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《婚姻之爱》 第211节







  因此 ,天使根据其智慧而拥有婚姻之爱,并且在其智慧增加时,这种爱和快乐也增加。因此来自于天使的婚姻的精神上的后代就是从父亲来的与智慧有关的事物,从母亲来的与爱有关的事物。他们以特有的情感爱着这些精神的后代,这种特殊的爱与婚姻之爱相连并不断地增强婚姻之爱,使得夫妻双方相结合。

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Conjugial Love #211 (Chadwick (1996))

211. (ii) In the case of those who enjoy truly conjugial love the ability to be wise increases, but in the case of those who do not, it decreases.

The reason why in the case of those who enjoy truly conjugial love the ability to be wise increases, is that married couples get this love from wisdom and in proportion to it. This was fully shown by argument in the preceding chapters. It is also because the sense of touch belongs particularly to this love in partnership with all the other senses, and is full of delights. Consequently it opens up the inner levels of the mind as it opens up the inner levels of the senses, and together with them all the organs of the body. It follows from this that those who enjoy this love have nothing they prefer to being wise. For a person is wise to the extent that the inner levels of his mind are opened up. This opening raises the thoughts of the intellect into a higher degree of light, and the affections of the will into a higher degree of heat; and the higher degree of light is wisdom, that of heat is the love of wisdom. Those who enjoy truly conjugial love have spiritual delights combined with natural ones; and it is these which make being wise loveable and so give them the ability to be wise.

This is how it is that angels possess conjugial love in proportion to their wisdom, and that love and its delights increase in keeping with the increase in their wisdom. The spiritual offspring born of their marriages are the products of the father's wisdom and the mother's love; they love their offspring with spiritual parental love. This love is added to their conjugial love and continually raises it and links the parents together.

Conjugial Love #211 (Rogers (1995))

211. 2. In the case of people who are in a state of truly conjugial love, their capacity for growing wise increases, but with those who are not in a state of conjugial love, it decreases. A capacity for growing wise increases with those who are in a state of truly conjugial love, because it is as a result of wisdom and in accordance with it that this love exists in married couples, as we have shown and fully demonstrated in preceding chapters. It also increases because the special sense of this love is the sense of touch, and since this sense has something in common with all the senses, and is moreover full of delights, it therefore opens the inner perceptions of their minds as it opens the inner perceptions of their senses and together with these the organic substances of the whole body.

It follows from this that people who are possessed of this love love nothing better than to become wise. For a person becomes wise as the inner perceptions of his mind are opened, because by their opening the thoughts of his understanding are raised into a higher light and the affections of his will into a higher warmth - the higher light being wisdom, and the higher warmth a love for wisdom. Spiritual delights joined to natural delights - as is the case in people in a state of truly conjugial love - bring about an amenability to and therefore a capacity for becoming wise.

Because of this, angels possess conjugial love in accordance with their wisdom, and increases in that love and its accompanying delights come about as a result of increases in their wisdom. Because of this, too, the spiritual offspring which are born of their marriages are, from the father, such things as have to with wisdom, and, from the mother, such things as have to do with love; and they love these offspring with a spiritual storge 1(the natural affection of parents for their offspring). This latter love attaches itself to their conjugial love and continually elevates it, and at the same time unites the partners.


1. From the Greek storg, pronounced stor'gee (like psyche), in use in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries to mean natural or instinctive affection, usually that of parents for their offspring, but no longer current.

Love in Marriage #211 (Gladish (1992))

211. 2. The ability to be wise grows in people who have real married love, but for those who do not have real married love it shrinks. The reason the ability to be wise increases for people who have real married love is that married partners have this love on account of, and in keeping with, wisdom, as many demonstrations in earlier passages have shown. Then, too, the sense that belongs to this love is touch, which is common to all the senses and also full of delights, so it opens the inner reaches of the mind as it opens the inner reaches of the senses and with them the organs of the whole body. This means that people involved in this love love nothing more than being perceptive, since people are perceptive to the extent that the more inward reaches of their minds are open. This opening, in fact, lets intellectual thoughts rise into a higher light and voluntary responses rise into a higher warmth. The higher light is wisdom, and the higher warmth is a love for wisdom. The spiritual joys that people with real married love have, united with earthly joys, make for a pleasantness that in turn brings an ability to be wise.

This is why angels have married love in keeping with their wisdom, and it is why this love, with its joy, increases in keeping with the growth of their wisdom. It is also why the spiritual offspring that are born from their marriages are qualities of wisdom, from the father, and qualities of love, from the mother. Angels love these offspring with a spiritual parental love. This love joins itself to their married love and keeps raising it higher, and it unites the partners.

