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《婚姻之爱》 第197节






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Conjugial Love #197 (Chadwick (1996))

197. (xii) This formation of the wife takes place by making her husband's affections her own.

This statement makes one with the two preceding statements, because affections belong to the will. For affections, being simply derivatives of love, form the will, and make it up and compose it. In the case of men affections are located in the intellect, but in the case of women in the will.

Conjugial Love #197 (Rogers (1995))

197. 12. This transformation is accomplished by an adoption of the husband's affections. This point goes along with the two preceding discussions, since affections are matters of the will. For affections are simply the offspring of love, and they form the will, molding it and composing it. In men, however, these affections reside in the intellect, whereas in women they reside in the will.

Love in Marriage #197 (Gladish (1992))

197. 12. The wife performs this transformation by making the husband's affections her own. This is the same thing as the last two articles above, because affections belong to will. For affections, which are nothing but derivatives of love, form your will, make it up, and compose it. But in men they are in intellect, and in women they are in will.

Conjugial Love #197 (Acton (1953))

197. XII. THAT THIS FORMATION IS EFFECTED BY THE APPROPRIATION OF THE AFFECTIONS OF THE HUSBAND. Since affections pertain to the will, this makes one with the two preceding articles; for affections, which are nothing else than derivations of the love, form the will and make and compose it. But with men, these affections are in the understanding, while with women they are in the will.

Conjugial Love #197 (Wunsch (1937))

197. (xii) This formation is effected by the wife through the appropriation of the husband's affections. This is of a piece with the two preceding propositions, for affections are of the will. Affections, which are derivatives of a love, form the will, and make and compose it; with men they are in the understanding, but with women in the will.

Conjugial Love #197 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

197. (12) That this formation is effected by the appropriation of the husband's affections. This is one with the two articles which precede; because affections are of the will. For affections, which are no other than derivations of love, form the will, and even make and compose it. But these with men are in the understanding, and with women in the will.

De Amore Conjugiali #197 (original Latin (1768))

197. XII: Quod formatio illa fiat per appropriationem affectionum mariti. Haec unum sunt cum binis Articulis, qui praecedunt, quia affectiones sunt voluntatis; nam affectiones, quae non aliud sunt quam derivationes amoris, formant voluntatem, ac faciunt et componunt illam; sed hae sunt apud viros in intellectu, apud foeminas autem in voluntate.

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