they are called knowledge, intelligence and wisdom. In particular, however, they are rationality, judgment, genius, learning, sagacity. But because everyone has special kinds of knowledge peculiar to him in his occupation, these kinds of knowledge are therefore many and various. For there are special kinds of knowledge peculiar to clergymen, to civil officers, to their various officials, to judges, to physicians and pharmacists, to soldiers and sailors, to craftsmen and workmen, to farmers, and so on. To intellectual wisdom belong also all the fields of study to which adolescents are introduced in schools, and through which they are afterwards led into intelligence; and these studies are also called by various names, such as philosophy, physics, geometry, mechanics, chemistry, astronomy, law, political science, ethics, history, and many more, through which, as through gates, one enters into intellectual pursuits, from which comes intellectual wisdom.

Love in Marriage #163 (Gladish (1992))

163. 7. A wife's union with her husband's rational wisdom happens from within, but with his moral wisdom it happens from the outside.

Men's wisdom is of two kinds, rational and moral. Their rational wisdom has to do with intellect, while their moral wisdom has to do with intellect and life together. You can infer this and see it by just examining and exploring it. But to make known what "men's rational wisdom" and "men's moral wisdom" means, here are a few specifics.

Things having to do with their rational wisdom go by various names. In general they are called knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom, but in particular, rationality, judgment, character, learning, and keen perception.

Knowledges, however, are many, because they come with the specialties of each person's work, for there is the special knowledge of clergymen, administrators, of their various officials, of judges, of doctors and pharmacists, of soldiers and sailors, of tradesmen and workers, of farmers, and so on. Also belonging to rational wisdom are all the kinds of knowledge that young people learn in schools and that afterwards bring them to competence.

They, too, have various names, like philosophy, physics, geometry, mechanics, chemistry, astronomy, jurisprudence, politics, ethics, history, and others. Through these, as through doors, you enter the rationality that rational wisdom comes from.

Conjugial Love #163 (Acton (1953))

163. VII. THAT THE CONJUNCTION OF THE WIFE WITH THE RATIONAL WISDOM OF THE HUSBAND IS EFFECTED FROM WITHIN, BUT WITH HIS MORAL WISDOM FROM WITHOUT. Wisdom with men is twofold, rational and moral, their rational wisdom belonging to the understanding alone, and their moral wisdom to the understanding and at the same time to the life. This can be concluded and seen from mere intuition and exploration. But that it may be known what is meant by the rational wisdom of men, and what by their moral wisdom, some specimens thereof shall be enumerated. The things pertaining to their rational wisdom are designated by various names, being called in general, science, intelligence, and wisdom, and in particular, rationality, judgment, genius, learning, sagacity. Science, however, is manifold, there being sciences peculiar to each individual in his particular office sciences peculiar to the clergy, peculiar to government officials and their subordinates, peculiar to judges, peculiar to physicians and chemists, peculiar to soldiers and sailors, peculiar to mechanics and workmen, peculiar to farmers, and so on. To rational wisdom pertain also all the sciences into which young men are initiated in schools, whereby they are later initiated into intelligence. These also are called by various names, such as philosophy, physics, geometry, mechanics, chemistry, astronomy, jurisprudence, politics, ethics, history, etc., and by them, as by gateways, there is entrance into the rational things from which rational wisdom is formed.

Conjugial Love #163 (Wunsch (1937))

163. (vii) The wife's conjunction with the husband's rational wisdom is effected from within, but with his moral wisdom from without. Just from observation and examination one can conclude and see that wisdom in men is twofold, rational and moral, and that their rational wisdom is of the understanding alone, whereas their moral wisdom is at once of the understanding and of life. But examples shall be given that it may be known what is meant by men's rational wisdom and by their moral wisdom. What goes to constitute their rational wisdom is variously designated. In general it is called knowledge, intelligence and wisdom; in particular, rationality, judgment, talent, learning, sagacity. As there are knowledges peculiar to every one in his work, these are multifarious. For there are knowledges peculiar to the clergy, to magistrates, to their various subordinates, to judges, to medical men and chemists, to soldiers and sailors, to artisans and workmen, to farmers, and so on. To rational wisdom pertains all knowledge, too, into which young men are introduced in school and through which they are later led into intelligence. These knowledges are also variously named, like things philosophical, physical, geometrical, mechanical, chemical, astronomical, juristic, political, ethical, historical, and more, by which, as by gates, one enters things rational, of which comes rational wisdom.

Conjugial Love #163 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

163. (7) That the conjunction of the wife with the rational wisdom of the husband is effected from within; but with his moral wisdom, from without. That wisdom with men is twofold, rational and moral; and that their rational wisdom is only of the understanding, and their moral wisdom is of the understanding and at the same time of the life, may be concluded and seen by mere intuition and exploration. But that it may be known what is meant by the rational wisdom of men, and what by their moral wisdom, some things will be enumerated specifically. The things pertaining to rational wisdom are designated by various names. In general, they are called knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom; and in particular, rationality, judgment, genius, learning, sagacity. But as there are knowledges peculiar to everyone in his occupation, these are therefore, of great diversity; for example, there are knowledges peculiar to the clergy, peculiar to magistrates, peculiar to their various officials, peculiar to judges, peculiar to physicians and chemists, peculiar to soldiers and to mariners, peculiar to mechanics and workmen, peculiar to husbandmen, and so on. To rational wisdom pertain also all the knowledges into which youths are initiated in schools and by these afterwards into intelligence; and they too are called by various names, as philosophy, physics, geometry, mechanics, chemistry, astronomy, jurisprudence, politics, ethics, history, and many others, through which as by doors, they enter into things rational whereby rational wisdom is formed.

De Amore Conjugiali #163 (original Latin (1768))

163. VII: Quod conjunctio uxoris cum Sapientia rationali mariti fiat ab intra, sed cum Sapientia morali ejus ab extra. Quod Sapientia apud viros sit duplex, Rationalis et Moralis; et quod Sapientia rationalis illorum sit solius intellectus, et quod Sapientia moralis illorum sit intellectus et simul vitae, concludi et videri potest ex sola intuitione et exploratione: sed ut sciatur, quid intelligitur per Sapientiam rationalem virorum, et quid per Sapientiam moralem illorum, enumerabuntur aliqua in specie. Illa quae Sapientiae rationalis illorum sunt, insigniuntur variis nominibus; in genere vocantur Scientia, Intelligentia, et Sapientia; in specie autem, Rationalitas, Judicium, Ingenium, Eruditio, Sagacitas; sed quia Scientiae sunt cuivis peculiares in suo officio, ideo sunt multifariae; sunt enim peculiares Clericis, peculiares Personis magistratus, peculiares variis illorum Officiariis, peculiares Judicibus, peculiares Medicis et Chymicis, peculiares Militibus et Nautis, peculiares Artificibus et Operariis, peculiares Agricolis, et sic porro: ad Rationalem Sapientiam pertinent etiam omnes Scientiae, in quas adolescentes initiantur in Scholis, et per illas postea in intelligentiam, et vocantur etiam vario nomine, ut Philosophica, Physica, Geometrica, Mechanica, Chymica, Astronomica, Juridica, Politica, Ethica, Historica, et plures, per quas, sicut per ostia, intratur in rationalia, ex quibus fit Sapientia rationalis.

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