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《婚姻之爱》 第210节







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Conjugial Love #210 (Chadwick (1996))

210. (i) The sense which properly belongs to conjugial love is that of touch.

Each love has its own special sense. The love of seeing resulting from the love of understanding has the sense of sight; its charms are examples of symmetry and beauty. The love of hearing resulting from the love of listening and obeying has the sense of hearing; its charms are harmonies. The love of knowing what pervades the ambient air resulting from the love of perceiving has the sense of smell; its charms are fragrances. The love of feeding oneself resulting from the love of absorbing good and truth has the sense of taste; its pleasures are fine foods. The love of recognising objects arising from the love of awareness of one's surroundings and of self-preservation has the sense of touch; and its charms are being aroused.

The love of linking oneself with a partner arising from the love of uniting good and truth has touch as its special sense, because this is shared by all the other senses and so derives from them their particular roles. It is well known that this love takes all the senses mentioned before into partnership, and makes their charms its own. The sense of touch is specifically assigned to conjugial love and is proper to it, as is evident from all the play it inspires and from the way its subtleties are raised to the most exquisite pitch. I leave it to lovers to pursue this line of thought further.

Conjugial Love #210 (Rogers (1995))

210. 1. The special sense of conjugial love is the sense of touch. Every love has its own special sense. The love of seeing, arising from a love of understanding, has the sense of sight; and the things that give it pleasure are symmetries and qualities of beauty. The love of hearing, arising from a love of listening and complying, has the sense of hearing; and the things that give it pleasure are harmonies. The love of identifying odors floating about in the air, arising from a love of perceiving, has the sense of smell; and the things that give it pleasure are fragrances. The love of nourishing oneself, arising from a love of filling oneself with good qualities and truths, has the sense of taste; and the things that give it pleasure are fine foods. The love of identifying objects, arising from a love of looking out and protecting oneself, has the sense of touch; and the things that give it pleasure are sensations that tickle and tingle.

The love of joining oneself with one's partner, arising from a love of uniting goodness and truth, also has the sense of touch, and that is because this sense is the common one of all the senses and so draws contributions from the rest. People know that this love brings all the aforementioned senses into confederation with it and appropriates their pleasures to itself.

The fact that the sense of touch is dedicated to conjugial love and is special to it is apparent from its every sport, and from the exaltation of its subtle sensations to the most highly exquisite. But to extend this discussion further is left to lovers.

Love in Marriage #210 (Gladish (1992))

210. 1. Married love's particular sense is the sense of touch. Every love has its sense. Love of seeing from a love of understanding has the sense of sight, and its pleasures are symmetry and beauty.

Love of hearing due to a love of paying attention and obeying has the sense of hearing, and its pleasures are harmony. Love of recognizing things wafting around in the air, from a love of noticing things, has the sense of smell, and its pleasures are fragrances. Love of nourishing yourself due to love for absorbing good and true things has the sense of taste, and its pleasures are fine foods. Love of knowing objects due to love for exploring and self - protection has the sense of touch, and its pleasures are things that feel good.

The reason why love of joining yourself with a companion out of love for uniting good and truth has the sense of touch is that this sense participates in all the senses, and so it draws tribute from them. It is a well - known fact that this love carries all the senses mentioned above along with it and attaches to itself their pleasures.

We can see that the sense of touch belongs to married love and is intrinsic in it, due to its extraordinary and exquisite intensity whenever it comes into play. But I will leave it to lovers to explain this further.

Conjugial Love #210 (Acton (1953))

210. I. THAT THE SENSE PROPER TO CONJUGIAL LOVE IS THE SENSE OF TOUCH. Every love has its own sense. The love of seeing from the love of understanding has the sense of sight, the pleasures whereof are symmetry and beauty. The love of hearing from the love of hearkening and obeying has the sense of hearing, the pleasures whereof are harmonies. The love of learning what things float about in the air, from the love of perceiving, has the sense of smell, the pleasures whereof are fragrant odors. The love of nourishing one's self from the love of imbuing one's self with goods and truths, has the sense of taste, the delights whereof are delicious foods. The love of recognizing objects, from the love of being circumspect and defending one's self, has the sense of touch, the pleasures whereof are titillations. That the love of conjoining one's self with one's consort, from the love of uniting good and truth, has the sense of touch is because that sense is common to all the senses and hence takes tribute from all. That this love brings all the above-mentioned senses into communion with itself and appropriates to itself their pleasures, is well known. That the sense of touch is dedicated to conjugial love and is the sense proper thereto, is evident from its every sport and from the exaltation of its refinements to the supremely exquisite. But the further pursuit of this subject is left to lovers.

