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《婚姻之爱》 第198节







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Conjugial Love #198 (Chadwick (1996))

198. (xiii) This formation is effected by the wife receiving what is propagated by her husband's soul, with a delight which arises from the fact that she wishes to be the love of her husband's wisdom.

This statement fits the explanation given above (172-173), so need not be further discussed. The delights of marriage experienced by wives have no other source than their wish to be one with their husbands, just as good is one with truth in the spiritual marriage. It was proved in detail that conjugial love comes down from that marriage in the chapter devoted to that subject [V].

From this it can be seen as in a model that a wife links her husband to herself, just as good does to truth; and that a man reciprocally links himself to his wife, in proportion to his receiving her love into himself, just as truth reciprocally links itself to good in proportion to its receiving good into itself. Thus the wife's love forms itself by means of the husband's wisdom, just as good forms itself by means of truth; for truth is the form of good. It is also plain from this that the delights of marriage experienced by the wife are chiefly due to her wishing to be one with her husband, and consequently to be the love of her husband's wisdom. For she then feels the delights of her own heat in her husband's light, as was explained in proposition (iv) above (188).

Conjugial Love #198 (Rogers (1995))

198. 13. This transformation is accomplished by the wife by her reception of the propagations of her husband's soul with delight - a delight arising from her willing to be an embodiment of love for her husband's wisdom. Since this accords with points already explained before in nos. 172, 173, further explanation is omitted here.

In wives, conjugial delights take their rise from no other source than their willing to be united with their husbands, as good is united with truth in a marriage of these on the plane of the spirit. We separately showed in its own chapter that conjugial love descends from this marriage. 1It can be seen in consequence, as though in a mirror, that a wife joins her husband to her as good joins truth to it; also that a husband joins himself to his wife in return according to his reception of her love in him, as truth joins itself to good in return, according to its reception of good in it. Thus it can be seen that a wife's love takes form through the wisdom of her husband, as good takes form through truth; for truth is what gives form to good.

It is apparent from this as well, then, that conjugial delights in a wife come principally from her willing to be united with her husband, consequently from her willing to be an embodiment of love for her husband's wisdom. For she then feels the delights of her warmth in the light of her husband, as explained under heading 4. , nos. 188, 189.


1. See "The Origin of Conjugial Love from the Marriage between Good and Truth," nos. 83 ff.

Love in Marriage #198 (Gladish (1992))

198. 13. The wife performs this transformation by accepting the output of the husband's soul with the delight arising from the fact that she wants to be the love of her husband's wisdom. This coincides with the explanations above (nos. 172-173), so further explanation is passed over.

The pleasures of marriage for women have no other source than that women want to be one with their husbands just as good is one with truth in spiritual marriage. It was specifically demonstrated in a chapter of its own that married love comes down from this marriage. From that you can picture how a wife joins a man to herself the way good joins truth to itself, and how in return a man joins himself to his wife according to the reception of her love in himself just as truth in turn joins itself to good according to the reception of good in itself. And in this way a wife's love takes form by a man's wisdom just as good takes form by truth. For it is indeed the form of good.

It also becomes clear from these things that the pleasures of marriage for a wife are principally from the fact that she wants to be one with a husband - consequently, that she wants to be the love of her husband's wisdom. For then she feels the delights of her warmth in the man's light (as explained in article 4, no. 188).

Conjugial Love #198 (Acton (1953))