Conjugial Love #211 (Acton (1953))

211. II. THAT WITH THOSE WHO ARE IN LOVE TRULY CONJUGIAL, THE FACULTY OF BECOMING WISE INCREASES, BUT WITH THOSE WHO ARE NOT IN CONJUGIAL LOVE IT DECREASES. That the faculty of becoming wise increases with those who are in love truly conjugial is because with married partners, as shown with abundant reasons in the preceding chapters, this love is from wisdom and according to it. Moreover, because the sense belonging to this love is touch, and because this is common to all the senses and is also full of delights, therefore it opens the interiors of the mind just as it opens the interiors of the senses, and with them the organic parts of the whole body. Hence it follows that those who are in this love, love nothing more than to become wise; for a man becomes wise in proportion as the interiors of his mind are opened, since by this opening, the thoughts of his understanding are elevated into superior light and the affections of his will into superior heat; and superior light is wisdom, and superior heat is the love thereof. The spiritual delights conjoined with natural delights, which those have who are in love truly conjugial, make it pleasant to become wise and hence give the ability so to become. Hence it is, that angels have conjugial love according to their wisdom; and that the increments of that love and at the same time of its delights, are according to the increments of wisdom; also, that the spiritual offspring which are born of their marriages are such things as pertain to the wisdom from the father and the love from the mother. These they love from a spiritual love of offspring, and this love adds itself to their conjugial love, continually elevating it and conjoining the partners.

Conjugial Love #211 (Wunsch (1937))

211. (ii) The faculty of growing wise increases with those in true marital love, but decreases with those who are not in marital love. One reason why the faculty of growing wise increases with those in true marital love is that this love exists with partners from and according to wisdom, as has been amply demonstrated in preceding chapters. A second reason is that this love has for its especial sense the touch, common to all the senses and replete with delight, and therefore opens the interiors of the mind as well as the interiors of the senses and therewith the organic things of the whole body. Those who are in this love, therefore, love nothing more than to grow wise; for the human being is wise as his mind's interiors are opened. As these are opened, the thoughts of the understanding are raised into higher light, and the affections of the will into higher heat, the higher light being wisdom, and the higher heat being the love of wisdom. Spiritual delights united with natural, as they are in partners in true marital love, bring lovingness and therefore the faculty of growing wise. Hence angels have marital love according to wisdom, and the love and with it its delights increase as wisdom does; hence, too, the spiritual offspring, born of their marriages, are such things as are of wisdom from the father and of love from the mother, which they also love from spiritual storge. This last love supplements and continually elevates their marital love, and helps to unite the two partners.

Conjugial Love #211 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

211. (2) That with those who are in love truly conjugial, the faculty of becoming wise increases; but with those who are not in conjugial love it decreases. The faculty of becoming wise increases with those who are in love truly conjugial because this love between married partners is from wisdom and according to it, as has been shown with abundant reasons in the preceding chapters. And because the sense of this love is touch, and this is common to all the senses, and is also full of delights, therefore, it opens the interiors of the minds as it opens the interiors of the senses, and with them the organic forms of the whole body. Hence it follows that they who are in this love like nothing more than to become wise. For a man is wise in proportion as the interiors of his mind are opened; because by this opening the thoughts of the understanding are elevated into superior light and the affections of the will into superior heat, and superior light is wisdom, and superior heat is the love of it. The spiritual delights conjoined with the natural delights, that they have who are in love truly conjugial, cause amiability, and thence the faculty of growing wise. Hence it is that with angels conjugial love is according to their wisdom; and the increments of that love and at the same time of its delights are according to the increments of wisdom; and that the spiritual offspring that are born of their marriages are such things as are of wisdom from the father, and such things as are of love from the mother, which they love from spiritual parental affection - a love which adds itself to their conjugial love, and continually elevates it and conjoins them.

De Amore Conjugiali #211 (original Latin (1768))

211. II: Quod apud illos, qui in Amore vere conjugiali sunt, crescat facultas sapiendi; sed quod haec apud illos, qui non in amore conjugiali sunt, decrescat. Quod facultas sapiendi apud illos, qui in Amore vere conjugiali sunt, crescat, est quia hic Amor ex sapientia, et secundum illam, est apud conjuges, ut in Transactionibus, quae praecedunt, plenis argumentis ostensum est; tum quia illius amoris sensus est tactus, et hic communis est omnibus sensibus, et quoque plenus delitiis, inde ille aperit interiora mentium, sicut aperit interiora sensuum, et cum illis organica totius corporis: exinde sequitur, quod illi qui in amore illo sunt, nihil potius ament, quam sapere; nam homo sapit, quantum interiora mentis ejus aperiuntur; per aperitionem enim elevantur cogitationes intellectus in superiorem lucem, et affectiones voluntatis in superiorem calorem, et superior lux est sapientia, et superior calor est amor ejus; delitiae spirituales conjunctae delitiis naturalibus, quae sunt illis, qui in Amore vere conjugiali sunt, faciunt amabilitatem, et inde facultatem sapiendi. Inde est, quod Angelis sit Amor conjugialis secundum sapientiam, ac amoris illius et simul delitiarum ejus incrementa secundum sapientiae incrementa; et quod proles spirituales, quae ex conjugiis illorum nascuntur, sint talia quae sapientiae sunt ex patre, et quae amoris sunt ex matre, quas amant ex spirituali storge; qui amor se addit amori conjugiali illorum, et continue elevat illum, et conjungit illos.

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