Conjugial Love #210 (Wunsch (1937))

210. (i) The sense of touch is the especial sense of marital love. Every love has a sense of its own. The love of seeing from a love of comprehending has the sense of sight, and its pleasures are symmetries and beauties; the love of hearing from a love of attending and hearkening has the sense of hearing, and its pleasures are harmonies; the love of knowing what drifts about in the air from a love of perceiving has the sense of smell, and its pleasures are fragrances; the love of nourishing oneself from a love of imbuing oneself with goods and truths has the sense of taste, and its joys are delicacies; the love of knowing objects from a love of observing and taking care has the sense of touch, and its pleasures are sensitive contacts. The love of uniting oneself with a mate, from a love of uniting good and truth, also has the sense of touch. For this sense is common to all the senses and hence levies on them all; and this love, as is known, sweeps all the senses mentioned above into communion with it and appropriates their enjoyments to itself. The fact that the sense of touch has been dedicated to marital love and is its very own, is plain from its every playfulness, and from the intensification of its subtleties to the height of exquisiteness; but we leave it to lovers to pursue the subject.

Conjugial Love #210 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

210. (1) That the sense proper to conjugial love is the sense of touch. Every love has its sense. The love of seeing, from the love of understanding, has the sense of sight, and its pleasures are symmetry and beauty; the love of hearing, from the love of hearkening and obedience, has the sense of hearing, and its pleasures are harmonies; the love of knowing the things that float about in the air, from the love of perceiving, has the sense of smell, and its pleasures are fragrances; the love of nourishing one's self, from the love of imbuing one's self with goods and truths, has the sense of taste, and its delights are dainties; the love of knowing objects, from the love of looking about and of self-defense, has the sense of touch and its pleasures are titillations.

The reason why the love of conjoining one's self with one's partner, from the love of uniting good and truth, has the sense of touch, is that this sense is common to all the senses, and thence takes tribute from them all. That this love draws all the above mentioned senses into communion with itself, and appropriates to itself their pleasures is well known. That the sense of touch is appropriated to conjugial love and is its own sense, is plain from its every sport, and from the exaltation of its subtleties to the supremest exquisiteness. But to pursue this farther is left to lovers.

De Amore Conjugiali #210 (original Latin (1768))

210. I. Quod proprius Sensus amoris conjugialis sit sensus Tactus. Sunt cuivis amori suus sensus; Amori videndi ex amore intelligendi, est sensus visus, et hujus amaenitates sunt symmetriae et pulchritudines; Amori audiendi ex amore auscultandi et obediendi, est sensus auditus, et hujus amaenitates sunt harmoniae; Amori cognoscendi illa quae circumfluunt in aere ex amore percipiendi, est sensus olfactus, et hujus amaenitates sunt fragrantiae; Amori se nutriendi ex amore imbuendi se bonis et veris, est sensus gustus, et hujus jucunditates sunt lautitiae; Amori cognoscendi objecta, ex amore circumspiciendi et tutandi se, est sensus tactus, et hujus amaenitates sunt titillationes: quod Amori conjungendi se cum compari, ex amore uniendi bonum et verum, sit Sensus tactus, est quia ille Sensus est communis omnium sensuum, et inde ex illis trahit spartas; quod hic amor in communionem secum ferat omnes supradictos sensus, et amaenitates illorum sibi addicet, notum est. Quod Sensus tactus addicatus sit Amori conjugiali, et quod sit hujus proprius, patet ex omni ludo ejus, et ab exaltatione subtilitatum ejus ad summe exquisitum: sed haec amplius deducere, relinquitur amatoribus.

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