198. XIII. THAT THIS FORMATION IS EFFECTED BY THE WIFE BY THE RECEPTION OF THE PROPAGATIONS OF THE SOUL OF THE HUSBAND, WITH THE DELIGHT ARISING FROM THIS, THAT SHE WILLS TO BE THE LOVE OF HER HUSBAND'S WISDOM. This coincides with what was explained above (nos. 172, 173), therefore further explanation is omitted. With wives conjugial delights spring from no other source than their will to be one with their husband, just as good is one with truth in the spiritual marriage; and that it is from this marriage that conjugial love descends has been shown in detail in its own chapter [no. 8 4 seq.]. From this it can be seen as in effigy, that the wife conjoins the man to herself as good conjoins truth to itself, and that the man reciprocally conjoins himself to his wife according to the reception of her love into himself, as truth reciprocally conjoins itself to good according to the reception of good into itself; also that thus the wife's love forms itself by the man's wisdom, as good forms itself by truth, truth being the form of good. From this it is also evident, that with the wife, conjugial delights are principally from this, that she wills to be one with her husband, consequently, that she wills to be the love of her husband's wisdom; for, as explained in article IV, no. 188, she then feels the delights of her heat in the man's light.

Conjugial Love #198 (Wunsch (1937))

198. (xiii) This formation is effected by the wife through reception of the propagations of the husband's soul, with delight arising from the fact that she desires to be the love of her husband's wisdom. This coincides with what was explained above (n. 172-173); further explanation is omitted. Marital delights with wives arise from the fact that they wish to be one with their husbands as good is one with truth in the spiritual marriage (we have shown in a separate chapter that marital love descends from this marriage). It can be seen, then, that the wife unites the man to herself quite as good unites truth to itself. In turn the man conjoins himself to the wife according to his reception of her love, quite as truth in turn joins itself to good according to its reception of good. Thus the wife's love forms itself through the man's wisdom, as good forms itself by means of truth, for truth is the form of good. From this it is plain, too, that marital delights with a wife arise primarily from the fact that she wishes to be one with the husband, consequently that she wishes to be the love of her husband's wisdom. For then she feels the delights of her heat in the man's light, as explained above in number iv (188).

Conjugial Love #198 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

198. (13) That this formation is effected through the reception of the propagations of the soul of the husband, with the delight arising from the fact that she wills to be the love of her husband's wisdom. This coincides with the explanations above at n. 172, 173. Further explanation is therefore, omitted. Conjugial delights with wives spring from no other source than that they will to be one with their husbands - just as good is one with truth in the spiritual marriage. It has been shown in its own chapter, specifically, that conjugial love descends from that marriage. It may thence be seen, as in effigy, that the wife conjoins the man to herself just as good conjoins truth to itself; and that, reciprocally, the man conjoins himself to the wife according to the reception of her love into himself, just as truth reciprocally conjoins itself to good according to the reception of good into itself; and that the wife's love thus forms itself by the wisdom of the man, as good forms itself by truth, for truth is the form of good. From this it also is plain that conjugial delights with a wife come chiefly from this that she wills to be one with her husband, consequently that she wills to be the love of her husband's wisdom for then she feels the delights of her own heat in the man's light, as explained in article 4, n. 188.

De Amore Conjugiali #198 (original Latin (1768))

198. XIII: Quod formatio illa fiat per receptionem propagationum animae mariti, cum delitio oriundo ex eo, quod velit esse sapientiae sui mariti amor: haec coincidunt cum explicatis supra,172, 173, quare ulterior explicatio pertransitur. Delitiae conjugiales apud uxores non aliunde ducunt ortum, quam quod velint unum esse cum maritis, sicut Bonum est unum cum Vero in Conjugio spirituali; quod Amor conjugialis ex hoc Conjugio descendat, singulariter in suo Capite demonstratum est; exinde, ut in effigie videri potest, quod uxor conjungat sibi virum, sicut bonum conjungit sibi verum; et quod vir reciproce conjungat se uxori, secundum receptionem ejus amoris in se, sicut verum reciproce conjungit se bono secundum receptionem boni in se; et quod sic amor uxoris formet se per sapientiam viri, sicut bonum format se per verum; est enim verum forma boni. Ex his etiam patet, quod delitiae conjugiales apud uxorem sint principaliter ex eo, quod velit unum esse cum marito, consequenter quod velit esse sapientiae sui mariti amor; sentit enim tunc delitias sui caloris in luce viri, secundum explicata in Articulo IV, 188, [189.]

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